When I heard Xiuzhu’s words, Ye Hao’s heart was puzzled, and Fang’s young master was not saved. Which party is the young master?

"Xiuzhu, what is going on? We just heard a little on the road. I heard that you said so, I am really worried." Ye Hao showed a look of fear.

"Hey, my family came out of Fangjia a few days ago, and now even Qinghe City can't get out." Xiuzhu whispered that she had never heard of any secrets that she couldn't say in her life, and now she feels uncomfortable. Finally, some people can talk about it. "I heard that the young master of the family is very rare. He always wakes up in the middle of the night. Sometimes he hurts himself. It used to be good. I heard that it was all night and night. I can't sleep, I feel all the pain in my body, and my body is weak."

Ye Hao frowned, she was the first to hear about this illness.

“Can no other doctor cure?” Ye Hao asked.

"I have already found a lot of doctors in Fangjia, and I have no use at all." Xiuzhu said, "The doctors can’t go now, they are afraid that they will not hear the young masters. The old man really took that. The young master is hurting his eyes."

Ye Hao and Mo Rongzhan looked at each other. It is no wonder that the news about Fang Yanzhao was not spread out, so Mingxi was able to impersonate him in the wilderness city with impunity.

"If you can cure Fang Yanzhen, Fangjia will have a reward." Ye Hao smiled and asked, pretending not to be scared by Xiuzhu, but interested in the diagnosis.

Xiuzhu turned a blind eye. "The consultation is rich, but... I’m afraid it’s not easy to get it. If you don’t, you have to lose your life.”

"Since all come, let's try." Ye Hao smiled.

"How do you feel the same as before, a rib, others don't listen." Xiuzhu turned white. "I can tell you the truth. If you can't listen, I can't help it."

Ye Hao said with a smile, "I know what you like, you know that this person likes to challenge the most."

"I only know that you used to be lazy. I haven't had a good medical education. How do you go to see Fang Shaoye?" asked Xiuzhu.

"I have been working hard to learn medicine in recent years." Ye Hao said.

Xiuzhu shook his head. "How many famous doctors are coming, it is not the same."

"In any case, I will go and see if I can't cure it. Can the people of Fangfang still eat us?"

"Fangjia..." Xiuzhu cried, but did not know what to think of, and tightened his lips, "just do you."

Ye Hao glanced at her and held her hand. "Xiuzhu, thank you, I will not have anything."

Xiuzhu hesitated for a long time, just whispered, "Fang is not as simple as you think."

"Where is the famous family, which one is simple." Ye Hao smiled.

"In any case, you remember, if you can't cure the young master, you shouldn't say anything in front of your family. Even if you pick it up, you might not be like you." Xiuzhu whispered.

It seems that Fang’s power in Qinghe City is much more powerful than they think.

Ye Hao and Murong Zhan left the pharmacy. They didn't go to the house immediately, but they went to the inn to stay.

"Fangjia has such power in Qinghe City. Have you not noticed it before?" Ye Hao stood by the window and looked out. She was not in a hurry to go to Fangjia, but she was interested in the influence of Fangjia in Qinghe City.

"It should be the last two years." Murong Zhan said faintly, "Before Yunsong is very cautious, I dare not be so blatant. Now it is for his grandson, so it is exposed."

Ye Hao looked at him. "You have an eyeliner in Fangjia?"

"That was the previous thing." Murong Zhan said faintly.

"There are really many eyeliners." Ye Hao chuckled.

Murong Zhan said, "It is also convenient for my son."

"We will go to the Fang family to see and see tomorrow." Ye Hao blinked at him.




Fangjia has a large population, and the family of Qinghe City is also a family. The branches and leaves are luxuriant and deep-rooted. The Fangjia Mansion is very large. After the appearance of Murong Cham and Ye Yu, the two are all like the sacred bones. Ye Hao became a modest gentleman. The general doctor, Murong Cham is dressing up her followers.

The small guards who watched the door heard that they were doctors, and they looked at them with squinting eyes, and then they pouted and led them to the hall.

Then there was a middle-aged man who came to talk to them and talked with Ye Hao a few words, all about medical skills, confirming that Ye Hao was a real doctor, and then they took them to another yard.

Ye Hao still has no Fang Yan, the middle-aged man asked them to come to a room, give them a lot of prescriptions, and other doctors diagnosed the medical case, let her tell what the disease is.

"I'm sorry, I can't cure your young master's illness." Ye Hao threw the medical case in his hand to the table and didn't even look at it.

The middle-aged man looks like a housekeeper. He blinks at Ye Hao. "You don't even look at it, you know you can't cure it."

"Yeah, you know that you didn't even look at it. How many doctors in the world can cure a few cases, and they are not afraid to cure your lord." Ye Hao snorted, "Since If you don't want to seek medical attention, then don't overdo it."

"This is the rule. If you don't even understand these medical records, how can you cure the disease?" the middle-aged man called.

Ye Hao seems to smile and laugh. "I don't even touch the pulse, I want to let me cure?"

"If you really have the ability, you can know the cause by looking at the case." The middle-aged man said.

"If these medical records are really the conclusions of the doctors, then you are too poor, and what disease has made him catch up. Even the flowers and flowers are sick, it is really eye-opening." Ye Hao sneered and mocked.

“Nonsense!” said the middle-aged man. “Where is the case of Hualiu disease?”

Ye Hao sneered. "So I admit that I was deliberately taking a medical case to blame me? Since there is no sincerity, why bother to seek medical attention."

The middle-aged man stared at Ye Hao for a while and saw that the other party was not kept by him. This was a cold cry, "Come with me."

"Is going to see a doctor, or go to see a person?" Ye Hao stood still, she didn't want to be played again.

"If you don't want to take the prescription of the Fangjia, you can go now." The middle-aged man called.

Ye Hao clap his hands, "Okay, leave."

"You..." The middle-aged man probably didn't think that Ye Hao was so hard.

"The doctor please stay." A young, gentle-looking man came in and gave a tribute to Ye Hao. "Housekeeper, don't slow down the guests."

Ye Hao looked at the person faintly, "Hello?"

"He is our young master." The middle-aged man said blankly.

Oh, it turned out to be Fang Yanxuan.

Ye Hao returned to the ceremony, "Master Fang Da, long-awaited name."

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