As soon as the water glanced down at the closed gate, I imagined that the woman was now treating the patient inside, and certainly she could not even care for herself.

"Open the door." The water said coldly.

"The emperor?" Lei Yingchun was taken aback, not knowing what water is going to do.

"She wants to go in, you won't stop?" Water looked at Lei Yingchun coldly and thought of the environment she was in at the time, and there was an indescribable anger in his heart.

Lei Yingchun said, "The emperor, the minister has stopped the Scorpio, but ... Tianzhu himself went in to open the gate, we can't stop it."

The water blinked a little, "She opened the city gate herself?"

"Yes, he is also inside." Lei Yingchun whispered.

"Open the door." The water said with a sullen face.

Lei Yingchun looked at the water with a dilemma. "The emperor, the inside is too dangerous. I don't know what their situation is, you can't go in..."

"In the same way, I don't want to say it again." The water said coldly.

"Emperor!" Lei Yingchun said in front of the water, "You are the body of Wanjin, you can't take risks."

The water is lifted and looked at other people, "Go open the gate."

Lei Yingchun hugged the calf of the water. "The emperor, the epidemic is dangerous, you can't go in, the emperor..."

"If you don't open the door again, you cut your head." The water snarled, and he turned to look at the deputy, "open the gate."

"Go and bring all the royal doctors." Lei Yingchun knew that there was no way to stop the water. He knew that the water had a feeling for the Scorpio, and he would definitely go all out.

The gate opened slowly, and the water strode in, and Lei Yingchun followed him.

There was still no one on the street, and there was smoke rising in the distance, and the water strode in that direction.

"The body..." Lei Yingchun stunned.

"What kind of body?" asked the water.

Lei Yingchun replied, "A few days ago, there were still many sick and dead bodies in the alley... It should be handled by the Scorpio."

A glimpse of water speeds up until the smell of strong scent in the air.

"Scorpio is there." Lei Yingchun pointed to the room where there was no collapse, and Ye Hao was feeding a woman.

After the earthquake, most of the city of Meicheng was still preserved, so it attracted a lot of people who lost everything. The epidemic in Meicheng was the most serious, and those who did not have already left.

After a few doctors at the same time, Shui Shui ordered that all the sick people should be sent to Luomei City, and they want to completely let the disease disappear. Therefore, most of Meicheng are not locals, and many of them are outside. This is why many people are dying outside.

He knows that this is too cruel, but if you don't, the dead will be more.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Water strode to Ye Hao and asked her in anger.

When I heard the sound of the water, Ye Hao’s eyes flashed a bit of a strange look. She looked back and slowly stood up. "How come you?"

"This should be my question." Water stared at her white face like jade. "Why are you here? You don't know where this is? Do you think you will not get sick?"

"I know very well why I am here." Ye Hao said faintly, taking the bowl in her hand to the child, she did not want to argue with the water here.

Zhao Tianqi came out of the house and saw the water, he rounded his eyes, "Imperial..."

The water glanced at him coldly, and Zhao Tianyi swallowed his words and bowed his head and stopped talking.

"I will hand it over to you." Ye Hao said to Zhao Tianqi, turned and walked toward the general's house.

"Don't you have a life?" Water squatted behind Ye Hao, and he had nowhere to vent his anger. After getting her handicap, he felt like a beast waking up in his body. I am irritable and want to take her to the front of her and swallow her.

Ye Hao stopped and turned and looked at him indifferently. "I cherish my life and respect the lives of others. You have the will of the massacre. You should know that I will come."

"I was forced to do this." Water explained that she did not want to become a cruel and inhumane person in her mind.

"Is it a last resort, or is it afraid to face it?" Ye Hao stared straight at him. "This natural disaster has nothing to do with anyone. Do you think it is because you are enthroned?"

The water was poked at the center, and the eyes flashed with an anger. "I didn't think so."

"If you really kill the city, that is the biggest disaster. If there is any disease that is not cured, how can you know that it will fail if you have not worked hard?" Ye Hao said faintly, "You are not used to tell me to leave, to cure Good, I won't go."

"Do you have to be against me?" asked the water in a low voice.

"I don't want to be against you." Ye Hao gently shook his head. "After the water, I can't see so many people who did not try their best when I was able to cure. Finally, I didn't die in the disease, but I was going to die." In a big fire, you should be a king. You should not kill them, but protect your subjects. They trust you and respect you. They feel that you can protect them, not when they are angry."

The water was sullen, "I don't want to be this emperor."

"You deceive yourself!" Ye Hao said coldly. "In the four years that I am not here, you are already the emperor of this country. If you are in the water, why don't you really face the ambition of your heart, if you have no ambitions?" I will not order the massacre. You came to me today. Are you afraid that I will affect your authority? You can rest assured that as long as they are ill, I will leave here and will not come back."

"Do you really see me like this?" The water squinted red, like a trapped beast looking at Ye Hao with anger and despair. "What do you think I want? I am here for what comes from China, you Do not you know?"

Ye Hao did not avoid his gaze, she looked at him calmly. "You have helped me, I am very grateful."

"I don't want your gratitude!" Water snorted, "Lu Yan, I like you, want to stay with you, even if you can't have you, just look at you, you can even have this opportunity. Don't give it to me."

"After the water, I am already a wife." Ye Hao frowned and stepped back.

"I know." Water said painfully. "I was at the beginning... I should try my best to keep you in China."

Ye Hao sighed in his heart. "You are leaving here, your face doesn't look too good."

"You are not afraid that I really ordered the massacre?" The water whispered.

"You are free." Ye Hao said faintly.

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