Bohai City, after the earthquake, although not the entire city has become a ruin, but many houses have collapsed, and it is an accident in the middle of the night. Many people are sleeping, the roof collapses directly, and people who are crushed in the ruins Quite a lot, even if you survived, it is not a broken arm or a broken bone. The Bohai City, which was still bustling in the early days, has now been immersed in huge panic and sorrow.

The military doctors in General Wang Qu brought in. After three days, the people who could be rescued have been pulled out of the ruins. When everyone was exhausted, the food sent by the court to the disaster relief was also arrived.

Mingxi didn't close their eyes for three days, and they couldn't take care of the body. They were sleeping on the couch with the three people on the couch.

Xu Jinbei didn't have three of them. He couldn't support it two days ago. He was forced to rest by Mingxi. He rested for a day. Now he has raised his spirit and looked at the sleeping Mingxi. Juvenile young, no matter whether it is before or now, what Mingxi sees is a strong and tenacious momentum.

Perhaps this is the difference. Mingxi is the son of Murong Zhan and Lu Hao, so good parents, how can their sons be worse?

"I finally slept." Wang Qu walked in from the outside and saw that Ming Xi was asleep, and he was relieved.

These days, seeing Ming Xi with two other children to help save people, his heart is both moved and distressed, this is the son of Qin Wang, the former Prince of the Royal Highness, but now he is able to desperately save those unrelated people, and the former emperor The same is true for those who care about the world, how can they not regret the loss of the throne.

"General Wang, let's go out." Xu Jinbei whispered, let Ming Xi sleep well.

"I heard that the yard in the Shen family is not damaged. I can save a lot of people when I clean up. I am going to talk to Shen Yuexuan. You will go with me." Wang Qu said to Xu Jinbei.

Shen Yuexuan? He still doesn't know what tricks he is plotting! Xu Jinbei hesitated for a moment. In the end, he did not tell Wang Qu what he said that night. "Good."

Shen Jia’s under the auspices of Shen Yuexuan did not fall into chaos because of this incident.

The collapse of Bohai City is mostly the bungalows of the people. The damage to the Shen family and other big houses is not big. However, Miss Shen Jia lost a leg in the earthquake. It almost died, or the doctor used every method. Retained his life.

"Master, the big girl woke up, crying to see you, the slave can't hold her." There was a white face to look for Shen Yuexuan.

"You go first, I will go in a minute." Shen Yuexuan calmed his face and sent the ring away.

He is discussing with his heart about how to deal with the earthquake in Bohai City.

"Although it is a natural disaster, it may not be an opportunity for Shen." A middle-aged man whispered.

"How is it an opportunity? It’s not easy to get so many people to become a guest. Now an earthquake, they can survive a few people do not know." Shen Yuexuan said with a calm face.

"Master, you want to go left, the world can not only be a hundred people, now is a good opportunity for the old man to buy people's hearts, the natural disaster is not able to control, and now those who can be killed in Bohai City, if Shen Jia ignores If you don’t hesitate, you will only teach people to be chilling. If the lord can help those who have been killed at this time, I am sure that everyone in the world knows that you are a generous person. When the disaster has passed, He Wei has no visitors. Come to vote." The middle-aged man said.

Shen Yuexuan carefully thought about the aides, "Mr. He said that it makes sense. If he does this, will it be too deliberate."

"That depends on the extent to which the lord can do it. If the disaster happened today, the emperor did not cancel the showgirl next spring. If you can earn a reputation here, it will be beneficial for the girl to enter the palace in the future." Said the voice.

“How to earn a reputation?” Shen Yuexuan blinked slightly. He and Fujisawa’s plan did not seem to be known to many people. In front of him, this Mr. He is only the confidant he used to cover the door, and he did not know his biggest plan.

Mr. He said, "Shenjia is the richest man in Bohai City. The imperial court has allocated food for disaster relief. However, if the Shen family opened the warehouse at this time and gave the people of Bohai City convenience, these are all Although the measures that are good for the future in the future, although it is the loss of some property, but the future return is only more than that."

“Opening the warehouse and smashing food?” Shen Yuexuan’s heart moved. Shen’s granary was set outside the city. The earthquake was not damaged. Even if he took half of the food and gave it to the people, it’s more than enough. It can make Shen’s family have a reputation of being kind and good in the world. In the future, her daughter will enter the palace and show her face in front of the emperor. "Mr. He is right, this thing will be done according to what you said."

Mr. He is coveted.

At this time, Yanhuan rushed to report, saying that the big girl was looking for a living in the house, and even the medicine did not drink.

"Master, you should go to appease the big girl first. I will first take people to find those doormen. It is important to take them all to Shen Jia to heal them." Mr. He said.

"Go." Shen Yuexuan beheaded, thinking of Shen Zhu in the backyard, his eyebrows wrinkled and strode to the backyard.

I haven't walked to the yard of Shen Zhu. I have heard the cry of death that comes to life.

"Go away, I don't want to live. Why do you want to save me, why don't you let me die!" Shen Zhu dragged a leg and couldn't stand up even. She couldn't believe that she became like this overnight. This is more sad than death.

Shen Yuexuan pushed open the door and went in, looking at the sinking beads on the ground. "You can survive if you are alive, what are you crying?"

"What do I mean by living like this, people are not like people, ghosts are not like ghosts, it is better to let me die." Shen Zhu shouted.

"Who made you go out in the middle of the night?" Shen Yuexuan said coldly, "You can blame yourself."

Shen Zhu cried and said, "I don't blame anyone. I shouldn't sneak out. You let me die. I will be quiet when I die..."

She shouldn't have thought of it, thinking that she could go to see him, and she hadn't seen it until she saw it. She had already been crushed by a wall that had fallen down.

"You are going to die, I am not stopping you." Shen Yuexuan said with a cold face. "Other people lose their legs and work hard. You just lose one leg, at least you still have to go. You should go and see how many people are better than you." Not as good as it is."

"I am like this... how to be a man in the future." Shen Zhu cried.

Shen Yuexuan looked at the prostitute and slowed down the voice. "Life is yours, how to behave is because of you, not others."

"What can I do..." Shen Zhu’s face turned white and burst into tears, but he still had no more life to die.

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