Lu Xiangzhi stopped Ye Hao from letting her impulsively. "You can't even get out of it now, don't end up getting tired."

"Brother, I can't sit back and ignore this matter." Ye Hao whispered, there will be natural disasters this time, maybe there is a reason for them to come back from Xuantian mainland, she can't let her peace of mind ignore it.

"Even if this is the case, you have to do what you can." Lu Xiangzhi said with a frown.

Ye Hao didn't know how to explain to Lu Xiang. If she wanted to go to the water, she would be able to go to Wangdu City in less than a day. "I will go with Azhan."

"I will go too," said Lu Tingzhi.

"No." Ye Hao and Lu Xiang said at the same time, Ye Hao said, "Your injury is not suitable for the road. I am rushing to stop the order of the water, and you will bring the medicine and the prescription."

Lu Xiangzhi said with a sigh of relief, "You have all gone to the Yuan Dynasty, and what do you want the third brother to do with the prescription?"

"I am me, my third brother is the third brother." Ye Hao said, "I don't tell you more, I have already prepared for you, and you will leave tomorrow morning, brother, you are ready for the carriage."

"You..." Lu Xiangzhi still wants to persuade Ye Hao not to go, but only sees that she has disappeared at the door. He has not sighed with anger. "Like a child, I really don't listen."

Lu Ting looked at him enviously. "I can see that your brothers and sisters have a good relationship."

"We grew up together, naturally it is a good relationship." Lu Xiangzhi said, he looked at one of Lu Ting's eyes. "You have never seen a child, just like a monkey, riding a horse, hunting like a girl will not I will be entangled in me to play with her, I have been beaten for several times because of her."

"It’s good." Lu Tingzhi lowered his eyes. "We all lived together, but we didn't have such feelings."

Lu Xiang thinks about the situation in which the Lu family is now divided. If it is not Lu Yizhi and Lu Shuanger, they will not be like this.

"I heard that Lu Shuanger is in the Yuan Dynasty." Lu Xiang said in a low voice.

Upon hearing this, Lu Ting was silent for a moment before he said with self-deprecation. "In the eyes of my mother and my parents, only the big brother is the person they can rely on. I am actually nothing to him. ”

"If you want to see her, you can talk to you." Lu Xiangzhi said.

"No, it's good." Lu Tingzhi smiled. "I am still preparing for the departure tomorrow."

Lu Xiangzhi shook his head and sighed. "I am afraid that I will be disappointed and return."

"I don't know why, I always feel that what I want to do will always succeed." Lu Tingzhi laughed.



Ye Haofeng ran into the room, "Azhan, Azhan!"

Murong Chong heard the panic in her voice, walked out from behind the screen, and reached out and grabbed the person who was in his arms. "What?"

"I am going to go to the Yuan Dynasty, you go with me." Ye Hao gasped and said, "If the water is going to kill the city, I will save the innocent people. They can't be killed like this."

"Do you think you can stop the water when you go?" asked Murong Zhan on the shoulder of Ye Hao.

"I don't know!" Ye Hao shook his head. "But I always try. If I don't know anything, I can't feel peace of mind in this life. I always feel that if we didn't come to the human world... it wouldn't ... there will be no such disaster."

Murong Chong held her in her arms and patted her back to appease her emotions. "It has nothing to do with you."

"Let's go to the Yuan Dynasty, there is still time." Ye Hao said.

"Okay, let's go now." Murong Zhan did not hesitate, and agreed to go to the Yuan Dynasty with Ye Hao.

Ye Hao’s face was bright, and she knew that he would be with her, no matter what she was going to do.

"The last time you went to the Yuan Dynasty at once, can you do this?" Ye Hao asked. "We only have two days left..."

"First out of the city, go to the Yuan Dynasty in the evening." Murong Zhan smiled at her, and will be seen during the day.

"Well, I have already prepared people for the horse. Let's go now." Ye Hao clenched his hand and took him to the outside.

Lu Xiangzhi has prepared horses for them, and they are waiting for them under the mountain.

"When you see you appear, you know that no one can persuade her not to go to the Yuan Dynasty." Lu Xiangzhi saw ink-tolerance, and felt completely unexpected.

"Brother, thank you." Ye Hao said with a smile, and turned his back on the horse. "We went first, let the third brother follow."

Lu Xiang’s eyebrows are wrinkled. “Keep your weight, don’t... take everything to yourself.”

Ye Hao smiled at him. "Brother, don't worry."


The shadows of Murong Cham and Ye Hao disappeared quickly on the mountain road. Lu Xiang silently watched for a while, but his heart was helpless. He only hoped that the water would still read his sister before, but he still gave way to today. People in a city, don't be embarrassed.

When Ye Hao and Murong Chan left the town and did not last long, the sky gradually darkened, and they slowed down until they reached the middle of the month.

"I haven't seen the moon for a few days." After the heavy rain, I saw the moon in the air for the first time.

"We will go to the Yuan Dynasty first." Murong Chan held Ye Hao's hand. "The earthquake is in Meicheng, go and see there first."

The city of Luomei is not far from Bohai City. The Bailong River levee near the Yuanguo earthquake collapsed through the Bailong River. Two places nearby were almost flooded.

"A glimpse of water is to keep the sick people in the city of Meicheng, he wants to burn the entire city of Meicheng." Ye Hao said.

He was not an impulsive to kill the city. The city of Luomei was the most affected, and it was close to the Bailong River. In the future, a city of fire and massacre could easily disappear into the Bailong River. Time passed and it soon became history.

Murong Zhan gently decapitated, holding Ye Hao in his arms, using the little spiritual power left in the sea, the two left the border of Jin Guo as fast as possible.

Ye Hao was guarded by ink in the arms, she felt that the speed was much slower than when she went to Huangfu last time. She was puzzled and wanted to look up to see Murong Cham, but he was pressed to his head. She could not see him at all.

"It’s coming soon." Murong Zhan said quietly.

"Are you okay?" Ye Hao was a little flustered. She tightened the waist of Mo Rongzhan. "It's not so fast, let's stop and rest."

Murong Chong heard a smile, and she really listened to what she said from the sky to the ground. "It is here."

Ye Hao stunned and turned around and saw that they had already arrived near the city of Meicheng. There was a stone sign at the intersection to write the words of Meicheng.

"We are in the city of Meicheng." Ye Hao cried in surprise.

"Yeah." Murong Zhan was about to talk. Suddenly, his throat was filled with sweetness. He wanted to swallow and it was too late. A blood spurted out.

Ye Hao’s shoulder was stained with his blood, her face was white, “Azhan... Azhan...”

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