Even if Ye Hao is going to find Mingxi now, she can't walk away. Moreover, Mingxi's tone seems to be well-informed. She and Murong Zhan may have been stunned, so she put this down, but still writes A letter to Ye Xiaonan, at least to remind, let Kyoto be prepared, who knows if there are people in Kyoto who want to rebel.

She and Murong Chong returned to the General's House, and Zhao Tianyi did not take long to come to her.

"Hey, Lei Daren took the emperor out of the city. I heard that the emperor knew that after you entered the city, he came to sleep day and night, and he was already tired and fainted." Zhao Tianqi whispered, he only knows today. The feeling of water on Lu Yi is so deep that he did not see it before, he was too slow.

"You told them to burn the clothes?" The water fainted? Ye Haoxiu slightly picks up, all of them are still in the city, and they are not afraid of being infected.

Zhao Tianqi said, "I have already said it to Lei Daren. However, I don’t think the emperor’s face is very good..."

"There are so many doctors outside, what are you afraid of? He is a martial artist. He is not so easy to fall ill." Ye Hao didn't think so. Now she doesn't want to be too much involved with the water.

"The emperor will come here, in fact, it is also for..." Zhao Tianyi looked at Ye Hao and thought that Murong Chan was in the house. He refused to say it.

Ye Hao said faintly, "Do you think he is for me?"

Zhao Tianyi did not expect that Ye Hao would say so straightforwardly, "Do you know?"

"Oh, that's because you don't know him." Ye Hao said softly. "Forget it, it doesn't make sense to say that. You are busy today, go to rest soon, remember to drink the medicine."

"Yes." Zhao Tianyi answered.

After Lei Yingchun sent the water out of the city, he immediately went to cook the medicine and changed the clothes for the water. This time, the water was placed.

"Come and ask the doctor to see." Lei Yingchun told him that he is cautious, that water is the body of Wanjin, and must not be negligent.

Soon, the royal doctor came, and after giving the water a pulse, it was determined that he was just too tired, and there was no other problem. Lei Yingchun was relieved.

"Lei Daren, the medicine is fried." The next person sent Lei Yingchun two bowls of medicine.

"The emperor hasn't woken up yet, this bowl is warm, wait for the emperor to wake up and give him another drink." Lei Yingchun said, took the bowl of medicine and drank it, then he went to clean himself up. He knew that after the plague. Terrible, so still very cautious.

Long nights, a blink of an eye, is already dawn.

The first thing that Lei Yingchun woke up was to see the water.

The water has been sleeping for a long time, but it has not been awake so far. Lei Yingchun felt a little strange and asked the next person outside the door. "Is the emperor awake?"

"Back to the adults, the emperor never called slaves from last night to the present..." He said in a low voice.

Didn't you wake up?

Lei Yingchun had some doubts and personally knocked on the door. "Imperial, emperor?"

After a while, there was still no sound in the room, and Lei Yingchun called a few more sounds. There was still no echo in it.

This is too unusual! The martial arts of the water is high and strong, and he is more alert than the average person. He has knocked on the door for so long, and it is impossible for the water to be heard.

"Are you sure that the emperor did not go out?" Lei Yingchun frowned and asked about the ring.

"The slaves have been guarding here. If the emperor goes out, the slaves will know." He said immediately.

Lei Yingchun did not dare to hesitate any more. He pushed the door open and went in. He saw the water lying on the bed, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Hello?" Lei Yingchun walked over and whispered a few times.

There was no reaction in the water lying on the bed.

Crouching - Lei Yingchun’s heart snorted and shouted at the ring, “Go and ask Zhu Yu.”

"Okay, okay."

Lei Yingchun walked over to the bed and saw that the water was blue and white, his eyes were closed, and his look looked very painful.

"The emperor, are you awake?" Lei Yingchun gently pushed the body of the water, so hot! This is a fever.

Oops! Lei Yingchun was shocked in the heart, this symptom of the emperor... How is it similar to the epidemic?

"Adult, adult, Zhu Yu doctor came." Yan Huan rushed to run.

"Zhu Yu doctor, what are you doing to see the emperor?" Lei Yingchun was not sure that the water was a disease, and he silently prayed in his heart. The expectation was not what he thought.

"Is the emperor not good last night?" Zhu Yu doctor asked strangely, he came to the pulse last night, the emperor is obviously too tired, and there are no other problems.

Lei Yingchun said, "I didn't wake up in the morning for the emperor..."

Zhu Yu doctor was shocked and hurried forward to give the water a pulse.

Just touched the wrist of the water, Zhu Yu doctor's face has changed, so hot!

"Zhu Yu doctor, how is the emperor?" Lei Yingchun whispered.

"I am afraid... I am afraid..." Zhu Yu’s doctor once again took the water for a while, "is an epidemic."

Lei Yingchun’s face changed, and it turned out to be an epidemic.

"Zhu Yu doctor, you must cure the emperor. If there is anything in the emperor, you and I can't afford it." Lei Yingchun said in a hurry.

"This..." Zhu Yu doctor's face is ugly. He wants to cure the emperor. He just knows that he can't afford it. He is afraid. "The emperor's illness is in turmoil, I am afraid..."

Lei Yingchun said with anger, "You are still not a doctor. If the emperor is not cured, do you think you can still live?"

"Adult, I don't want to heal the emperor, it's just this epidemic... There is no countermeasure." Zhu Yuji said with embarrassment, as a royal doctor, who does not want to cure the plague, but the plague is too fierce and easily infected. He has already thought about several prescriptions, and the results still have no effect on the epidemic. He is only afraid that time will not delay the treatment time of the emperor.

"You..." Lei Yingchun glared at him. "I went to the city to look for Scorpio."

After a few steps, he remembered the medicine that Zhao Tianyi gave him yesterday. "Is the medicine that warmed you yesterday, did you give it to the emperor?"

The ring shook his head. "The emperor has never woken up, so..."

"Go take the medicine and give it to the emperor first." Lei Yingchun said, hurried to the city.

Now only Lu Yan can save water. If the news of the epidemic is spread, I don’t know what effect it will have in the Yuan Congress.

At this time, Ye Hao is giving the pulse to the people in the city. Everyone has not repeated fever, and the plague has been stabilized.

"Scorpio, Scorpio!" Lei Yingchun went into the city for a long time and finally found Ye Hao.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Lei Yingchun, Ye Hao slightly frowned.

"Scorpio, you... please save the emperor." Lei Yingchun looked at Ye Hao with earnest gaze. He didn't know if Scorpio would save the water or let him die.

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