Shen Yuexuan looked at Ming Xi and his nephews. The clothes on these children are all brocade satin. They should all have some identity. However, who can make Wang Qu so respectful?

Is it from Kyoto?

"Oh, this is Master Mingxi." Wang Qu did not have the identity of Mingxi, but simply introduced it. "This time thanks to Mingxi, otherwise there will be more people injured."

Shen Yuexuan can achieve today's point. Naturally, there is a kind of exquisite heart. Just listen to Wang Qu and say that the absolute identity of this boy is not simple, and how he feels that this boy seems to be familiar with it.

Mingxi reveals a naive and bright smile. "Shen's old man is very generous, and the people of Bohai City are really blessed."

"It’s just a little bit of power, and it’s all in the same city. It’s a big disaster. It should help each other.” Shen Yuexuan said.

Xu Jinbei looked at Shen Yuexuan, this person is really quite sleek, and listening to him is not leaking, and he can’t see that he is plotting.

"I want to go to the city to inspect, the young master can be together?" Wang Qu whispered to Ming Xi.

"Good." Mingxi nodded. He also wanted to know how the situation in the city is now. If it has stabilized, he can leave Bohai City. However, he is not going to Tianjin City for the time being. The people have been uprooted, and they can safely leave the country.

Shen Yuexuan is very interested in Ming Xi's identity. He always thinks that this child looks very familiar, but he is sure that he has never seen it before, and he does not know where this familiarity comes from.

They walked out of the Shen family and never walked out of the street. They saw several soldiers running fast and their faces were white. "General, not good!"

"What is so flustered?" Wang Qu shouted.

"Thousands of stupas... Thousands of stupas suddenly fell down, and the people inside were crushed." The soldier called.

Wang Qu’s face changed greatly. “How can a thousand stupas come in, is it not safe to say?”

"Those people said that they were too cold outside, they had to go inside to avoid the cold, they didn't listen to dissuasion, and they also opened up our people..." the soldier gasped.

Mingxi Junxiu's face was tight, and looked back and Xu Jinbei looked at it.

"General Wang, it is important to save people." Ming Xi said to Wang Qu.

Wang Qu Shen Sheng said, "The people sent by the imperial court have not arrived yet. Now the soldiers are still saving people in the city, and some are already tired..."

"How many people can be called," said Ming Xi, frowning. He knows how tired the soldiers are these days. "I and my nephews go to save people first."

"Yes." Wang Qu unconsciously listened to Ming Xi's arrangement.

Ming Xi said to Xu Jinbei, "You stayed to help the generals of the king to coordinate the manpower. I and the deaf children went to the Thousand Buddhas."

Xu Jinbei nodded, "Good."

"Let's go." Ming Xi said to her nephew.

Shen Yuexuan’s eyes flashed a bit of a strange, Wang Yun actually listened to a child, Xu Jinbei is also very respectful to this boy, who is he?

Mingxi did not care about Shen Yuexuan’s visit. After he exchanged his eyes with Huo Huang, he had already rushed outside the city. They did not fly directly. However, at their speed, in the eyes of Wang Qu and Shen Yuexuan, they were already masters. Only some have done it.

"Hurry!" Shen Yuexuan blurted out. Although he was only a businessman, he used to practice martial arts since he was a child. It is natural to see that Ming Xi’s dexterity is so powerful that even the martial arts masters he has seen have not been so good.

Wang Qu was equally shocked. He once followed the world with Murong Chong. He knew the martial arts of Murong Zhan, but he did not expect that Ming Xi was only a young age, and he did not lose to Murong Zhan.

It’s incredible.

What kind of talent is this smart.

"General Wang, this unique little son does not know which is the young master?" Shen Yuexuan could not help but ask Wang Qu.

"The most distinguished young master." Wang Qu looked at Shen Yuexuan and turned to stride to deploy the man to the Thousand Buddhas to save people.

Xu Jinbei’s eyes followed him behind Wang Qu.

Mingxi and Yier, they came to the Thousand Buddhas near the fastest speed. They have heard a cry of help. The eight-story thousand stupa has only one layer of ruins. Knowing how many people were pressed, and soldiers were also crushed inside. There were only a dozen people who were rescued, and others had not had time to come.

"First save people and say it again." Mingxi frowned.

As he said, he had stepped forward to help dig up the people buried in the rubble.

Fire Phoenix and the nephew also followed him to save people.

Several people have been rescued, and the whole body is sitting on the side of the blood, as if it has not reacted to what happened.

"Where there is a doctor, speed to find a doctor." Ming Xi asked the soldiers on the side.

"The medics are in the wounded camp on the west side of the city." The soldier replied. "There have been people who have come to invite the doctor to come."

Mingxi frowned and said to the fire phoenix and the nephew. "You save people. I have the medicine left by my mother. I will go to those people to deal with the wounds first."

"Good." Fire Phoenix and the deaf children should answer.

In the panic, no one cares about him. Ming Xi took out a medicine box from the space. This is what Ye Hao gave him, and what medicine is in it.

Although Mingxi did not learn medical skills, after all, there is a mother who was treated as a **** doctor. It is no problem to simply dress the wound. What's more, the wound medicine in him is made with the spirit medicine Lingquan, which is more than the general medicine. effective.

When dealing with wounds for the injured people, he found a strange person, a young man who looks like a handsome man. He kept carrying the wounded back, put it on the ground and ran to save people. I don't know how many times, Mingxi did not know how many times he saw him, only to be curious.

This person does not seem to know that tired at all.

"You are hurt, you can't run around again." After the man saved a dozen people, Ming Xi said to him.

The young man did not seem to hear it, put the man down and continued to run.

Ming Xi grabbed the man's hand. "You are hurt, you must dress the wound first."

"I was not hurt." The youth paused and said slowly.

This person seems to be a bit slow, Ming Xi pointed at his calf. "Your calf, has been bleeding, it should be cut, I will dress the wound for you first."

"Ah?" The young man stopped, and he didn't even know he was hurt.

Mingxi looked at him and felt more confused about this young man. It seemed that he was not only dull, but also a bit silly.

The young man stood there and did not move. Ming Xi lowered his head and rolled up his pants. He saw his left leg bloody, a long, deep wound, and the flesh had turned over.

Doesn't he feel pain?

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