Wangdu City, the Royal Palace.

After a few days of water, the mood was extremely violent, and the disaster happened inexplicably. He was caught unpreparedly. In the end, he still had to take down the imperial edict of the massacre. It is hard for him to doubt whether this is a punishment for him. He feels that he is not worthy of the Yuan Dynasty.

"The emperor, the rush to the city of Meicheng." The palace man rushed in with a triumph in his hands and threw himself in front of the water.

Is it already a massacre?

"Show it up." The water said faintly.

The palace man will send the song to the front of the water, "the emperor..."

The face of the water is gloomy, and the fingers are stiffly opened to open the score, and the contents inside are seen in the eyes.

Seeing the end, his twilight is getting darker and gloomy.


He heavily beat the score on the table, Lu Yan! She actually went to the city of Meicheng, she is so afraid of death?

All the palace people on the main hall were smashed down.

"The order is going to go down, I want to go to Meicheng." The water said coldly.

Shen Luoyang and the cabinet minister knew about this, and soon they went to the palace to see the water.

A glimpse of water has changed clothes, and is about to leave the palace to go to Meicheng.

"Emperor, how do you want to go to Meicheng? The epidemic is serious, you are the body of Jingui, and you can't go." Cabinet Minister Luo Lizhen cried in front of the water.

"Yeah, the emperor, even if the city of Meicheng has been...but the epidemic has not completely subsided, and you can't take risks." Shen Luoyang said.

The water glanced at them with a faint look. "Lome Meicheng is still there."

He has already passed on orders, and Lei Yingchun is not allowed to burn the city.

Lu Hao is now in the city, how could he start with her.

Luo Liyi, "Lei Yingchun's purpose?"

"Hey in the city." The water snorted.

what? Scorpio? Luo Li asked questioningly, "How could Tianzhu be in Meicheng?"

Shen Luoyang also stayed, Tianzhu is in Meicheng?

"How could Tianzhu be in Meicheng, she is not giving way? What else to stay in the Yuan Dynasty?" Luo Li could not help but suspect Ye Hao's heart, do you want to use this opportunity to regain the hearts of the people?

When the water heard the meaning of Luo Li, he said with anger, "She is a soft-hearted person. She must know the news of the massacre, otherwise she will not appear in the city of Meicheng."

"The emperor, do you want to go to Meicheng to find Lu Hao?" Luo Li asked.

"Yes." The water said coldly.

Luo Li screamed, "The emperor, the people in the city of Meicheng are all suffering from the epidemic, you can not get close."

As soon as I heard the words of Luo Li, I had already walked out of the palace.

"Emperor, the emperor!" Luo Li chased him up.

"You don't have to say it, you must go to Meicheng." The water said coldly.

Luo Li still wants to speak again, has been caught by Shen Luoyang, indicating that he does not have to persuade, the emperor is impossible to listen to him.

"The emperor, Chen and you go to Meicheng." Shen Luoyang said to the water.

"No." The water swayed and leaped onto the prepared horse, and quickly ran outside the city, followed by several shadow guards.

Luo Li turned to look at Shenyang Luoyang, "Shen General, why not discourage the emperor? You know what it is like in Meicheng."

"The Scorpio is there, the emperor can't hear to persuade." Shen Luoyang whispered, "Now, it's no good, or hurry to find a doctor."

"Isn't it true that Tianzhu returned to Jinguo? How could she appear in Luomeicheng, she has given way to the emperor, and the Yuanguo has nothing to do with her." Luo Li followed Ye Hao all the way. From the Chinese nation to the Yuan Dynasty, but now his loyal people are a glimpse of water.

It is hard for him not to doubt whether Lu’s move is to get the hearts and minds of the people of the Yuan Dynasty.

"You are too small to see the sky." Shen Luoyang saw Luo Li, she followed Lu Hao more than Luo Li, understand what kind of person Tianzhu is, if she really wants the Yuan Dynasty It will not be so resolutely let go.

Scorpio will appear in Luomei City, mostly because she wants to save people.

"What can the emperor do?" Luo Li vaguely knows the thoughts of the water. If Tianzhu does not marry Mo Rongzhan, he feels that Tianzhu and the water are a pair of heavenly creations. There are not so many good fate.

"I only hope that Scorpio... can really cure the people who fall in Meicheng." Shen Luoyang whispered.



There are more than 200 people in Luomeicheng, and 35 people have already died. Murong Zhan took Zhao Tianqi to carry the dead people to a small square. When they moved the firewood, they burned the bodies. Ye Hao took them. Others are seeing a doctor and determining whether their illness is different from the epidemic in Anzhen.

"It will be dark soon." A drug boy who was boiling the medicine said nervously.

"Hurry to cook." The young doctor shouted.

The pharmacy's face was a bit whitish. "I heard that it will burn down Meicheng in the dark, can we still go out alive?"

"Don't scare others." Ye Haotou did not lift, "Lei Yingchun did not dare to burn the city, we still have two and a half days."

"Two and a half days..." The voice of the drug boy was a little trembling. "Can you cure so many people in two and a half days?"

Ye Hao said faintly, "just control the epidemic."

"Gong Dafu, I... I want to go back." The drug boy cried out. He had already regretted coming. He knew that the situation in the city of Meicheng was so serious that he would not come.

"You are already here, it is impossible for outside people to let you out." Ye Hao looked up at him faintly. "Hurry up and cook, don't let you die."

The young doctor took a bottle of pills in his hand and asked Ye Hao in a puzzled way. "Scorpio Niangniang, what is this?"

"It's the medicine I made, and it's all right to cook together in the medicine." This is the Qingrejiedu pill made by her elixir, which is effective for the epidemic.

"Good." The young man nodded. He followed the scorpio for a long time, and saw with her own eyes how she used a needle to save people. She was already dying. She was able to save people. He was holding a mortal People have entered the city, but now they have seen hope.

Perhaps, Scorpio can really save the people of Meicheng.

"Take the medicine to them for drinking. I will take acupuncture again if I am seriously ill." Ye Hao told him, "Teach them how to pay attention to infection, and don't share things between eating and drinking."

"Yes." The young doctor should answer.

Time passed by little, Ye Xie's mind was on saving people, and Lei Yingchun outside the city, but waiting for the heart to be annoyed, do not know what to do next.

He was waiting for the water to sigh, to recover his life, or to continue to burn down the city of Mei, he did not wait for the will, but waited for a trip.

On the third day of Ye Hao’s entry into the city of Meicheng, the water rushed to the outside of Luomei City at a rapid speed.

"The emperor..." Lei Yingchun screamed in shock.

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