After eating, Mingxi, they left the restaurant, they did not immediately return to the inn, they stopped and stopped in the wilderness city, as if they saw something very fresh, and bought four in the market, it looks very good. Horse.

"When will the two people follow?" Fire Phoenix took the horse. Although he did not look back, he knew that they were being followed from the restaurant.

"Do they have anything to do with Fujisawa?" Xu Jinbei casually followed Mingxi, pretending that he had not found anything to be tracked.

Huo Huang said, "Isn't that vines been taken to the wasteland? So many eyeliners can be laid down in the wilderness so soon. I think there are not only problems in the thousand floors, but also people and places with the original problems."

They came along this road, and in addition to the people who really live here, there are still many people who don't look like ordinary people.

"That proves that Fujisawa has been to the wasteland before." Mingxi said faintly, "I remember that Liu Shu was exiled to him. He should have been in the wasteland for a few years."

If there is no guessing, maybe after thousands of Luozha are disbanded by the six uncles, those who are not willing to give up will also gather together in private to stop another thousand Luosha.

"What do we do now?" Xu Jinbei whispered, completely obeying Mingxi's arrangement.

"When they don't exist, what to do," Mingxi said softly. After a few steps, he asked Xu Jinbei, "The biggest family in the south of the Yangtze River... I remember it seems to be the party of Qinghe City?" ”

Xu Jinbei nodded gently. "The family of Qinghe City is a big family. Every generation has a large number of talents. Fangjia has been setting up a college in Qinghe City for hundreds of years. Their students come from all over the world. However, except for Fang’s grandfather, During the period of the Emperor, he became the Minister of the Cabinet. The descendants of the Fang family did not enter the official school. They have been teaching at home. Oh, I heard that Fang Laoye likes his grandson very much and personally brings it to his side. The whole family knows that the young master is the future. The patriarch candidate, that is the young master of the family is not very old, just like you, do those people think that you are the young master?"

"I have heard of the Fang family, the Fangjia old master's name is clean, the cloth is thin, and the food is just right. If the year is not a rapid retreat, when the emperor is still clear, he will resign and go home to open a college. Now the family may not exist, Fangjia It is an invisible famous family." Ming Xi said that when he was in the palace, Huangfu told him about Fang.

“Don't the vines go to the Fang family?” Xu Jinbei asked.

Mingxi was so dark that if Fujisawa went to find Fang, it seemed more complicated than he thought.

With the power of Fujisawa, there is no such ability to see the party's principals, unless there is a more powerful one behind Fujisawa.

"Go to the garrison tonight." Mingxi said, "Let's go, it's too late, go back."

"What about the two people behind?" Fire Phoenix whispered, "Would you like to get rid of them?"

Ming Xi’s eyes flashed a sneer, "Let them follow."

The four returned to the inn and there was no movement after entering the house. The two people who followed them kept the door.

When Ming Xi returned to the house, he replaced his koi and put on his usual clothes. He suddenly felt more relaxed.

"The two people are still at the door, how do we go out?" Xu Jinbei whispered.

"Not us, it is me and Ming Xi, you stay here." Huo Huang said with a smile, "With you, we are not good to go out."

Xu Jinbei glimpsed, "How come you go out?"

Ming Xi explained, "If you stay there, you will not find out. If too many people go, they will be discovered."

"Good." Xu Jinbei did not hesitate. He knew that the martial arts of Mingxi and Huohuang were above him.

The nephew wants to go with him, but Mingxi has let her stay here, lest Xu Jinbei can't cope with it if something happens.

After Ming Xi and Huo Huang left the inn after stealth, they soon came to the garrison. They quietly went to the roof and looked at the entire garrison.

"The garrison is so big." Ming Xi raised his eyebrows, and it seems that the vines have been very good in the wilderness.

"Look." Huo Huang pointed at the two men who came in from the corner gate.

Ming Xi said, "Follow them."



In the garrison, the vines were only wearing a home and often met Lu Yuan in the study.

"...There is a teenager on the first floor who is like a famous boy. Do you think it is Fang Yan?" Fujisawa’s eyes were indifferent and cold, and they were somewhat unhappy about Lu Yuan’s rush to find him.

But a child, actually let them excited like this.

"The rudder master, you didn't see the boy. It was really expensive. At first glance, it was born from a famous family. This wilderness is far from the border. If the general son is coming to play, then it is not accidental that the noble son will suddenly appear. "Tang Deren said.

"There are many people who are swindling and swindling. You two are already old rivers and lakes. They will make their own opinions without any identification." Fujisaki gave them a cold look.

Tang Deren said, "I just want to find out what makes people follow. You can rest assured that there are a few teenagers who will not find out."

"If it is Fang Yanzhen, he will come to the door, don't bother, let him walk around the city." Fujimori said, yelling at Lu Yuan, "Is it not for you to go to the floor?"

Lu Yuan touched the tip of his nose. "It’s just passing by, going to eat."

Tang Deren whispered, "Have you seen Fang Songyun before going to Fangjia?"

"I didn't see it." Fujiko frowned. "I'm afraid I still can't move."

"If Fangjia is so easy to persuade, then there will be no reputation today." Tang Deren said, "However, I think that even if Fang Songyun has no ambitions, his son must have it, even if his son does not, then his grandson. What?"

Fujimori gently tapped the table, Fang Songyun's education on his three sons was very strict, but did not let them enter the official, only let them stay in the college to teach, but the education of the great-grandchildren is different.

"And no matter what Fang Songyun thinks, if he really has that heart, he will come to us. If not, it would be useless to find him again." Fujisaka whispered.

Tang Deren said, "The recent natural disasters may be our chance."

"Is there any news in Kyoto?" asked Fujisaka.

"Not yet." Tang Deren said.

Fujisaka gently decapitated, "No hurry, and wait."

"We can wait, we are afraid... they don't want to wait." Tang Deren said.

"I will tell them."

On the roof, Mingxi and Huohuang looked at each other and, like the time they came, jumped off the roof briskly and quickly disappeared into the night.

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