When Ye Hao came back, she actually found that Murong Chan talked with Lu Xiang. They had already eaten their faces. Lu Xiangzhi did not know what to say to Murong Cham. The two people seemed to get along very well. She had been worried about Lu Xiang’s meeting. I don't know how to get along with Murong Zhan.

"What are you talking about?" Ye Hao went in and asked with a smile.

Lu Xiangzhi stopped to speak. "Wang Ye is asking me about other places. I am telling Wang Ye about the disasters everywhere."

Ye Hao looked at Murong Zhan, it turned out to be like this. He thought that he suddenly turned to **** and could talk to others. "Is the rainstorm in other places serious?"

"The earthquake in the Yuan Dynasty affected Bohai City. The emperor had already let Wang Qu go to Bohai City for rescue. After this, I should go there." Lu Xiangzhi said.

"Mingxi they are in Bohai City." Ye Hao said, "If you meet them, stare at them and don't mess around."

Lu Xiangzhi suddenly, "How did Mingxi go to Bohai City, did not come with you?"

He also thought that Ming Xi is also here, just want to ask how he has not seen the nephew until now.

"He said that he wanted to take his children to Tianjin City. He didn't expect to encounter an earthquake." Ye Hao said, "Don't worry about them, others can't bully him."

"The earthquake there!" Lu Xiangzhi stood up, Ming Xi was only a few years old, their parents' heart is really big, actually let him go to Bohai City with two other children.

Ye stunned his eyebrows. "Brother, you really don't have to worry about Ming Xi, he is good."

"You..." Lu Xiangzhi thought as a child to teach his sister a few words, and suddenly remembered that Murong Chan was next to him. He hurriedly held the words that rushed to the tip of his tongue. "I hope so."

"Ming Xi will take care of himself." Murong Zhan rarely said something.

Lu Xiangzhi smiled awkwardly. Even Qin Wang was so relieved of his son that he still had anything to worry about.

"Is the earthquake in the Yuan Dynasty serious?" Ye Hao asked, such a disaster occurred when the water was just ascended into the throne. If it is not handled well, it will really affect the water.

"Lianhai Haicheng has suffered hundreds of deaths and injuries. The earthquake in the Yuan Dynasty is even worse. I am afraid that the casualties will be greater." Lu Xiangzhi said.

Ye Hao’s eyes flashed a bit of worry. “The natural disasters cannot be avoided. If the rescue after the disaster is a little careless, the plague will be triggered. The plague is the most terrible.”

"You don't have to worry about water. If he doesn't do well, prove that he is not suitable to become the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty." Lu Xiangzhi said that for the natural disasters in the Yuan Dynasty, he felt that he was dissatisfied with the water. The country is being hurt.

"Is there any wind in Kyoto?" Ye Hao looked at Lu Xiang and knew that he did not approve of her saying that she would hand over the Yuan to the water.

Lu Xiangzhi said, "If they are under the disaster today, what else can they say?"

Ye Hao gently decapitated, she was worried that some people used this as an excuse to spread rumors everywhere.

"I have seen my third brother." Lu Xiangzhi coughed. "When his injury is better, I will pick him up again."

"Do you want to take him back to Kyoto?" Ye Haoxiu slightly picks, is Lu Tingzhi willing to go back?

Lu Xiangzhi said, "The last time he didn't even say goodbye, he left his mother quietly and quietly in Kyoto City. Because of this sadness for a long time, I always felt that I was too big to know that Lu Tingzhi was doing well."

Ye Hao remembered that Lu Shiming had always been worried about Lu Yizhi’s affairs. He felt that he did not teach the son of the deceased brother. “Forget it, then bring it back.”

"When he is hurt, he will go to the Yuan Dynasty." Lu Xiang said in a low voice.

"He promised?"

Lu Xiangzhi nodded, "Yes."

Ye Hao smiled slightly. "That's good."

"I have to go to the riverside. After two days, the city is packed up. You will go back. Now the whole side is flooded. The water has not completely retreated. There are wet mud everywhere. You have no place to go back." Lu Xiangzhi said.

"The epidemic here is still not stable, and I can't leave. If there is an outbreak in other places, let me tell you as soon as possible." Ye Hao said.

Lu Xiang’s frown said, “I know that your medical skills are good, but you have to take care of yourself. Don’t just care for others and get yourself tired.”

"This is nothing." Ye Yan said with a smile.

"Looking back to my mother, you dare not say such a thing." Lu Xiang's eyes looked at Murong Zhan, whispered.

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "I will definitely pay attention to rest."

Lu Xiangzhi left Murong Zhan after a ceremony.

"I don't know what Mingxi is like." Ye Hao sat next to Murong Zhan. "I hope that the epidemic here will end soon. Let's go to Mingxi."

"They won't have anything." Murong Zhan said that he is still very confident about Mingxi.

Ye Hao took two medicinal herbs to pay for Murong Zhan. "You said that if there is a new gap, will they come to the mainland? If they come, can you know?"

"It's hard to find, unless it's God." Murong Chan said helplessly.

"Where did God go in the end, and it was not good to look at his subordinates, how could there be a new gap? If they really came over, they still didn't know what it would be like." She is faintly uneasy, and Van Gogh wants to get the news of the dragons. The children have already shown their true body in the mainland of God. Fan Luo will definitely know, and he may come to find a child.

Mo Rongzhan said, "If God is really doing something, the nine-day **** will not sit idly by, and the rules are not so easy to escape."

"I will go outside and see if you take the medicine and take a rest." Ye Hao said.

"Good." Murong Chan said, "I will also go and see..."

Ye Hao frowned and looked back at him. "Your injury is better, you don't want to go."

"I went to see the cracks behind the clouds. If there are new gaps, I might be able to detect them." Murong Chan said helplessly. "Aura is sucked away. It should be a gap in the aura, if you can know where the aura disappears." Maybe you know where the new gap is."

"But you haven't recovered your spiritual power..." Ye Hao said worriedly. "It will be a few more days."

Murong Zhan whispered, "I don't do anything else, just go and see."

"Then I will go with you." Ye Hao said, she is still not at ease.

"Hey, I am not so fragile." Murong Zhan sighed in his heart. He dared not say that he had suffered more serious injuries in Xuantian mainland. The sea was almost broken. He bowed his lips and kissed her lips. "Don't worry."

Ye took his strong waist. "Then you be careful."

"Yes, ma'am." Murong Zhan floated his eyes, as if there were stars flashing.

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