Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 211: Field crazy horse

When Murong's shoulder was injured and he couldn't play the game, they had a main player on the side. When they discussed who to choose to be the master, they saw a substitute wearing their clothes.

"That's not..." Someone was stunned, especially with a few accompanying students. They all met Ye Hao. At this time, they saw Ye Hao wearing the clothes they played, all of them were stunned.

"The next game I played for the aunt, you still guard the original position, put those little **** into a stream!" Ye Hao endured anger, just watched the game, she already saw her belly The fire, the people brought by Shun Wang, always intentionally or unintentionally waved the scepter to the ink to slap them when playing, even two legs were hit, how to see people not angry.

"Yes!" Everyone's morale was agitated by Ye Hao.

"What about those who are clan children? Is there a clear identity on the battlefield? You gave me a slap in the face, they can accidentally hurt the prince, can we not kill them by mistake? As long as they dare to hit them, Give it to me!" Ye Hao said coldly.

This said that everyone else was shocked, thinking that the princess is so powerful! If there is such a princess, they will not have to be beaten on horseback.


Ye Hao leaped to the horse back briskly, "Getting started!"

Murong stood up fiercely, staring at the young figure who had just appeared, and no matter what kind of clothes he wore, he could recognize it at a glance.

She actually dared to play! What if I am injured?

"Emperor, who is the person who played for Auntie, it seems to be familiar." The eyes of the Queen Mother were not very clear, and they turned to Murong Cham.

"After the mother." Murong was helped back by the shackles and gave the Queen Mother a ritual.

The Queen’s attention was immediately drawn to Murong’s body, and he was asked to sit next to him and ask him about the injury.

Murong Chong’s eyes did not dare to leave the stadium.

Ye Haoyi just went to the conservative play of Murong. When he just got on the polo field, he immediately launched an attack. She tapped her saddle on her left foot and grabbed her right hand in the air. She slid the stick with the dragon, and the Qibao was sucked. How high is one person, followed by a stroke in the left hand, the right hand is forced to swing out, completely not afraid of hurting the next Shun Wang, directly hit the polo, the ball is like a dislocated general flying net nest, its potential is big, directly into the goal.

They waited for the king to return to God, she had already let the other two charge to grab the ball back.

In almost a quarter of an hour, they gave the score to level.

It is three to three now!

While taking a break, Shun Wang looked at Ye Hao with a cold look. He had never seen this kid before. It looked as weak as a girl. How can he play the polo?

"Who is the leader?" Shun Wang whispered to the person next to him.

"I don't know, I haven't seen it before, my starling, it seems that he is more powerful than the weak chicken prince." The person who spoke is the child of the Mozong ancestral room, the small follower of Shunwang, called Mo Huaide.

Shun Wang looked at Ye Hao with a cold look. "Do you know the ratio of the current gambling house?"

"Buy what we win is a loss of two, Murong is a lose ten, my brother, if the kid wins, our gambling house is afraid..." The biggest gambling house in Kyoto was opened by Shun Wang, this time If he wins more money, he will only test the polo with him. If it is an hour before, he does not care about this win or loss. Even he intends to deliberately lose to Murong, but not long ago, suddenly Some people bought 100,000 gambling ink to win the money, many people know this gambling, they all thought that they received the inside story, many people raised their minds and bought Murong.

Because of this incident, Lao Wangye only asked him to hurt Murong Yu, and in any case, he could not let Murong win the game.

"Let the leading boy die!" Shun Wang whispered to Mo Huaide.

"My brother, give it to me!" Mo Huaide sneered slyly. "I will definitely let his horse out of control."

The game started again, Ye Hao changed the strategy this time, she no longer attacked the ball, but assisted others to grab the ball.

The sideways arms are on the horse's belly, and you should be swaying!

Murong Zhan moved away from the eyes and looked at Ye Hao. There were two verses in her mind. How did she always surprise him? Last time I thought he had seen her exquisite equestrian, I realized today that she is more dazzling. Eye-catching.

She is so beautiful that she is... heartbroken.

He suddenly had an urge to hide her, or anyone would find her beauty.

At the same time, there was Tang Yan, who was on the side. Like Chen Rongzhan, he recognized Ye Hao at a glance. His excited face was red, and he could not wait to play with her.

Ye Hao grabbed Qibao, and immediately threw the ball out to the striker. Shun suddenly jumped out and grabbed the ball. The moon sticks to fight. The two men drove the ball and crossed the arm. The king was blown away by Ye Hao to help the striker. The seven treasures were sent out and hit the goal smoothly.

Very good, the defeat is a victory!

"Everyone is defensive!" Ye Hao shouted loudly.

Shun Wang gave a look to Mo Huaide, and Mo Huaide gently nodded and slowly approached Ye Hao.

"Guarding the ball!" Shun the king ordered, holding the stick in one hand, speeding up the speed to the Ye Hao they ran.

Ye Hao was concentrating on the defensive, and did not find anyone close to her.

Suddenly, her horse screamed, like a wild horse jumping wildly, and wished to marry her out.

"Ah!" Ye Hao exclaimed, clutching the reins tightly and trying to control the crazy horses. She turned back to see the figure of Meridian and immediately understood that someone was moving her hands.

“Hey!” When Murong Cham saw her horse out of control, a heart was lifted up in an instant. When other people had not responded, he had already performed his work and came to the stadium with a few interest. Before he was about to be taken down by the horse, he had already hugged her and the two sat back on horseback.

At this time, Ye Hao couldn’t take it on, and her feet were clipped. It was inseparable from the horse’s back. “Someone’s hands and feet behind the horse will surprise him.”

Murong clasped her arms around her and wanted to control the crazy horse for her, but even he could not calm the hairy horse.

The game has ended and everyone has ran over, I don't know how to help Ye Hao.

"Hey, you are seated." Murong Zhan whispered in her ear.

Ye Hao didn't have time to say anything. He held her waist tightly in one hand, and he fell heavily on the horse's head with one hand and directly stunned the horse.

The horse's forefoot squats, and the leaves of the leaves are also free, and they are held down by the ink.

Everyone is relieved.

Oh, some people feel sorry, how can the crazy horse be controlled, and if it can be done by the ink, it will be bad.

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