Since it is necessary to pretend to be Fang Yan, Ming Xi naturally wants to thoroughly understand the Fang family. This square student is exactly the person he has known in the past two days.

There are many side branches of the Fang family. The most famous one is the home of Qinghe City. The rest are walking outside by the reputation of the family. Only the side of the North Ming Kingdom can actually become a family in the North Ming State. Being able to become the prime minister of the Northern Powers is absolutely not achieved by the reputation of Fangjia.

This side of the student... is definitely not simple.

Ming Xi did not believe that he had seen Fang Yanzhen, and Fang Yunsong did not seem to have much affection for Fang Yisheng.

Therefore, Fang Fangsheng may have seen Fang Yanzhen.

Fang Yusheng is suspected of Ming Xi's identity, but he has no evidence. He wanted to test the temptation of Mingxi's flaws. He didn't even have a flaw in Mingxi. Now he doesn't know whether this boy is really Fang Yan.

He and Ming Xi Ke set a few words, everyone sat down to drink and chat, unconsciously for the past half day, Ming Xi left to leave, Fujisaki did not leave him, watched them leave, after this, and Fang Haosheng went to the study.

In the study, there are tall people waiting for them.

After leaving the garrison, Mingxi and Fire Phoenix glanced at them. The two men let Xu Jinbei leave first, and he and the fire phoenix and the nephew got off the middle of the road.

"What are you going to do?" Fire Phoenix whispered to Mingxi.

"I want to know who Fang Xiaosheng came with." Ming Xi said with a deep voice.

A glimpse of fire, "How do you know that he is still coming with someone else?"

"I don't know, so I have to go and see." Mingxi looked at her. "You said that our aura may be discovered in front of the emperor. If you are with you, will you be discovered?"

"No, we are real dragons." said the child.

Mingxi beheaded, "That's good, let's go, let's go to the garrison."

In the study, Fujisawa gave a tribute to the tall back that was facing him. "I have seen the emperor."

The man slowly turned back, and the deep and sturdy five senses revealed a gloomy atmosphere. He was not someone else. It was the emperor of the Northern Ming Dynasty. "Is it really Fang Yan?"

Fujisawa looked at Fang Yusheng, he can be sure that the boy is Fang Yanzhen, that is, he does not know if Fang Yusheng has any doubts. "How does Fang Daren think?"

"The emperor, the minister is not sure, now it seems that he is most likely to be Fang Yanzhen, but with the understanding of the other party Yunsong, he should not let Fang Yan to the wilderness city." Fang Yusheng said.

“Why not?” asked Beitang.

Fang Xiaosheng looked at Fujisaki. "Fang Yunsong is a very cautious person. If he is not fully grasped, he will never take risks easily. What's more... Fang Yanzhen is his life root. How could Fang Yanqi come to the wasteland city without fear of him? Has the baby grandson become your hostage?"

"If he has confidence in me, absolutely I must win?" asked Fujisaka.

"Will you win?" Fang Xiaosheng smiled. "Have you mentioned us with him? No, just rely on the power of the people of Fujisawa and Kyoto. Why do you take Murong to step down? You are too small to see Murong." ”

Fujisawa said coldly, "I didn't look down on Murong, but he has not been the former Murong Yu in the past few years. He is trapped by love, and everything he does is completely ignored."

"So when are you waiting?" asked Beitang.

"The emperor, I don't want to, just... I haven't pulled Fang Yunsong yet, I am worried that there will be problems when I get there." Fujisaka whispered, he didn't want to be a bit at this time, if he could let Shen Fantaer give birth. The emperor, he is more willing to support Murong’s son to become the new emperor. If he let Beitang’s intervention, Jin Guo will be controlled by the North Ming State in the future.

He and Beitang are clear in their hearts. They are only temporarily using each other. In the future, Murong will step down and they will also become opponents.

Beitang is cold and cold. "What problems can you make? Don't forget, Murong Chan has already returned. It is because of your delay that there will be today's situation. You must not only deal with Murong, but also Murong Chan. ""

Thinking of Murong Cham and Ye Hao, the face of Fujimori sinks. "What is the emperor planning to do?"

"I will send troops to help you. You will be a soldier. When you let people open the gates for us, you can do it." Beitang said.

"This... I have to think about it." Isn't this putting the army of the North Ming Kingdom into the Jin State? When the North Hall is not willing to retreat after receiving the Jin Guo, what should he do?

Fujisawa found that he was not prepared to deal with the North Hall.

The risk of working with Beitang is too great.

"Give you three days." Beitang said quietly, "Whether you disagree, we will still send troops."

"Emperor?" Fujisawa looked up and looked at the North Hall. "Are you planning to fight with the country?"

Beitang’s eyes flashed a bit of resentment. “In the past, Murong Zhan destroyed the 200,000 soldiers in the North Ming Dynasty. I have waited for this opportunity for a long time. Even if Murong Cham is no longer an emperor, he will destroy the Jin State.”

"You said that you want to hand over Jin Guo to me." Fujita shouted.

"When you win the Jinguo, you can naturally hand over the Jinguo to you. As long as you pay tribute every year, you won't be embarrassed about you." Beitang said coldly.

Fujisawa’s face is gloomy, which is different from what they said before. How can Beitang’s sudden change of mind? “No, I will not agree. If you want to help me, I will use my strength. Others don’t have to worry about the emperor. ”

"Do you have the ability to lead soldiers?" asked Beitang.

"The emperor will know it later," said Fujisawa.

Beitang stood up. "Well, you will give you the last chance. After half a month, if you don't want to start a soldier, you will be armed for you."

Fujiko's face was ugly, and he looked at Beitang and Fang Yusheng, and he dropped the tea pot in his hand to the ground.

At the back door of the garrison, a black carriage was quietly waiting.

The North Hall was draped in a big bang, striding into the rut.

"The emperor, Fujisawa still looks hesitant." Fang Xiaosheng whispered.

"Then we will be the master for him." Beitang whispered coldly. "Is there a problem with Fang Yanzhen?"

"Chen feels that 80% is fake, I am afraid that Fujisawa deliberately wants to fool," Fang said.

Beitang’s eyes are gloomy. “If it’s fake, kill it.”

Fang Yusheng whispered, "The emperor, the minister has a way to prove true and false."

"What method?" asked Beibei.

"Whether it is true or not, as long as Fang Yan's news in the wilderness city is passed to Fangjia, Fangjia will definitely have a reaction. When we look at Fang Yunsong, we can naturally know the true and false." Fang said.

Beitang looked at him and said, "Let's do it."

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