Mingxi didn't know when he was awake. He stood behind Xu Jinbei and looked at the people who were cheering in front. He looked at Xu Jinbei doubtfully. "What are those people happy?"

Xu Jinbei pointed to the people on the other side of the queue. "Shen Yuexuan opened the warehouse and smashed the disaster, and opened the Shenjia Gate, and took some of the injured people to stay at home."

“Shen Yue Xuan?” Ming Xi asked indefinitely. He couldn’t see that Shen Yuexuan was actually such a person of kindness and kindness. “He really said this.”

"It's incredible. There are clouds in the old sayings, and businessmen are very profitable. Although I have little knowledge, I have never heard of any merchants who are not asking for a return like him." Xu Jinbei whispered.

Ming Xi smiled like a smile. "He doesn't ask for a return. Now he is not helping the people, but the court."

Xu Jinbei looked at Mingxi with doubt.

"His identity is not bright enough. Although he has a reputation in Bohai City, have you heard his name in other places? It is obvious that he is anonymously walking outside on weekdays. Now he helps the court to plague the disaster, enough to make a sin. Moreover, the person who was guilty at the beginning was not his, but his ancestor." Ming Xi snorted. "He is planning for the future."

"It’s already like this. He still doesn’t give up. He doesn’t know if people in the secret room will be killed.” Xu Jinbei was astonished at what Mingxi said. Although Mingxi’s disappearance for four years, it seems to be against the court. The situation is better than anyone else.

Mingxi looked at the people who were still grateful to Shen Yuexuan. He smiled faintly. "If you die, Shen Yuexuan will not be plagued here."

"That Shen Yuexuan did this... Is it for his daughter?" Xu Jinbei was shocked.

"No matter what, what he is doing now is good for the people. As for the future, if the benefits he wants can be obtained, then it is not known." Ming Xi said softly.

"What good?" The nephew squinted out of the camp and only heard the half sentence behind Ming Xi.

Mingxi looked back and saw a few white dust on her face like a jade, and took out her handkerchief to wipe her. "Let's wash your face for a while, just like a little cat."

The nephew smiled and nodded, and heard the cheers coming from afar. She looked at the question in confusion. "What happened?"

"Someone is distributing food." Ming Xi said.

"Eat?" The eyes of the nephew lit up. "Then I used to eat, I am hungry."

Xu Jinbei frowned and said, "What do you want to eat, I will go find it for you, don't eat the thing that Shen Yuexuan."

"There is Shen Yuexuan who is sending food, we are not going to eat." Ming Xi said.

The head of the fire phoenix came out behind the nephew. "Shen Yue Xuan is so generous?"

"I heard that his eldest daughter lost a leg, Shen Jiaming was not damaged, and his daughter's legs did not know how to lose it." Xu Jinbei said, "Today I followed General Wang into the city, and many places in the city became The ruins, the death and injury are still unknown."

"Let's go to the city to see." Mingxi said.

Xu Jinbei nodded. "I am going with you, right. The imperial minister of this disaster relief is Xiao Lu."

"That can be seen soon." Mingxi smiled faintly. "Look at what the Shen family is now."

"I have to change my clothes before I go, my body is dirty." cried the child.

Girls always like glamorous, Ming Xi smiled and said, "We are waiting for you."

The children were changed into clean and beautiful clothes, and the smudges on their faces were clean.

Xu Jinbei stunned, thinking of the fire phoenix once in front of him with a hand to get a person into the pool, he felt that even strange is acceptable.

The origin of the fire phoenix and the deaf children should be very simple.

Not long after the four children arrived outside the city gate, the night had already arrived. At this time, the city was already at the beginning of the Hua Deng, and it was bustling and bustling. Now, except for the vague rumors, only the soldiers were carried from the ruins. Dig up the busy figure of the corpse.

"Bohai City was ruined." Xu Jinbei sighed. "Even if the court is willing to rebuild, I don't know how many teenagers."

"A place that has been abandoned is also the most easily overlooked." Mingxi continued to go ahead. Shen Yuexuan is a businessman. If he feels that Haicheng has no value, he will definitely not stay here.

Maybe, today's Bohai City is a chance for a few people in the secret room that day.

Unlike other places, the Shen family is brightly lit and the gates are crowded into people. It looks very lively.

"It seems that General Wang has sent some of the wounded to Shen's family. Shen Yuexuan has so many visitors, some of whom know medicine." Xu Jinbei whispered.

“The guests who went to Shen’s house that night were not injured?” Mingxi raised his eyebrows, and Shen’s family could not leave so many people at home.

"Many of the guests were injured, but Shen Yuexuan made the injured doormen well-arranged." Xu Jinbei said that he had inquired when he left the city, so he knew it better.

Mingxi smiled. "It seems that Shen Yuexuan is going to be Lu Buwei."

Although the method is not the same as Lu Buwei, the nature is the same.

"Who is Lu Buwei?" Xu Jinbei asked questioningly, he had never heard of this person.

"A businessman who became a prime minister, the biography I saw in my mother's collection should be the one who had been coined before." Ming Xi said.

Xu Jinbei said with emotion, "The collection of the girl is really rich."

He has been studying abroad for so long and has never heard of this book.

Ming Xi said, "My mother's books are mostly brought back from overseas. If you want to see it, I can give it to Kyoto."

Xu Jinbei’s face flashed a touch of joy, “Good.”

"Let's go in." Ming Xi said, going to the door of Shen's house.

Now Shen’s descendants have been called by Shen Yuexuan to help take care of the wounded. There are no gatekeepers outside the door. Their four children walked in unscrupulously. Although people come and go, it seems that they are not messy. The discipline of the next person is still very strict.

"Ming Xiu Xi Shaoye." General Wang and Shen Yuexuan just came out of the hall and saw Mingxi standing on Qingshi Road, and strode over.

Shen Yuexuan’s eyes flashed a bit of surprise, and General Wang was so polite to a teenager? Who is that?

Wang Qu has already come to Ming Xi’s face. "Master Ming Xi, how come you, do not rest after the camp."

"I have been resting for a long time, come to the city to see what happens." Ming Xi said.

"General Wang, this is..." Shen Yuexuan came over and looked at Mingxi with a smile. He only recognized Xu Jinbei who came with Wang Qu in the morning. The other three children looked very raw.

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