The carriage slowly drove out of the alley, and three figures came down from the roof. Mingxi looked coldly at the carriage and left. From the study in the library, they had heard everything they said.

As he guessed, the bottom of the vine was the North Hall, and he thought that the North Hall would use the soldiers to rebel him.

"This person is not very purple." The child frowned and said, "There may not be much time to be the emperor of the mainland."

Fire Phoenix sneered, "If he really dares to kill Mingxi, we will first put him up, then he will not be used by any emperor."

Ming Xi whispered, "First go back to the inn, I don't really want to help the vines in the North Hall, but for the sake of their own interests, Fujisawa and his face and heart are not in harmony, let them go to the dog to bite the dog."

Back to the inn, they told Xu Jinbei about the collusion between Fujisawa and Kita Hall.

"There is no brain for this person." Xu Jinbei only squeezed out this sentence after listening to it for a long time. "Beitang’s ambition to Jin Guo is a wolf ambition, let him break into our customs, and Jin Guo was really taken away by him. Can he give the vine?"

"It is estimated that Fujisawa himself knows this truth, so he did not directly agree to the North Hall." Mingxi said faintly.

Xu Jinbei was anxiously walking in the house. "No, we can't stay here again, Mingxi, we have to hurry back to Beijing and tell the emperor about it, no matter what."

"There is still half a month." Ming Xi said, "Beitang Temple should stay in the North Ming Dynasty during this time. We will first see what he wants to do, and I will write to you."

"Or do we kill the North Hall first?" Fire Phoenix said, the thief first smashed the king and killed the North Hall first, and nothing happened.

The nephew said, "No, every emperor has his own fate. You are not a human being on earth. If you kill him, you will change your fate and you will be chaotic."

"Ming Xi is a native of the world, he can kill the North Hall." Fire Phoenix called.

"He is not." The nephew looked at Mingxi. He had the smell of God on his body. He was able to pick up the Dragon Sword. Although he was born on the human continent, he is indeed not a native of the world.

Xu Jinbei’s face turned blue. “What are you talking about?”

"Nothing." Huo Huang and his nephew replied at the same time.

"I will explain it to you later." Ming Xi said to Xu Jinbei, "First meet the North Hall."

Xu Jinbei looked at Mingxi, "What are you going to do?"

"Fire phoenix, you will go to find a difference tomorrow, let Shen Shen go to check the side of this person, oh, you go to track the North Hall, I suspect that in addition to Fujisaka, he also colluded with other people in the country, try to find out this People," Ming Xi said.

"What about you?" asked the child.

Mingxi smiled and said, "I want to make the way to let Fujisawa and Kita Hall look down."

"..." Xu Jinbei looked at him silently.



Ye Hao did not let Murong Zhan use the spiritual power to transfer instantly. In addition, they were helped by the victims who lost their homes. The speed was delayed. However, the situation is still in control, so don't worry.

"It's not far from Qinghe City. Do you want to go there?" Murong Zhan whispered to Ye Hao. He and Ye Hao are different. Whether it is for Ming Yu or Ming Xi, he hopes that they can face it themselves. All kinds of problems, he will only look behind the scenes, only when necessary, and sometimes the experience of failure will let them learn more.

“Is Fangjia in Qinghe City?” Ye Hao asked. She knew that Mingxi was now dressed as a young master of the Fang family, but the real Fang Yanzhen did not know where to go. I don’t know what Fang Yunsong’s thoughts on the vines’ tying. "Let's go."

When Murong Chong heard a smile, he knew that she would definitely go.

They arrived in Qinghe City for a long time, probably because of the reason why the Fangjia Academy was here. They met many students, and the entire Qinghe City revealed a book fragrance.

"In fact, the reputation of Fang Fang's present, if it is really aligned with Fujisawa, it is really ... too stupid." Ye Hao whispered.

"Fang Yunsong may not think of it." Murong Zhan said that he had seen Fang Yunsong before. It was a very old man who was very judged by the situation. He would not easily take hundreds of lives and adventures.

Ye Hao was about to talk and suddenly heard someone calling her name.

"Hey, is it you?" A woman dressed in a woman's hair came over in surprise.

"You are?" Ye Hao looked puzzled at the woman in front of her, she had no impression at all.

The woman was very loud. She looked up and down at Ye Hao. "God, after you went to Kyoto, the change is really big. I am going to recognize it. You... Don’t you remember me? We used to play together. I am Xiuzhu."

Yes... a real Lu Hao friend!

Ye Hao laughed. "I haven't seen you for so many years. I almost didn't recognize you."

"Where, I am still the same as before, but it is you, the skin is white, the whole person looks different." Xiuzhu shouted.

"You are not living in the border town? How come here?" Ye Hao and Murong Zhan looked at each other and asked with a smile.

Xiuzhu said, "I came after I became a relative, and my husband opened a pharmacy here."

Ye Hao smiled. "It turned out to be the case."

This is the first time she met her sister's former friend, and she felt a bit complicated.

"What about you? I remember that you used to learn medicine with your aunt, but also for... that thing?" Xiuzhu lowered his voice.

"I came from all walks of life." Ye Hao said with a smile, it seems that this is called Xiuzhu does not know their identity, or treat her as a small partner in the border town.

Xiuzhu looked around and said, "I will know, otherwise how can you go to Qinghe City, go to the pharmacy first."

Ye Hao turned to look at the ink capacity Zhan Zhan.

"Ah, this is..." Xiuzhu only noticed Murong Zhan at this time. Some people were surprised that this man is a good-looking man, and he is so noble and noble. He is better than others.

"Oh, it’s my husband." Ye Yan said with a smile.

"You really set it up in heaven." Xiuzhu smiled. "You used to say that you want to marry the most handsome man in the world. It seems that you have found it."

Ye Hao’s cheeks were reddish and he smiled slyly.

"Come on, come in quickly." Xiuzhu beckoned, and Ye Hao and Murong Zhan invited to the drug shop.

There were no people in the pharmacy. Only two pharmacists were taking medicine. Xiuzhu took them into the back hall. No one else whispered to Ye Hao. "You came to Qinghe City to go to Fangjia?"

"Yes." Ye Hao nodded from the good, she did come for the family.

"Hey, I advise you not to go, the young master is afraid that it is not saved." Xiuzhu whispered in a low voice. "I haven't even said this thing, I don't dare to say it, or don't think about it in Qinghe City." Stand on the ground, look at the old one with you, lest you can't go when you can't go, oh, let's go now."

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