From the door where they walked into the restaurant, Mingxi felt that many eyes fell on him. Whether a person has internal strength or not, just listen to their breathing and know that there are many people with high martial arts in this thousand-storey building.

An ordinary restaurant, actually still Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

"What is this one-story building?" Fire Phoenix whispered, and had already enchanted between them so that others could not hear them talking.

"We first came to see, how can we know what is coming." Xu Jinbei whispered.

Ming Xi looked at the people around him. "In the past, Qian Luozha liked to collect news from restaurants and brothels. Many restaurants are actually their base."

"Isn't the Thousand Rakshasa disbanded early?" Xu Jinbei asked with amazement. Thousands of Luozha is a famous killer organization. He used to hear it before, but when he heard it, the organization had been dissolved.

Ming Xi said, "Even if it is dissolved, where are the original killers?"

Xu Jinbei said, "I heard that I have already entered the military camp."

"There are only a few small squats in the military camp. There are twelve churches in Qianluo. There are two rudders under the lord. There are twelve lords under the rudder. Can these people be willing to obey orders in the military camp? ?" Ming Xi asked faintly.

Those who were originally giving orders, how could they be willing to listen to other people's arrangements, and they are not the same as the soldiers, the military discipline is strict, they can not obey.

Xu Jinbei was shocked by the news. He didn't think of this layer. The church owners were a bit of a place on the rivers and lakes, and I was used to it, and the means should be dark and dark, different from the soldiers. Even giving them a deputy will feel like a subversion.

Where have these people gone? Although he is not a river and a lake, he is not alone. He has never heard of these people in Qianluo.

"Maybe Fujimori knows where they are." Ming Xi picked up the tabletop cup and gently took a sip of tea.

"Do they want to rebel?" Xu Jinbei was surprised to guess.

Mingxi smiled. "Who knows, check it and you will know."

At this time, there was a running hall for food delivery, and Xu Jinbei immediately snorted.

"Wow, it looks so good." The child’s eyes glared and took the initiative to sit down and pick up the chopsticks.

Seeing that the buddy snorted, thinking that the shackles of the shackles, the master has not yet started, she actually has to move chopsticks.

Xu Jinbei coughed a little and gave his nephew a wink.

The nephew looked up and looked at Xu Jinbei. A pair of bright eyes like stars were confused. I thought that Xu Jinbei’s throat was uncomfortable.

"You also sit down and eat, go out, there are not so many rules." Mingxi faintly opened, picked up the chopsticks and clipped a piece of fish to the nephew. "Let you not sneak out, you must carry your aunt and me." Come out, how, hungry."

"Hungry." The child didn't understand Mingxi's words, but she did feel very hungry.

When the guy heard that the little ring was a sneak peek, it was not strange, and the tray was already on the ground floor.

Xu Jinbei whispered to the nephew, "Hey, you are a ring, you can't sit down and eat before the master, let the young master let you eat."

"Ming Xi will let me eat." The children were full of meat, and the words were ambiguous.

"You want to call the young master." Xu Jinbei reminded, "And before the young master eats, you have to stand, this is what the ring is doing."

He looked at Ming Xi with a sly look. "Can't you eat, you can only stand?"

"Yes." Fire Phoenix nodded. "The ring is the next person, how can it be like the master?"

"Then I don't want to be a ring." The child yelled, "I want to be a child."

Ming Xi lightly coughed, "Okay, nothing, it will let you eat."

The nephew flattened his mouth. "When the ring is too bad."

"Two people by the window have been staring at us." Huo Huang said, lowering his voice.

"Hey." Xu Jinbei was alarmed.

Fire Phoenix said with a smile, "Don't worry, they can't hear it."

"This thousand-story building is good, you can come often." Mingxi said faintly, if you did not guess wrong, this thousand-story building may have something to do with Qianluo.

I was eating, and the shopkeeper came up again, and asked with a smile, "Young Master, what do you think is the taste, is it right for you?"

"It's delicious." The nephew nodded. She thought it was the best meal she had eaten in the past two months.

"Oh, the little girl is really innocent and lovely." The treasurer praised.

Mingxi glanced at him and glanced at him. "Your cook is from the north."

"Young master is a good tongue." The shopkeeper praised.

“The Jiangnan cuisine is the taste of the north.” Mingxi’s eyebrows are slightly stunned, and some are disgusting.

The treasurer asked with amazement, "The young master was originally a Jiangnanese."

Mingxi did not deny and did not admit, "Is the treasurer a local?"

"I came from Yucheng. I used to fail in business. I originally wanted to come to the Wasteland City to try my luck and look at the restaurant for our boss. However, I have been here since the Wasteland City was opened. No one is more than me. Familiar with this, how can the young master come to the Wasteland City?" the shopkeeper smiled and asked.

"Through, let's see if the Wasteland City is really the same as others. There are wild people everywhere." Ming Xi said softly, it is still proud and noble.

The shopkeeper laughed. "Where are the savage people, it is all passed down by others. The young master wants to go to the prairie and go out to the east of the city gate. The grassland on the other side is the most beautiful."

"Who told you that I am going to see the prairie?" Ming Xi glanced at him indifferently.

"Oh, I am talking." The shopkeeper smiled. "The young master slowly eats, there is something to be told, even if I am looking for me."

Mingxi faintly nodded.

After the treasurer left, he immediately passed the news that the four master servants came from Jiangnan to the third floor.

The third floor of the first floor is not for guests. There is only one hall and two houses on the top. One of the houses is sitting with two men. When listening to the shopkeeper, one of them whispers, "The son of Jiangnan?" Wouldn't it be the young master of Fang Fang?"

"It won't be so clever." The other said.

"I heard that the young masters of the Fang family are very savvy, but they have already started to manage things at a young age, and they are personally brought to the side by the party's grandfather. It was not long before the vine brother went to the Fang family. Is this the young master of the family to test them? the meaning of?"

"Let people check to see where the noble son lives. If it is really the young master of the party, we can't be slow."

"If he doesn't admit it, we can't help it."

These two people who are talking are not others, that is, Lu Yuan and Tang Deren who heard them talking in the secret room last time.

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