"Azhan, what's wrong with you?" Ye Hao was so scared that his face was white and he did not know what to do with the arm of Mo Rongzhan.

"I'm fine, don't cry." Murong Zhan wiped the blood of his mouth. He was just lacking in spirit and spirit. The last injury was not completely good. In the past few days, he spent his energy to see the crack. This speed will move. It is not a big problem to hurt him.

"How can it be okay! You... you are all vomiting blood, are you injured and don't tell me, you are glaring at me again!" Ye Hao touched his chest and checked if there was any injury on his body.

Murong Chan held her hand and held her in her arms. "It’s not enough for the spirit of the sea, just take a break."

Ye Hao hurriedly took out a golden condensate from the space. "You are going to eat."

"It's not easy to refine alchemy here. There aren't many condensed dans..." His words were not finished yet, and she saw her starry scorpion and a tear, and looked at him silently.

"I eat." Murong Zhan bowed his head and ate the condensate Dan, whispering softly, "Okay, don't cry, it will be good soon."

"I am not good, knowing that you are injured and let you bring me over." Ye Hao was heartbroken and died. She actually forgot his injury. It was just a moment to come here from Jin Guo. It takes a lot of spiritual power. He actually has two words. If you don't say it, take her over.

“Hey.” Murong Zhan sighed. “Well, don’t cry, I’m really fine. The condensate Dan has already eaten it. It’s already much better now.”

He took her here, but it didn't make her cry.

"Let's go, you will not use spiritual power here," Ye said.

Murong's thin lips smirked and smiled. "Okay, listen to you."

"First take a break, let's go to Meicheng again." Ye Hao said, taking Murong Zhan's hand and walking down a big tree to sit down, "drink some water."

"Yeah." Murong Zhan took the cup in her hand from the good, knowing that it must be a spiritual spring.

Ye Hao looked at the bright moon in the sky. "I suddenly got a little confused. It is right or wrong to hand over the Yuan to the water. I always think that Huangfu is more suitable."

"The emperor has no ambition to see the water." Murong Zhan said faintly, he did not remember the memory of Xuantian mainland. He still wanted to dominate the world. Now he has become a spectator in the world, so he looks at the water. Still Murong, he is just holding the attitude of a bystander.

Of course, it is impossible for a daughter to be a bystander.

"After the water, there is no humanity to kill the city, and next time it may do more cruel things." Ye Hao whispered.

"People will change." Mo Rongzhan comforted him. People are the most fickle. It is impossible to always be the person in memory.

Ye Hao leaned against the shoulders of Murong Cham. "I know."

She knows that people will change. Water may be loyal to her four years ago. It may not be four years later. She does not want to fight in the Yuan Dynasty, so she gave way to the water and hoped that he would continue to maintain an ally with the country. The relationship, now it seems, is that her idea is too naive.

"You take into account the ideas of others, and always hope to have the best of both worlds. Hey, there are not so many of the best in the world." Murong Zhan whispered.

Ye Hao looked up at him. They have been together for ten years. The feelings of the two people are deeper than before. His eyes are still deeply affectionate and have not changed with the past. Over the years, because of his protection and affection, she gradually Putting down the previous hatred, the only one who can always be the same, she should not have the same thoughts about other people.

"Well, I am too naive." Ye Hao said sadly.

Murong Zhan licked her head, not that she was too naive, it was too easy to be soft, she had good ideas about people and things in the world, but many things and human nature are evil, not beautiful. of.

"Let's go." Murong Zhan whispered, "I am much better."

"Don't use spiritual power, just walk around." Ye Hao said.

Ink Murray’s eyes flashed a smile, and the black scorpion was as bright as a star in the night. “Good.”

The reason why Luomei City is called Luomei is because there is a large plum tree around the city. When it comes to the winter, the plum blossoms bloom like snow. From the wall, it looks like a sea of ​​flowers. Many romantics like to enjoy the plum blossoms here. Poetry, now I am afraid that no one dares to set foot here.

"The gates are closed, and the outside is heavily defensive. It seems that people inside are not allowed to come out." Ye Hao said.

"It will be dawn soon, we will go in after dawn." Murong Cham said.

When a morning light appeared in the east, Ye Hao and Murong Zhan went to the gate.

"Stand up!" Screaming and screaming, "What are you going to do?"

Ye Hao turned back and saw that she was a deputy in armor. She whispered, "Going into the city."

"Langmei City can't go in, if you pass by, take another route." The deputy will say.

"We want to enter the city." Ye Hao said, "I am a doctor, someone asked me to cure the disease."

I heard that Ye Hao said that it was a doctor. The deputy’s look changed. "Who are you? Speed ​​is leaving here, otherwise you are welcome."

“Why?” Ye Hao asked, only if he did not know that it was about to be slaughtered.

"Fast roll, not many ask." The deputy will scream, he took a step closer to Ye Hao, but stopped when he saw the eyes of Mo Rongzhan, inexplicably felt that the back of the ridge was cold, and even the tone was not so strong," The court has orders, no one can enter or leave the city gate. You are not here, leave."

Ye Hao said, "I must go to the city today."

"Are you going to the city to find death?" The deputy replied sarcastically. "There is no medicine in the city. You can be a doctor. What can you do?"

"So you are waiting for the people in the city to die inside?" Ye Hao asked coldly.

The deputy will be carrying Ye Hao and Murong Zhan, "Who are you?"

"Where does the water send people to Meicheng?" Ye Hao asked.

This woman actually dared to call the name of the emperor? The pair was shocked and carefully looked at Ye Hao, "You..."

"Scorpio!" Suddenly, someone screamed behind him.

Upon hearing this familiar voice, Ye Hao frowned and turned back, "Zhao Tianqi?" Her eyes filled with anger. "Do you want to come to the city?"

Zhao Tianqi hurried over and smiled at the deputy. "No, I am here to deliver the medicine. Not enough... The epidemic is too serious. Lei Daren will not let me in."

Lei Daren? Ye Hao raised his eyebrows, "Lei Yingchun?"

"Yes..." Zhao Tianyi looked at Ye Hao. It seems that she knew the news of the massacre. Otherwise, it would not appear here. "The thunderman is in the camp there."

"Go and call him to see me." Ye Hao said coldly.

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