The two people who were outside the inn were already dozing off. The inn was on a door. No one was in or out of the middle of the night. I wanted to come to the teenagers who were asleep.

"As for a few children, what do the church owners want us to track what they do?" One of them complained in a low voice.

"Don't be jealous, the church owner asked us to do what we did." Another one pulled the cotton coat and looked at the inn, letting the companions stop talking. The voices of their speech are small, but after all, it is late at night. There was silence around them, and they said that there was a small voice and a voice.

The complaining youth snorted and slumbered in the corner.

Ming Xi and Huo Huang went back to the inn quietly on their heads, so fast that they didn't even see the shadow.

"I seem to see what shadow." The cotton man pushed his companion.

"What shadow?" The companion stood up immediately, looking around, not even a dog shadow. "You are a ghost."

"Fart!" The men in cotton coat shouted.

The companion said, "Would we still go back?"

"Shut up, guard." The man in the cotton coat shouted, he should have just read it wrong, maybe it was a tree shadow at the door.

Xu Jinbei didn't dare to sleep, and he was waiting for Mingxi to come back. Although he knew that Mingxi and Huohuang would definitely not do anything, they would inevitably hang them and see them coming in from outside the door. He finally loosened. Take a sigh of relief.

"How? Didn't you find out?" Xu Jinbei asked nervously.

"When we are out, how can we be discovered?" Fire Phoenix said with a smile.

Xu Jinbei smiled. "Is there any clue?"

Ming Xi sat down and said, "The people in the Shenjia secret room were also in the Fujisawa today. They should be on the first floor today. I really took me as Fang Yan."

"The thousand floors are really related to the vines." Xu Jinbei hits with both hands, "Ming Xi, then what should we do next?"

"I think that Fujisawa is not only related to the thousand floors," Fire Phoenix whispered.

Mingxi gently decapitated. "Listen to what they said, there should be people in Kyoto who are colluding with them. This person is mostly in the military department. As for who, you still need to check it."

"Tengsu was only the leader of a dark guardian. How could there be such a skill?" Xu Jinbei asked in surprise.

"So there must be someone behind him who is even better than him." Mingxi said faintly, "They don't doubt that I am Fang Yanyi? We will count it."

Xu Jinbei said, "In case they have seen Fang Yanzhen?"

"If anyone has seen it, it will not send people to follow us." Mingxi said faintly.

"This person does not know who it will be." Xu Jinbei whispered.

Mingxi looked at the moonlight outside the window with a slight gaze, maybe not just a person.



The next day, when Mingxi walked out of the inn, the two people who were outside the door had disappeared, and they changed to two corners that they had not seen yesterday.

"I really took you as a young master." Fire Phoenix said with a smile.

"Unfortunately, I don't know what this Fang Yanzhen looks like. If they understand him, they will soon know that Mingxi is not Fang Yan." Xu Jinbei said with some regrets.

Ming Xi smiled a little, "Let them understand."

If Fujisaki really wants to win over Fangjia, with his own power, he can't convince Fang Yunsong that Fang Yunsong can stabilize Fangjia in such a low-key situation. He is definitely not an ordinary person, if he wants to go with Fujisaka. Sitting on the same boat, it must be that I feel that Fujisawa must win.

Fujisawa’s current odds are not big.

"Go there and see." Mingxi suddenly stopped and walked into a jade shop.

"Young master, these tone are imported goods, all from overseas." Xu Jinbei said, the image of Xiao Yan played into the wood three points.

Ming Xi was still the image of your son, and he looked up at the shopkeeper of the jade shop. "Is this from Tianjin City?"

"The son is a good eye, our boss is the person of Tianjin City, this shop is our branch, the things in our store are fake one lost ten, absolutely authentic imported goods." The shopkeeper said with a smile.

"Oh, these things don't look special, there are a lot of homes, but there are rare?" Mingxi asked.

The shopkeeper smiled and said, "Yes, son, first come to the VIP room to see the tea, I will go to the boss to come."

Xu Jinbei looked at Mingxi with a puzzled look. He thought that Mingxi should not be such a rare thing. Is there anything strange about this shop?

"Qianjinlou, is a thousand words, is it related to Qianluo Brah?" Xu Jinbei whispered to the fire phoenix.

"Of course not." Huo Huang whispered, "There is a shop in Tianjin City, it seems to be called a thousand gold line."

Xu Jinbei looked around with a quiet look.

The treasurer will bring Mingxi to the room, and two people will follow in, but they don’t know where Mingxi went.

"Ming Xi, do you like these things?" The nephew held a porcelain bowl in his hand. "I have jade, it is much better than this. Do you want it?"

"I want, you give it to me." Huo Huang immediately said.

The nephew touched one out of his arms and said, "Give it to you."

"..." Fire Phoenix holds the jade bowl, the same is the beast, the real dragon is not the same.

Mingxi smiled and said, "I don't have to take it out, I just come in and see."

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

A man in a robes walked in from the outside.

Ming Xi looked up and looked at the people, and it was as he guessed.

"Shen Daren, so smart, when did you resign to the wasteland to do business?" Ming Xi's exquisite eyebrows with a smile.

The man who walked in from outside the door was ordinary and kept a splayed character. I really couldn’t see where it was like a sinking.

"Ming Xi's young master looks like a torch, you are the first to recognize it." Shen Yi said with a smile.

“Shen Daren?” Xu Jinbei looked at him in shock. “Are you really resigning?”

Shen Xiaoxiao laughed out, "Yes, I heard that the wasteland is a business opportunity everywhere, so I will try it."

Mingxi pointed to the position in front, "Shen Daren, please sit down."

"The young master looks like this, if you don't call it, I'm afraid you can't recognize it in front of you." Shen sighed, he thought that the easy-to-capacity technique was already good, obviously Mingxi they were more superb.

“How long has Shen Daren been here?” Ming Xi asked softly.

Shen said, "In a few days, this store was recently put down, and the store name looked good."

"It's really good." It's still very clever. Ming Xi looked like a smile and smiled.

"It was the emperor who let me come." Shen Yi lowered his voice. "If there is anything the young master needs to order to do?"

It should be that his mother told me.

"Shen Daren, how long can you find everything about Fang Jiaxiao?" Ming Xi asked softly.

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