There were three rounds of examinations, and the second round was to identify the herbs. This was not a problem for Ye Hao. She went to the third round smoothly.

The third round is to actually see a doctor.

In the third round, only ten students were left to take the exam. In addition to Ye Hao and Gao Xueping, Chen Jinru was still there.

Sitting in front of them is a woman, carefully looking at the woman's temperament, pale with a little sallow, from time to time to cover the mouth cough a few times, even if you do not have to pulse, you can see that her body is sick.

The third round of invigilation was Qi Qi and Huang Medical Officer. They looked at the students in front of them. When they saw Ye Hao, Huang Yiguan’s eyebrows wrinkled and his mouth moved. After all, he said nothing.

"You each came up with the pulse, and then wrote her illness and treatment methods on the volume." Huang said, "No one can whisper, not even other people's papers."

The first student in the upper grades saw that when she was giving the patient a pulse, the eyebrows became wrinkled and tightened, and her face was even heavier than the patient.

When it was Ye Zi’s turn, she gently placed her hand on the patient’s pulse through the tulle. The pulse was large and suspended. It seems that the disease should have been dyed in the winter because it is I can't ask the patient, so I can't ask her when she started to have such a phenomenon. She can only observe it as carefully as possible.

In the end, everyone watched it, and they wrote the sickness and treatment methods on the test papers. Qi Qi directly picked out five people.

"When you see a doctor, have you forgotten one thing? You will become a medical woman in the future. You are treating the expensive people in the palace. Even if it is only an exam today, the details of the attention should be paid attention to. It’s your expression, what kind of illness the patient has, you shouldn’t show it on your face. You’re not a barefoot doctor on the street who wants to hang out. You don’t need that rich look.”

Qi Qi said that several people bowed their heads.

The Huang doctor officially stood beside Qi Qi, his eyes were always looking back and forth between them, and finally fell on Gao Xueping's body.

"Liu Chunmei, do you think she just didn't have enough rest, is there any disease on her body?" Qi Qi began to comment on every test paper. "You give her the pulse, isn't her pulse a little different? Go back and learn how to take the pulse!" ”

This eliminated one.

Such a strict and direct examination method makes everyone nervous, even if Ye Hao, this time is inevitably a little embarrassing.

In the end, only six people were left. Only Gao Xueping and Ye Wei’s papers have not been reviewed.

"Gao Xueping, do you think the patient is a lung disease?" Qi Qi looked at Gao Xueping.

"Yes, Qi Zhengzheng, the students thought that the patient was officially because of the evil spirits of the lungs, causing her cough, which caused the five internal organs to be affected." Gao Xueping answered with confidence.

Qi Qi did not directly assess right or wrong, but looked at Ye Wei, "Lu Yan, do you think the patient is spleen and stomach qi?"

Ye Hao said, "Student thinks that the patient should be sick in the winter, first the stomach is not painful, but affects the spleen to suffer evil, abdominal distension and inability to eat, leading to temper weakness, heart, liver and spleen and lungs in the pass, is Relying on the stomach and gas to the hand, the yin and lungs are running, the stomach is not enough, the lungs are affected by evil and the skin is hot, and the skin is sallow and pale..."

Listening to Ye Hao’s words, Qi Qi’s mouth floated a little smile.

Gao Xueping's face is getting worse and worse. She doesn't think she judges the mistake, but she is worried that Qi Qi will deliberately judge her to be partial to Lu Yi.

"How do you know that this is a lung disease caused by stomach?" Huang said in a cold voice.

Ye Hao said, "Her veins are large, and from time to time, she has a stomach and a cough. The student judges that she is a stomach disease caused by stomach."

"You are basically relying on speculation to judge." Gao Xueping did not accept the geological question.

"Bold guessing and careful verification." Ye Hao replied.

Qi Xiao smiled. "This is not a guess. You can notice that she is holding her stomach. It is already very subtle."

When Gao Xueping heard this, his face suddenly changed. Is Lu Lu really true?

"Qi Zhengzheng, although Lu's answer is more accurate, but I think she is not suitable for being a medical woman." Huang Medical Officer said faintly.

Qi Tong raised an eyebrow. "Why not?"

"She is a princess. The doctor's day when she started attacking is not comfortable. Can she suffer as a doctor?" Huang said, after the last time she was a prostitute, she had already had a preconceived resentment against Lu.

"Don't because I am a princess, do you have to ignore the rules of this exam?" Ye Hao whispered.

Huang’s medical officer sneered and asked, “Princess, you are very honored. You don’t need to pass the doctor’s exam to increase your honor. The doctor is not as simple as you think.”

“How difficult is that?” asked Ye Wei. “Since I have decided to take the test, I am naturally prepared to face the hardships of the future. Why do you decide for me?”

Huang’s medical officer sneered, “I just don’t want to miss a real talent because of the princess’s fun.”

Between Ye Hao and Gao Xueping, there must be only one person who can become a medical woman. The Huang Medical Officer prefers Gao Xueping.

"Yellow medical officer, this is the exam." Qi Wei faintly reminded, "You should remember that there was a princess in the former dynasty who took the medical examination and finally became a female medical officer."

Huang’s official snorted and looked at Ye Hao without talking.

Qi Qi announced the results of the exam. Ye Hao won Gao Xueping as a medical girl, Chen Jinru also passed, and the other three were senior students.

Gao Xueping is not convinced of this judgment result, "Qi Zhengzheng, what is this? Even if I judge the mistakes, but it is not all wrong, is it worse than others?"

"You and Chen Jinru are just a little wrong, but you forgot to let go of your arrogance. You are going to see a doctor, not for your next person, and you can't let you survive in the palace." Qi Qi said.

Gao Xueping's face was white and red, and she looked at the patient's clothes rough, but it was a person who came from the street. She didn't let go of her body. If she entered the palace, she would naturally be different.

Qi Yan glanced at her. "As a doctor, as a doctor, not only for the doctor, in the doctor's eyes, all patients are the same."

Gao Xueping rolled out her tears and ran out of her face.

"Be able to pass the medical examination, prove that what you have learned can be the work of a medical woman, but still do not relax yourself, and study harder to learn more about the disease." Qi Yu looked at the remaining five people. .

"Yes, Qi doctor is right!" Ye Hao and Chen Jinru looked at each other and smiled. They finally got into the doctor.

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