Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2066: Listen to the fate

Three days later, the people who were already waiting to die in the city of Luomei had already seen hope. They no longer had repeated fevers. The original body was strong enough to help clean up the ruins after the earthquake. Some shops on the street had reopened.

Falling Meicheng has once again ushered in a sunny day.

Ye Hao no longer needs to go to the clinic. She asks each family to take the medicine back and drink it for a few more days.

The two car medicinal materials sent by Zhao Tianqi were almost used, and Lu Tingzhi finally came to Luomeicheng with herbs and prescriptions.

Although there is a drug of leafhopper, the disease of water is already controlled, but it has not completely healed, and the recovery speed is relatively slow. Dr. Feng is puzzled. When he is planning to enter the city, Lu Tingzhi takes the prescription and Two car herbs came.

Because of the surname Lu, Shui Yiyi personally met him.

After a few days of illness, the water looked weak and pale, and sat in the robes of the Taishi chair, looking coldly at the front of the court.

"Who made you come?" asked the water in a cold voice. He knew Lu Tingzhi. This man was the cousin of Lu Hao, who used to be in the Qilin Hanlin Academy.

"No one asked me to come. I gave medicine and prescriptions to the disaster-stricken areas for the accumulation of good fortune." Lu Tingzhi said softly.

"Where did you come from?" Water asked coldly, he is not a doctor, how come there is a prescription.

"It was obtained from Anping Town, where the epidemic has already been controlled," Lu Tingzhi said.

Water looked at Lu Tingzhi sharply. "Have you been hurt?"

"The flood rescues people and accidentally suffers some injuries." Lu Ting's eyes are calm and the wind is lightly watching the water. "The emperor is worried because I am from Jinguo and I was in Qiguo Hanlin, two months." Before, when Qi’an An Ning Hou died, I had already left Qiguo and had been wandering around, just passing through Anping Town. If you don’t believe it, I can leave immediately.”

"Do you know that Lu Hao is in Meicheng?"

Lu Ting's body froze, his eyes flashed a bit of a strange, "Lome Meicheng? Not already..."

"There is no massacre because she is inside." The water said coldly.

"I thought she was going back to Kyoto..." Lu Tingzhi said, "It turned out to be in Meicheng."

When I saw the face of Lu Ting, I saw that he didn’t seem to lie. "Would you like to let people go to the city to find her?"

Lu Tingzhi smiled and shook his head. "I am afraid that she would not want to see me. Since there is a squat here, the epidemic in Meicheng should be solved. Then I will go to another place and retire."

"Stand up." Water slammed Lu Tingzhi. "Are you sending medicine to the Yuan Dynasty for a thousand miles, just to save the blessing?"

"The family underneath...had done a lot of wrong things, I forgive them for sin." Lu Tingzhi whispered.

Water looked at him with sarcasm. "Is that the case? You don't go in so many places, why come to the Yuan Dynasty?"

"The emperor is really a gaze. If there is a choice, I am more willing to stay in Jinguo. However, the imperial minister of Jinguo is my cousin. I am facing them without a face. Even if I go to Jinguo, I am afraid that I will be inactive. Qi Guo... Because of Cheng Hao’s death, I will not reuse me again. I only choose the Yuan Dynasty.” Lu Ting said in a candid manner.

"Why do you think that the Yuan Dynasty will be able to accommodate you?" asked the water faintly.

Lu Tingzhi smiled. "I heard that the emperor is thirsty, and he is kind to the talented people who can rely on the world. I just try it."

"Are you sure that you will leave you?" Water sneered, he really wants to win the world, he just got into the throne, there is not much confidant to use.

However, this Lu Tingzhi, he is holding three points of suspicion.

"Not sure, I just came to try my luck." Lu Tingzhi said.

A look at the water next to Lei Yingchun, "Let Feng Chunsong come in and see this prescription."

"Yes." Lei Yingchun saw one of Lu Ting's eyes. He heard the name of this young man. He was a talented person in Qi State. He heard that Zhao Wei had attached importance to him before, and his identity in Qi State was indeed very embarrassing. Although he is Lu's cousin, because of Lu Jizhi's relationship, I am afraid that Lu Hao does not have much old feelings for him.

Dr. Feng soon came in. He gave the water a glimpse.

"Look at this prescription, is it to treat the epidemic?" Water gave the prescription to Dr. Feng.

"This is..." Feng Dafu looked at the prescription in his hand. The prescription was the same as the prescription of Tianzhu, but some doses were different. "The emperor, this prescription is indeed a cure for the epidemic."

One of the eyes of Lu Ting looked at the eye of the court. "If you can cure this disease with this prescription, you will be asked to go back to Wangducheng."

"That can only be resigned." Lu Tingzhi whispered.

Feng Chunsong looked back at Lu Tingzhi and bowed his head.

"Go to the decocting medicine." The water whispered.

"Yes, the emperor." Feng Chunsong took the prescription and quit his head.

Lu Ting's gaze calmly looked at the water. "Emperor, are you going to leave me?"

"For the time being, I am not here to say that I am reluctant to give up my life? Then let God decide, I should not bring you back to the capital city." Water said faintly.

"Yes." Lu Tingzhi is a good person, and he is really indifferent.

Lei Yingchun let people take Lu Tingzhi to rest.

"The emperor, this Lu Ting..." Lei Yingchun pondered the impenetrable mind, Lu Tingzhi is the cousin of Tianzhu, no matter what kind of grievances between them, this relationship will never change.

"He will appear here, and take her prescription, it will not be accidental." The water whispered, standing up to go to the bed, but the foot was soft.

Lei Yingchun quickly held him in the eye, "the emperor, take care."

"She won't let her die, she wants to torture." The tone of the water mixed with grievances that he didn't even notice. He would rather not even send Feng Chunsong to let him die directly. She refused to come. Just don't want to save him, she is punishing him.

"Scorpio she... I don't think so, she is a soft-hearted person." Lei Yingchun whispered.

The water smiled a little bit sad, she would be soft to anyone, but he would not be soft to him.

"Looking at Lu Tingzhi." The water said coldly.

"Yes." Lei Yingchun should be.

“What is the situation in Luomei City now?” asked the water.

Lei Yingchun said, "I heard that the epidemic has been controlled, and many people have been able to clean up the ruins themselves."

"People go in to help, no longer need to close down Meicheng." Water whispered, "free of Meicheng three years of tax."

"Yes, the emperor is wise." This is the ending that Lei Yingchun guessed.

Water did not mention Ye Hao, he lay down on the bed, closed his eyes and did not speak again.

Lei Yingchun quietly for a while, quietly retreating.

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