When I heard Lei Yingchun’s words, Ye Hao’s eyes flashed a trace of doubts. “What happened to Lei Daren?”

Zhao Tianyi found the movement on the other side and also came over.

"Scorpio, the emperor was unconscious last night, and the whole body is in a fever, I am afraid... I am afraid..." Lei Yingchun remembered that they had to kill the city because of the epidemic, who thought that the emperor also caught the disease. "Only you can save the emperor now."

"Is it infected with the epidemic?" Ye Hao raised an eyebrow. "Are you going to do it after you go back?"

Lei Yingchun said, "The emperor has been unconscious after going back, just changing clothes, no... no medicine."

it is as expected! Yesterday, the face of the water was not very good. It was the most vulnerable to the epidemic. Going back and not even drinking the medicine, it is no wonder that it fell ill.

Ye Hao is hesitant, do you want to save the water? Saved him, will kill more people?

Lei Yingchun looked at Ye Xie anxiously. She didn't say a word when she saw her. His heart sank bit by bit.

Zhao Tianqi whispered, "Hey?"

"Is there a doctor? Let the doctor give him a cure." Ye Hao said faintly.

Lei Yingchun was cold at the bottom of his heart. "Scorpio, the royal doctor is helpless. If they can cure the epidemic, how can the city of Meicheng be so... the emperor is so sacred."

"Oh, that's the emperor, it's a glimpse of water. Do you really want to see death?" Zhao Tianqi cried anxiously, although he didn't like water a lot, but he was his own brother, really What happened, Miao Miao will be very sad.

"Bring the prescription back to the Daren." Ye Hao said faintly, seeing the young doctor not far away, "Let Feng Dafu go, he knows how to cure the disease."

Feng Dafu’s eyes flashed in joy and he was able to cure the emperor. What a glory, he now knows how to treat the epidemic, but... Why does Scorpio not cure the emperor himself?

"Scorpio!" Lei Yingchun really cried, this Feng Dafu looks like a dull goose, how can he cure the emperor's disease, "even if there is something wrong before the emperor, but he is not intentional after all. If it is not forced by the situation, he will never do such an imperial edict, and beg you, save the emperor."

Zhao Tianyi said, "Hey, don't look at anything else, you see that he is Miao Miao's brother, to save him."

"Even if I go, it is the same prescription. It is the same." Ye Hao said, "Zhao Tianqi, go take a few pills that I cooked yesterday, soak in the water and give it a drink, if three days later Still can't get back, come back to me."

"Okay." Zhao Tianyi nodded. Since Ye Hao said so, he believed that the disease of water would definitely be cured.

Lei Yingchun looked at Ye Hao, "Scorpio, then let's go out of town first."

Ye Dagger, and turned to Feng Dafu, "Feng Dafu, then you should go to the emperor to cure."

"Good." Feng Dafu suppressed the excitement and let his drug boy hurry to take his medicine box.

After Zhao Tianqi took the pill, he also followed the city to help.



After Lei Yingchun entered the city, the ring of the ring would have been drunk with the warm medicine last night. After a while, the water woke up, feeling that he was top-heavy and the whole body was soft. Powerless, he knew he was sick.

"What about Lei Yingchun?" The sound of the water hoarse, lying on the bed without struggling to stand up.

"Back to the emperor, Lei Daren went to the city to ask Tianzhu to treat you." He said in a low voice.

Need to go to Lu Hao, it seems that he was infected with the epidemic.

"What about Zhu Yu doctor?" asked the water.

Zhu Yu, who had been standing outside the door, heard the water and mentioned him. He immediately walked a few steps into the house. "The emperor, the minister is here."

"What is the disease?" Water squinted at the corner of Zhu Yu’s medical battle, and his heart was already clear.

Zhu Yu’s doctor’s voice replied, “Go back to the emperor, it’s just cold.”

"If you are just cold, you can't heal. What do you want?" The water is dark and gloomy. If he is cold, Lei Yingchun does not have to go to the city to find Lu.

"The emperor!" Zhu Yu doctor smashed down, "I am incompetent, and ask the emperor to forgive."

Water closes his eyes. "You try to heal."

Lu Hao will not come, she is soft and soft, but for him ... certainly will not be soft.

"The emperor, Lei Daren has already gone to ask for the Scorpio, as long as the Scorpio comes, your illness can be cured." Zhu Yu doctor said.

"She won't come." Water said faintly, she hated that he intended to kill the city, and would definitely punish him, so she would not come.

Zhu Yu doctor trembled to give the water a pulse. "The pulse of the emperor is better than earlier, then... that minister went to prescribe medicine."

"Go on." Shui said, although she felt that she would not come, but still could not help but hope.

As soon as the water reached out and touched her chest, she saw his ambitions, and even he did not find them, but she saw it.

Lu Yan...

He remembered the scene when she saw her for the first time. At that time, she was still tolerant, and her eyes were vivid and vivid, and it became the light in his heart.

"The emperor, Lei Daren is back." Yuhuan suddenly cried in surprise.

As soon as the water turned, he saw Lei Yingchun striding into the door, followed by Zhao Tianqi and a strange man.

She did not come!

Oh, she really worried about him.

"The emperor, are you awake?" Lei Yingchun saw the water waking up and his face flashed a surprise. "Scorpio is coming to treat you."

When I close my eyes, it is not her coming, but what is the point.

Lei Yingchun gave Feng Dafu a look, "Feng Dafu."

"The grass people have seen the emperor." Feng Dafu took a ritual, carefully approached the water, and reached out to give him the pulse.

Zhao Tianyi looked at the water lying on the bed, and he was the first to see the water so weak.

From Huaguo to Yuanguo, this man is so powerful that he thinks he is a strong man who will never fall.

It turns out he will be sick.

He also thought that the water was a cold-blooded animal, and he would never be tempted by anyone. He did not expect him to fall in love with Lu Hao.

"It is an epidemic. The emperor's body is strong, so the symptoms are not serious. Just take the medicine on time." Feng Dafu whispered.

"Feng Dafu, then please hurry to prescribe medicine." Lei Yingchun said.

"The medicine is good for Tianzhu, and the grass people immediately go to the decocting medicine." Feng said.

Zhao Tianqi returned to God and took out the pill from his arms. "Lei Daren, first give this to the emperor."

Lei Yingchun said to the water, "The emperor is the medicine that Tian Hao asked for."

"Yeah." The water faintly responded.

Lu Hao, you are not willing to come to see you, if you have escaped this time, you will definitely use up the method so that you can never leave.

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