Ye Hao and Chen Jinru became medical women, and the most happy thing is Sun Wen.

"Hey, you two will enter the palace in the future, then what should I do?" Sun Wen screamed, and after she was happy, she remembered that she would have two fewer companions.

Chen Jinru said with a smile, "We are not in the palace every day, or we have to go to the medical hall."

"It's not the same. We can't meet every day in the future." Sun Wen slammed her feet. "I knew that I also went to the exam, and I was admitted."

Ye Hao smiled and looked at her. "Then you will go to the exam next year. You don't want to be a doctor."

Sun Wen sighed and said, "I still don't know if I can get it. I don't have your talents. However, even if I can't test it, it doesn't matter. Later, I will go to the side to be a military doctor."

Chen Jinru looked at Ye Hao and whispered, "Princess, do you know when we will enter the palace?"

Ye Hao said, "You still call me, I am not used to the princess. We have to go to the palace for more than half a month. Anyway, the time will soon pass."

Although they have been admitted to the palace, they are not able to enter the palace. They have to report their names and investigate their own lives one by one. Only those who are innocent can be allowed to enter the palace.

This will take half a month.

Ye Hao did not return to Lujia, anyway, the news that she was admitted to the medical girl is now no surprise to anyone in Lujia. In Lujia and many people, she is already a princess, even if she is admitted to a doctor, However, it is a icing on the cake, and there is no need to be happy.

After a few days, it happened to be a college vacation. After Ye Hao had not returned to Lujia, he was sent to the palace by Murong Yu. It turned out that he was going to play polo tomorrow, and Murong wanted her to watch the game.

The game was held in front of the Daming Hall in the palace. The emperor and the Queen Mother were judges. The other three sides of the stadium were protected by a low wall. The length was about one thousand feet. The surface was very flat and flat. It was as smooth as a sharpening stone. In a mirror, there are two kinds of competition methods for single and double goals in the polo match. The two goals of the game are in Murong. Because the goal is very small, the entry of the ball requires extremely high technology.

Ye Hao came to the Daming Hall with the Queen Mother. On the top steps, he has prepared two positions. It is prepared for the ink and the Queen Mother. There are many clan children on both sides. It seems that there are many games today. People pay attention to the game of Murong Yu and Shun Wang, not only about their face, but also about the new forces represented by Murong Yu. The family of the ancestors and the old school are certainly not willing to see the growth of Murong, because Murong The growth represents the power of Murong Cham.

Murong Zhan has not seen Ye Hao for several days. She looks back and sees her standing next to the Queen Mother. Her eyes are unconsciously falling on her face like Ying Yu. "Hey, I heard that you were admitted to a medical girl." ?"

"Back to the emperor brother, I was lucky enough to test it." Ye Hao said with respect and respect.

He doesn't like her tone! Murong Chan frowned and glanced at her, and told Ford, "Prepare the stool for the princess."

"Emperor brother, I am standing next to the Queen Mother." Ye Yan refused, not to lead the feelings of ink and Zhan.

"The sun is fierce, are you standing tired?" Murong Zhan knew that she was still angry and the voice became more moderate.

The Queen Mother also said to Ye Hao, "Hey, listen to your emperor."

Ye Hao had to sit down and let the stool be placed next to the Queen Mother, far away from the ink-filled Zhan.

The test of Murong Yu and Shun Wang also began. Shun Wang ranked eighth. At the age of seventeen, he took the other four to test with Murong. Although he was younger, his companion was ten years old. Four or five years old, the war against the king is not too weak.

Both sides have come to the arena, holding a few feet of wooden sticks in their hands, and they are looking forward to it. Under the arm, the horse screamed and excited, enjoying the happy time before the charge, and they decided the outcome by hitting the ball into the goal.

A long scorpion smashed the sky, followed by a scream of horseshoes, and Murong’s scepter and Shun’s smashed together. The two sides quickly fought together, and the people screamed and screamed.

Ye Hao looked at the teenager who was riding on the horse in the field. Some emotions in his heart were saved. In the trap, Murong was obviously taller and taller. He was a veritable teenager.

"I can't think of Auntie's polo playing so well." The Queen Mother said with a smile.

Murong Zhan nodded and couldn't help but look at Ye Hao. "It's all awkward."

When Ye Hao heard this, he smiled and said, "That's all aunt's own efforts."

When she had just finished speaking, she saw that Murong was swept by Shun Wang’s scepter and a stick hit him on the shoulder.

Murong 沂 almost fell from the horse.

Ye Hao stood up fiercely and nervously looked at Murong, for fear that he would fall.

Shun Wang has already collected the long stick and hurriedly apologized to Murong, who looked like an unintentional loss.

Murong was hit in the right hand, although he did not fall off the horse, but his hand could not lift, and could not continue to fight.

"Shun Wang is deliberate?" Ye Hao asked with anger.

Both Murong Cham and the Queen Mother’s face are a bit gloomy. I can’t see that Shun Wang is deliberate, but how many coincidences?

"I will go and see." Ye Hao saw that they didn't talk, then they ran down the stone steps and went to the direction of the ink.

The game stopped temporarily and Murong was sent to heal.

"Auntie, are you okay?" Ye Hao pushed away the people around Murong, and saw his white shoulders were black and blue, and the eyes were full of anger.

Inkor’s mouth was still close to his mouth. When he saw Ye Hao, he couldn’t help it. His eyes were red. “Hey, can’t lose to Shunwang!”

"Do you have a pain in your shoulder?" Ye Hao asked softly.

"Pain." The teenager did not reluctantly speak, but looked at Ye Hao with great grievances.

Ye Hao touched his head. "Replace it, don't lose it, go to rest."

Murong nodded, and he habitually believed Ye Hao.

Ye Hao looked at the other four teenagers. "You go back to the polo field. I will come when I go."

The Queen Mother looked at them from afar and turned to ask Murong Zhan, "Imperial, where is the place to go?"

"I don't know." Murong Chong looked at the slender voice and disappeared into the line of sight. He turned his head and said to Fu, "Let Xiao Wang come back to heal."

In the distance, Shun’s face is awkward, but his eyes are smiling. He is talking to the old master of the Mozong Clan. In the eyes of many clan, Murong Cham is not an orthodox emperor. They are obedient, but they are not in the bones. Convinced.

Revenge can not be Murong Cham, then deal with ink tolerance, this is their despicable and shameless thoughts.

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