As soon as the water looked at the back of her departure, he shouted, "I will not leave."

After his words were finished, he saw that Murong Chan came out from the General's House. He looked at the water with a glimpse of his eyes. As if he didn't see this person, he walked in front of Ye Hao and didn't know how to whisper. What he said, Ye Hao smiled at him, his eyes seemed to be brighter, and he was even better than Chen Xing.

Murong Zhan took her hand and the two walked into the General.

As soon as the water looked stiffly at their backs, he seemed to hear a beast in the ear, he wanted to kill, and wanted to release his ambitions.

"The emperor..." Lei Yingchun, who has always regarded himself as transparent, cautiously called the water.

Nothing was heard in the water. He only had the words that Ye Hao had just said.

His ambition, his desire, he has been restrained, but now he does not want to restrain.

"The emperor, we are still..." Let's go. When Lei Yingchun’s words were not spoken, he saw a gloomy and horrible eye in the water. He was shocked and did not dare to speak again.

"I want to stay here," said the water.

Lei Yingchun was crying and begging him. "The emperor,, ah, Meicheng is a sick person who lives here, you can't stay here."

"Do you want to defy the command of blasphemy?" asked the water coldly.

"Chen did not dare." Lei Yingchun stunned.

The water went up to the General's House, here is his place, why should he go? Doesn't she say that he has ambition? Then he... let her know what ambition he has.

Entering the gate of the General's House, the water saw the ink-filled Zhan Zhan standing in front of him.

The two imposing and equally ruthless people looked at each other and found out that the man had already seen it. He was not blind.

If you haven't seen it for a few years, it seems that Murong Cham has become different.

"After the water, why are you still here?" Ye Hao walked out of the hall and saw the water standing at the door. She frowned at him. "You can't stay here."

"You can be here, why can't I be here." Water asked with a blank expression.

Ye Hao sighed. "After the water, there are a lot of patients here. I don't want to heal you in the future. Go quickly, go back and throw the clothes, and wash your body."

"Let's go." Murong is so sullen, obviously does not like Ye Hao care about water.

"You don't leave, I won't leave." Water said.

Ye Hao gave him a faint look. "Then you are waiting here."

"Lu Yan." Water screamed at her.

"No matter what you want to say, it is best not to say anything." Murong Zhan stunned like a frost, looking at the water coldly.

A glimpse of water has never been afraid of ink, but he now looks at the eyes of ink-filled Zhan, actually feels the surrounding air condensed, and the back is cool.

Ye Hao took the arm of Mo Rongzhan and walked out of the door without looking back.

"Stand up!" Water had to catch up, but only after a few steps, he felt black in front of him.

"The emperor, are you okay?" Lei Yingchun hurriedly held the water.

"Oh, nothing." Water said.

Lei Yingchun said anxiously, "You have no rest for a few days, or take a break from the city first."

"It’s here." The water snorted.

"Emperor!" Lei Yingchun reluctantly cried, but found that the water has been comatose.

Lei Yingchun gritted his teeth and turned the water back. He could not leave the emperor in the city. It would be bad if he was infected with the disease.

When Zhao Tianqi came to look for water, he saw Lei Yingchun carrying him out.

"Hey, Lei Daren, what happened to the emperor?" Zhao Tianqi asked in surprise.

"The emperor came from Wangducheng and didn't close his eyes. It was already tired." Lei Yingchun said, "The city is not suitable for the emperor to rest, I have to send him out."

Zhao Tianqi frowned and took a packet of medicine in his hand to Lei Yingchun. "You didn't drink medicine when you came in. After you left the city, remember to burn your clothes, and take medicine, don't forget."

Lei Yingchun nodded. "I remember."



The epidemic in Luomei City has been basically controlled. After drinking the medicine for two days, the people have not recurred the heat again. Several people who had been worried about coming in with it were also relieved.

Aunt Feng also found her son and grandson. Under the careful care of Feng Aunt, the two were no longer feverish, and her daughter-in-law died in the earthquake.

"This is the last patient who is still feverish. If you can get rid of heat tonight, it should be much better tomorrow." Ye Hao said.

"I didn't expect... I can really cure them." The young doctor was amazed and looked at Ye Hao's eyes full of reverence.

The name of Scorpio is not a name for the waves.

After a round of inspections, Ye Hao was finally relieved, and in a few days it should be fine.

"After the water, you should not burn the city any more." And Murong Zhan walked on the street, and Ye Hao thought that the water was a little annoying.

"I won't let him burn." Murong Zhan whispered.

Ye Hao frowned and said softly, "You don't want to use the power, your sea has not been completely repaired."

Murong Zhan smiled and nodded. "No spirit."

"Water is a man who is obviously ambitious, but he wants to be indifferent to fame and fortune. I am worried that he will not know what will be done in the future." Ye Hao whispered, the things of the massacre were all made. What else can't be done.

"No matter what he will do, it has nothing to do with you." Murong Zhan knows what she is entangled, thinking that she will give way to the water, so she can't see him hurt the people of the Yuanguo and feel that she has a relationship with her.

Ye Hao took a deep breath, she really shouldn't be entangled. "If he becomes a tyrant, I will kill him by hand."

"It's cheaper for him." Murong said with a blank expression that he would not let her hand stain the blood of the water.

"Right, I just received the notes of Mingxi, I haven't seen it yet." Ye Hao said, taking out the notes from the space and using the spirit to open them, Mingxi's words rang in their ears.

"Hey, mother, we found that some people want to rebel against the shackles. We will not go to Tianjin City for the time being, and go to the wasteland to check these people first."

Ye Hao and Murong Chong looked at each other. Their spiritual power in the human world was insufficient. There was only one sentence that the phonetic notes could convey, so Mingxi did not say too much.

“Rebel?” Ye Yiwei, “Who else dares to do this in Jinguo?”

“Who is there in the Wasteland?” Murong Cum whispered, “Without the vines, there will be no other people.”

Ye Hao was even more shocked. "Isn't he the confidant of Murong? How can we do such a thing, are we going to the wasteland? I don't know if Mingxi told Murong."

"Since Ming Xie went to the wasteland, they should have discovered something. We don't want to stun the snake for the time being," said Murong Cham.

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