Ye Hao went to Cining Palace and accompanied the Queen Mother. When Murong Chan came in, she didn't even want to see him. She wouldn't play chess with him anyway. She thought he had already made her a emperor. Now, it seems that this **** is still the same as before, it is uneasy.

Murong Zhan knew that she was angry. She did not stay in the Cining Palace for too long. She would leave after the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother would marry him before he left. He would go to Xu Xianzhen.

He promised to look at Ye Hao without leaving any traces. Seeing that she was only looking down, she didn't look at him, and her heart was slightly bitter.

When Murong Zhan left, the Queen Mother asked Ye Hao, "Hey, what happened to you and the emperor? Is it what he did to make you unhappy?"

The Queen Mother knows what the Emperor had thought about Ye Hao. She also thought about trying not to let them be alone. After all, Lu Hao is now a princess, but she can’t do it too much, so it’s more irritating. doubt.

Today, I heard that when they played chess, she still felt gratified that the emperor finally let go. Now, looking at the expression of sly, it seems that something has happened.

Ye Hao naturally knows that she can't tell the real reason to the Queen Mother. Between her and Murong Cham, the first place in the day is definitely him. She predestinedly leaned toward the Queen Mother. "After the mother, the emperor is too bad. I don't want to care about him in the future."

"What happened to him?" The Queen Mother had a meal and looked at her, as if she didn't think it was.

Ye Hao said, "Today, he told me that as soon as I solved the endgame, I was asked to go to the library. I solved the endgame. The emperor said that I only let me go to see the book of the day. After the mother, he did not tell me at the beginning. one day."

The Queen Mother heard a word and immediately laughed. "When he played chess with you last time, didn't he say one day?"

"The last time it was last time, I didn't say it today." Ye Hao said arrogantly. "I won't play chess with him in the future. He is swearing."

"The sorrowful family is your little bad guy. Do you want to read a few days of books inside? Don't look at people stupid, next time you go to see it." It turned out that it was just awkward with the emperor, not Because the emperor did something to her, she was relieved.

Ye Xin thought that she didn't want to play chess with Murong Zhan anyway, and probably didn't have the chance to go to the library. "How can you help the emperor after the mother?"

The Queen Mother smiled at her head. "The House of Friends is for you!"

After accompanying the Queen Mother, he smiled for a while, and after eating the Huajiao soup made by the Queen Mother, Ye Hao finally returned to the house to rest.

Recalling that Mo Rongzhan had just looked at her eyes, Ye Hao was afraid in a moment, how did it take a few days, she actually forgot how dangerous he was.

Ye Hao was lying on the bed, thinking that when she could not retaliate, she would have to grow up at least in Murong, then she should teach Murong how to draw people from now on, how to make the capital The family members are loyal to him. Murong Zhan has a group of right-handed arms that accompany him to fight Jiangshan. That ink-filled scorpion also needs a group of loyal and reliable supporters.

I also want to teach how Murong will govern the country. Now, Murong Zhan will definitely not ask the teacher to teach him these things. She wants to teach him, and she has to leave no traces so as not to be discovered.

However, this is the best way for her to hate. She does not want Jin Guo people to be ruled by the faint king, and does not want to see the appearance of Murong Zhan on the high. Only support Murong, let Murong Zhan taste the pain of being betrayed. Then she can let go and leave.

Of course, the premise has to make Lu Xizhi's brother and sister also get retribution.

Ye Hao imagined the future, the corner of his mouth smirked, and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When Murong Chan was at night, she appeared again next to her bed and kissed her in her arms for a while before she let her go.

The emperor... Ink has never felt that these two words sound so harsh.

"Oh, what you want is your heart, so I am willing to give you time." Murong Zhan said in her ear, including sealing her as a princess, but also to reduce her heart.

Ye Hao was so sweet and sleepy that he did not hear the whispers of Mo Rongzhan.

Murong Zhan took her lips and sucked for a while, and took a nap around her, knowing that there were three more voices coming from outside, and he reluctantly got up.

Back to the dry palace, Ford held the trousers that Murong Zhan had just replaced, and felt the wet feeling of the crotch, and could not help but feel more sympathy for the emperor.

Can only see what can't be eaten...

Murong Zhan washed a cold water bath, covered in a refreshing body, and often leaned against a chair in the Taishi chair. He did not know when he came, and he was already in front of him.

"Seeing the emperor in his servant position." Shen Qiu bowed.

"Get up." Murong Zhan raised his hand, "but what news?"

The sullen face was difficult to say, whispered, "Imperial, subordinates or ... can not find, can only collect the names of the girls who appeared in the Bai Garden in the past, please look over."

Murong Zhan glanced at it and did not find his familiar name.

Shen Xiao whispered, "Qin Wang Hao also went there, the cloth of the purse, only the Ye family..."

"It is impossible to be Ye Hao!" Murong Zhan’s voice was slightly coldly denied. It was Ye’s people who framed him. How could Ye Hao save him, the purse would not be her, let alone, she never heard of Ye Hao. There is a nickname called 夭夭.

Since the emperor said no, it is definitely not.

"Check these people one by one, even in the ends of the earth, you must find out a drop of water." Murong Zhan said coldly.

"Yes, the emperor." Shen can only whisper.

"And..." Murong Zhanjun's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. "Lu Pei's jade may not have been obtained by herself. It should have been handed over to her. I have to check Lu Yuzhi. He may know where he is. ”

Check out Lu's? The difference was a bit strange, and looked up at the emperor, "Yes."

If Lu Yizhi is helping Lu Jie in the back, then Lu Shuanger has been so successful in these years that he has been explained.

However, Murong Zhan still does not want this matter to have a relationship with Lu Yi.

Shen Shen led to leave, those girls who went to Bai Garden in the past did not have hundreds or dozens. At that time, the female students of the college went there. It is not easy to find them. Some people have left Kyoto with their families.

As for the investigation of Lu Lu... Shen Shen feels that this is even more difficult. Lu Yizhi is not as gentle and harmless as it was on the surface. After the emperor had not yet enthroned, he had seen his sternness and strategy.

If Lu Guizhen is really related to Lu Yi, then Shen Shen feels that the girl who is screaming must have been out of the world.

Lu Yizhi will not leave behind.

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