Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 205: Will not hurt you

If it was before, Murong Cham would answer without hesitation, he would marry the little girl, would like to seal her as a queen, give her the honor and favor of the world, and now look at Lu Hao, he actually hesitated.

"When you thought that Lu Shuanger was the little girl, why didn't she make her a queen?" Ye Hao asked again. She knew that she was so aggressive and even asked many questions, but she couldn't help but ask. It is.

These are all she has asked innumerable times in her heart. Since this time she has the opportunity to ask, she naturally does not want to miss it.

"He never thought about setting up a pair of queens as a queen." Murong Zhan whispered that even when he thought she was his little girl, there was no such thought, and there was a thought in his heart that always felt his The queen should not be her.

Ye Hao smiled at him. "So, how would you treat the little girl who had saved you? If you find that she is not what you think, will you still treat her as always?"

"I found her, I will have a decision." Murong Zhan said that with Lu Shuanger's foresight, he will not rush to decide.

Ye Hao smiled a little and no longer asked him any more questions. Anyway, her words can only be stopped. He will not doubt Lu Yizhi, it still depends on his own ideas.

"You care about how to treat that little girl?" Murong Zhan looked at Ye Hao with a smile. He felt that her tone was a bit strange today. Is it jealous?

"That is natural. If the little girl appeared, then it is not proof that the noble lady is completely out of favor, and even even tired of Lujia." Ye Hao said faintly.

Murong Zhan whispered, "No matter what happens in the future, you will not be tired of you."

"I don't care what I mean, there is the old lady, I am jealous and my mother..." Ye Hao is not so great to save the entire Lu family, she just wants to reward those who are good to her.

Especially Lu Shiming, without them, how can her sister have a happy and happy life?

"Greed!" Murong Zhan laughed, but there was a cold flash in the middle.

Today’s words reminded him. He has never doubted that other people will hide him. Lu Shuanger will get jade, and will slay such a big lie. Someone is helping her behind her. Who is that person?

Lu Yizhi?

The only doubt that Murong Chong only has is him. Besides him, who else can Lujia do? If it is Lu Yizhi, then it is even harder for him to find his embarrassment, maybe... she is no longer in this world.

"I solved it!" Ye Hao suddenly cried and pointed at the chess board. "I saw no, I solved it."

Her silver bell-like laughter sounded, her voice was full of joy, and it was particularly crisp and nice in this hall. Murong Zhan smiled and looked at her, and her heart's haze suddenly dissipated, as if there was a warm current, and the mood was pleasant.

“A step back?” Murong Chong looked at her chess path, some strange.

Ye Xiao smiled. "Since there is no way to go, then it will be dead and then born. Take a step back and break your left arm and right arm. Instead, you will kill a **** road."

Murong Zhan nodded. "Yes, I didn't think of such a method at the time."

"I don't care, you said that I will let me go to the library when I unlock the game." Because of the excitement, Ye Hao forgot that he was Murong Zhan, but he showed the charm of a little girl.

"I didn't say you wouldn't let you go. It's already dark, and go tomorrow." Murong Zhan said with a smile.

Ye Hao said, "I have to see enough this time before I come out."

"Only one day." Murong Zhan raised his eyebrows and did not seduce her with the library tower. Where would she be willing to play chess with herself.

"You just said that I only gave me one day, of course, I saw enough." Ye Yan said with a smile.

Murong Zhan chuckled and said, "Small girl, don't play tricks."

Ye glanced at him. "When did I lie, you just said that I would let me go to the library when I opened the game, but I didn't say let me go in for a few days."

"I can only watch one day at a time, staying inside all day, not a nerd." Murong Zhan said.

"One day is one day!" Better than nothing. "Emperor brother, I will go back to Cining Palace. I will go to the library with you tomorrow."

Murong Chan stood up and said, "Hey, please go to the Queen Mother, please go."

Ye Hao smiled and smiled at him. "Emperor brother, you want to visit Xu Xianyu."

Today I know that he did not intend to forget the nickname he had told him. Ye Hao felt that it was justifiable, but this does not mean that she can relieve it.

She still can't forget the pain of poisoning the poisoned wine. It hurts better than the body.

"Don't talk nonsense." said Murong Cham.

Ye slammed his mouth and walked out of the dry palace.

The entire palace is already brightly lit. However, this is different from the previous court. When the emperor was there, the harem never lacked the laughter of drinking and drinking. The sound of the singing voice was extravagant and prosperous, and it was very different from the quietness of today.

I have to admit that Murong Zhan is really a good emperor. Even if he is stable in the world, there is still no change in his life. He is a person who likes to be quiet.

Ford took the palace girl in front and held the peony lantern in his hand. When passing through the Imperial Garden, the lights on the roadside were a little dim. He looked back and saw the two people walking side by side, indicating the two ladies holding the lamp. Two steps faster.

Ye Hao has been walking with her head down. She doesn't want to walk side by side with Murong Chan, but whether she walks fast or slow, he keeps on her side.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed, she couldn't see the road ahead, and she could only walk more cautiously.

After the last time, Mo Rongzhan’s eyes continued to shed tears, and there was no problem that would have been stabbed before. The things in the night were clearer. His eyes were always on her, watching her walk slowly and look at her. All kinds of rich and lovely expressions on the beautiful face of Xiu Yan, seeing his heart soft to drip out of water.

"Ah!" Ye Hao stepped on a stone and almost fell down.

Murong Chong had already licked her waist when she exclaimed. She did not let her fall to the ground. His thin lips were almost on her ears. "Be careful, don't you walk?"

"How do you see such a dark road?" Ye Hao said with a sigh of relief, pushing his shoulders hard, "Let me go!"

Murong Zhan tightened his strength and looked at her with a low smoldering look. He wanted to kiss her.

Ye Hao looked up and saw his eyes, and he was shocked. "Emperor!"

"Oh..." Murong shouted her voice and wanted to join her earlobe.

"Emperor! I am your emperor!" Ye Hao cried, she thought that he had no such thoughts for her!

Ink darkness and sorrow, then smiled low, "Is it scared?"

Ye Hao pushed him away and strode away.

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