Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 208: Medical examination

Ye Hao will not say too much in front of Lu Yi, just let him know that Lu Shuanger is now out of favor, he certainly will not do nothing.

As long as Lu Hao’s shot is taken, he is not afraid to find a handle.

Mrs. Lu’s sleep at night, the spirit is much better than the morning, Lu Shixun also decided to go to Tianjin City the next day.

Ye Hao also has to go back to college. After three days, she is a medical girl exam. She is going to take the exam.

Before going to college, she went to the Qianjin Bank.

She wants to confirm whether Tian Jiu was rescued by fullness. She saw him on the mountain that day. Although she left the medicine, she was not sure whether he could live.

"Girl, Manchu said that he could not save Tianjiu. This is his letter from yesterday." When Hongling saw Ye Hao, he immediately said, and handed over the letter to her.

Ye Hao took the letter with shock. "Manchu did not save him? Impossible, who saved the field for a long time?"

Hong Ling knows that Tian Jiu has been saved. "Girl, Tian Shu is really saved."

If the people who are full of work can't save Tianjiu, who else in this world is willing to take such a big danger to save the field for a long time?

Ye Xie’s heart was in doubt, she had doubts, but she did not dare to think about it, and even dared not to be sure.

"Let Manchu do not go to Tianjiu, and wait for Tianjiu to be safe, naturally will come to us." Ye Hao whispered.

Hong Ling is very different, she can't figure out who else can save the field for a long time, "Girl, will it... will it be the second master?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Ye Hao whispered her. "Whether or not, Tian has been saved for a long time."

Did you save Tian Jiu? Ye Xie is both nervous and expecting. Except for her, she really can't think of who will save someone.

If it is embarrassing, then it is even more difficult to let people know the whereabouts of Tian Jiu, otherwise the traces of the lieutenant may be exposed. Ye Hao feels that nothing is going to be done temporarily, as long as no news is good news.

Ye Hao took a hundred flowers perfume to leave the golden line, and couldn't help but fly up. Although it was not sure that she had saved Tian Jiu, but as long as there is a little possibility, it is enough to make her full of expectations. When she arrived at the college, Ye Hao went to find Qin Fuzi. She had not come to the medical hall for a month. Many of her homework did not study. However, this did not affect her determination to participate in the medical examination.

"You still want to take the test?" Qin Fuzi had some accidents. He thought that Ye Hao had been sealed by the princess and had been on leave for another month. He should not take the test.

Ye Hao smiled. "Of course, I am going to the medical school for the medical examination."

Qin Fuzi looked at her strangely. "You are a monk who has been booked, even if you can get it?"

"Master, although I am now a monarch, I am not a real princess. If it is no longer what day?" Ye Hao is willing to become a princess just want to avoid Murong Cham, and she did not The future is pinned on this identity.

Qin Fuzi laughed. "Since you have sealed you as a princess, there is no longer a time."

"Master, there is no stipulation that the princess can't be a doctor. Isn't the granddaughter of Empress Dowa also taking the medical examination? She is a female medical officer and a princess." Ye Hao said.

"Well, the doctor's exam is in these two days, you read more books." Qin Fuzi said, he is very optimistic about Ye Hao, so many years, no student has been as talented as her.

Ye Hao left here from Qin Fuzi. Before he returned to the school, he met Gao Xueping.

Gao Xueping is inevitable for the medical examination. The only thing that makes her feel threatened is this Lu Yan. If there is no Lu Yan, she thinks she can become the next female medical officer.

"His Royal Highness Princess." Gao Xueping gestured arrogantly. "I thought you were going to have a leisurely day at home. I didn't expect you to go back to college."

"Of course, I have to take the test." Ye Hao said with a smile, she knows that Gao Xueping does not want her to take the doctor test.

Sure enough, Gao Xueping’s face changed slightly. “You are already a princess who is tall, why bother to come to the doctor?”

Ye Hao gave her a faint look. "I like it."

Gao Xueping feels that Ye Hao is deliberately targeting her, and she can't help but hate her teeth. "I won't let you do it. The person who is admitted to the doctor will only be me, not you."

"Is it?" Ye Hao smiled. Now it is useless to say anything. It depends on the test.

Gao Xueping snorted and secretly vowed that one day Lu will know her power.

At night, the school is quiet, the school is quiet, a figure appears quietly, and before entering the school, someone immediately noticed, "Who?"

The black shadow paused and soon disappeared into the night.

Wen Xiu’s figure came out of the night, and unlike her usual listlessness, her eyes were sharp and her body exudes the breath of martial arts.

The shadow that had left the college had sat steadily on the horse's back. He condensed in the darkness and looked back at the women's college.

"Your Majesty..." Ford, who had been keeping the horse next to him, was a little surprised, how the emperor came out so soon tonight.

Murong Zhanhan asked, "Let's go check it tomorrow, what is there in the medical museum."

He thought that martial arts was not bad. He had never seen him in the night. How can he be close to the school today and he was immediately discovered that it seems that the person hiding in the women’s school has a very powerful martial arts.

Ford instantly understood the reason why the emperor went back early today. It seems that he could not see the princess of the princess, otherwise he would like to come back so quickly. Is there a martial artist in the school?

Murong Chong couldn’t see Ye Hao, and Tie Qing returned to the palace with a face.

On the following day, Ye Hao woke up refreshedly and began to return to the life of the medical museum. Sun Wen and Chen Jinru expressed joy for her return. The three men also chatted hand in hand for a while.

"Yes, hey, Jin Ru also participated in the medical examination." Granddaughter said to Ye Hao with a smile.

Chen Jinru was a little embarrassed to bow her head. In fact, she thought that she didn't want to take the exam. She just wanted to give it a try. Now she is back, and even if she goes to the exam, she won't get it.

Ye Hao smiled and encouraged her.

After two days, it was a medical examination.

In the early grades, only a dozen people applied for the exam, and there were more senior exams. A total of 50 students were all tested in the examination room.

This year, the palace has changed the previous regulations. It is a rare opportunity to pick out the five best doctors from the 50 students.

The first round of examinations is medical knowledge. For Ye Hao, this is not a problem. She has an unforgettable ability, and she has seen many medicine books. She did not come to class in a timely manner and still has no influence.

Therefore, this round, she passed without a doubt.

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