Ye Hao went out of the palace the next day. Although the Queen Mother wanted to stay with her for a few days, she used an excuse to worry about her big brother at home. She wanted to go back and have a look at him. The Queen Mother had to let her go out of the palace and rewarded her with many bird's nests. Hua gum.

The emperor also gave Lu Yi’s reward a lot of things, and also sealed Lu Yu as a general.

Lu Jia’s limelight is no longer there.

This is a very happy thing. If you change your usual time, Mrs. Lu will definitely have a feast to celebrate the day. However, Lu Yu’s afterglow is unclear. For Lu Jia, it is still like a boulder in his heart, and a feast to celebrate. Naturally not.

Ye Hao first went to see Mrs. Lu and found that only one day, the old lady was so old, the whole person looked awkward and tired. "Grandma, you are fine, isn't there a rest yesterday?"

Wang, who is accompanying Mrs. Lu’s wife in the room, smiled. “My Royal Highness is back. I thought you have to stay in the palace for a few days. Don’t worry, the old lady has us at home, you have to wait for the Queen Mother. ,This is the most important."

Ye Hao looked at Wang's coldly and coldly, and ignored her insinuation.

Mrs. Lu looked at Ye Hao with a smile. "Is the Queen Mother not staying in the palace for a few days? How come back?"

"I am worried about Big Brother and you, so I am back." Ye Hao saw the old lady like this, thinking that she would give her some water with Lingquan.

"I am fine, that is, I slept a little late last night. There is no spirit today." Mrs. Lu said with a smile. "Your brother is better today, just come back to me."

Today is not a poisonous hair, Lu Hao's nature looks good, Ye Hao said with a smile, "That's good, I will go see my eldest brother later."

"Your big brother is now a general. The emperor has rewarded a lot of things, and there are many herbs. Yesterday, your mother and the doctor are taking care of you. After a while, you go and let them rest." Said.

Ye Hao nodded. "Good, grandmother."

Wang snorted and said, "We also want to take care of the extension. However, we are not doctors. It is just a matter of trouble."

"The second son can help without any trouble." Ye Hao said faintly.

I gave Wang a slap in the face, and the eyebrows looked like an unruly look.

Ye Hao advised Mrs. Lu to go to rest. Wang had a positive business to say to the old lady. "Hey, the old lady has me here. Go and see it."

"The grandmother didn't have a good rest last night. I can't be tired anymore today." Ye Hao didn't know what Wang's idea was, but looking at her, obviously didn't really care about the old lady.

Mrs. Lu said to Wang, "Don't you have to leave for the next two days? Go, there are three rooms here, and you and your second child will go to Jinkou City."

Wang’s heart is awkward, how can he leave Kyoto at this time, and if they leave, Lu Yi’s awkward son, who is the title? He is still not married, and he must not give the title to his brother. Even if she does not fight for her son, she must fight for their second house.

"Mother, now how can we rest assured that we will go to Jinkou City, and until now, there is no more backbone in the family. Nowadays, we must be the same in the inside and outside." Wang said.

Mrs. Lu did not say anything, but said to Ye Hao, "Help me to rest on the bed."

Ye Lips smiled. "Well, grandmother, I will go to cook a soothe tea for you, and take a good sleep after you drink."

"Call a ring and cook it." Mrs. Lu smiled.

"I will cook it myself." Ye Hao said, otherwise how can she add Lingquan?

Wang saw the appearance of their grandparents, and disdainfully grinned. The old lady really favored the three-bedroom. Otherwise, how could she be so different from Lu Hao, that was, the original noble lady, who did not talk to the old lady. So close.

Taking the leafhopper to cook the medicine, Wang sat next to the bed of the old lady. "Mother, can he really get better?"

Mrs. Lu’s face snarled and said, “It’s going to be better! I know what you are thinking, you don’t even have to think about it, how can you not turn to you?”

Wang’s face was blue and white. She really didn’t expect the old lady to be old, but she was still not confused. She hadn’t spoken yet, but she saw everything better than her.

"Mother, I haven't said it yet," Wang said, "How do you know what I want to say?"

Mrs. Lu closed her eyes. "I still don't know what you want to say."

Wang really didn't dare to talk about it anymore. "Mom, let's rest, I won't bother you."

"And the second child set off to Tianjin City, the main heart of the family is still good." Lu Lao's eyes did not open his eyes.

Wang’s face fled with a blank face and passed by the leafhopper who came back from the boiled medicine.

Ye Hao, who is serving the old lady, will drink medicine. "What happened to Er Bo Niang? His face is not very good looking."

"Probably the body is not comfortable." Mrs. Lu smiled faintly. After drinking the medicine, she asked Ye Hao to visit Lu Yi.

Ye Hao looked at Mrs. Lu’s sleep before she left. She didn’t want to see Lu Yizhi, but she thought that she had to look after him.

Lu Yizhi seems to be a little more spiritual than the previous two days. He is sunbathing in the yard and sees Ye Hao coming over. The thin face of the thin face reveals a gentle smile. "Hey, how come back?"

"Big brother looks good today." Ye Hao returned to him with a smile and glanced behind him. "Is my mother and the doctor?"

"Qi doctor is leaving in advance, I let Sanchao go back to rest, she did not sleep all night last night." Lu Yizhi said embarrassed.

Ye Hao looked at him for a while. "I saw Lu Guifei yesterday."

Lu Yan’s eyes changed slightly and frowned. “How come you see her, she is not right for you?”

"She didn't do anything to me, but she didn't live too well." Ye Hao said faintly. "Let me ask the emperor to see her."

"The emperor ... refused to see the children?" Lu Hao's heart was shocked, how could this be? Did the emperor already know that there is no life-saving grace for him?

Ye Hao nodded. "Yes, the Queen Mother and the Emperor are good for Xu Xianzhen."

Lu Yi’s double eyebrows wrinkled, and he couldn’t think that the two children would fall out of favor so quickly. It’s impossible because the emperor is new and tired. It seems that the emperor may really know...

"However, I think the emperor will always re-purchase the nobles, you don't have to worry." Ye Hao smiled and comforted him.

Lu Yan’s bitter smile shook his head. He knew too much about Murong Cham. Once he hated anyone, there would be no room for turning back.

What he is more worried about is that Murong Chong knows all the truth, although this is unlikely.

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