Ye Hao put the pill on his palm, and looked at the boy with a faint look, he did not put the pill into his mouth.

This young boy looked up and pointed at Ye Hao. "Doctor, I have eaten medicine."

"Fang Shaoye is really a distressed person...good man." Ye Hao's lips smiled, and he did not appreciate the behavior of Fang Yanzhen's protection of the people. If such a big family, if there is no rules, then everything will be messed up.

"Can you cure my illness?" Fang Yanyi looked at Ye Wei and asked him that he was always kind to the people around him, and that Peach Blossoms had been waiting for him since childhood, and the sentiment was naturally different.

Ye Hao smiled lightly. "I can't guarantee this."

The peach blossom standing on the side heard this and screamed at Ye Hao. I was not sure if I dared to go to Fangjia.

Fang Yan rubbed his chest. "What do you give me?"

"Pharmaceutical," said Ye Hao.

"Big brother, leaving Ye Dafu, will send away everyone else." Fang Yan钧 looked up to Fang Yanxuan, whispered.

Fang Yanxuan’s eyes flashed a bit strange, and he thought that this younger brother would have to drive the doctor out. “Good.”

"I am sleepy." Fang Yanyi closed his eyes. After taking the medicine, he actually felt sleepy. He had not had this kind of tiredness for a long time.

"Okay, then you have a good rest." Fang Yanxuan said.

Ye Hao looked at Fang Yanyi thoughtfully and launched it with Murong Cham.

"Ye Dafu, then please stay at the Fang family first, and the illness of the younger brother will be handed over to you." Fang Yanxuan said to Ye Hao.

"I try to be." Ye Hao said faintly.

Fang Yanxuan quickly called Chen Guanjia, let him arrange Ye Hao to stay in them, and let people go to the doctor who still lives in Fangjia.

When Chen Guanjia heard his instructions, he glanced at Ye Hao with amazement.

Ye Hao and Murong Zhan lived in the guest room.

"Azhan, how do I feel strange, Fang Yunsong does not attach great importance to Fang Yanyi this grandson? In addition to Fang Yanxuan, it seems that I did not see other people in Fangjia." Into the room, Ye Hao whispered to Murong Cham.

"What disease is Fang Yanzhen?" Murong Zhan whispered.

"I can't see it." Ye Hao frowned. This is the first time she encountered this kind of situation. She didn't have a complete point. "It's not like being sick, but the body is very weak. If you continue this way, you are afraid of the body." Will be hollowed out."

Ink said that "we have just come to the party, it is not easy to make a conclusion."

Ye Hao nodded. "Fang Yan is seriously ill, we have to hide it and cannot pass it to the Wasteland City."

Otherwise, Mingxi in the wasteland city will wear it.

"Fangjia will not let this news spread out of Qinghe City." Murong Zhan whispered.

"I have to go to the space to check the medical books and find out if there are such cases." Ye Hao said, she was really surprised that Fang Yan's illness made her unable to understand.

Murong Zhan licked her head. "Go, I am watching here."

Ye Hao smiled at him and went into the space to find a medical book.

In the next half day, no one else had come before the meal was sent to them.

After the afternoon, the sun sets, a red glow is like a fire, Ye Hao comes out of the space, holding two medical books in his hand, seeing the ink on the soft couch, she sat and smiled. "Is there any? People have come to us?"

"No, Fangjia... very quiet." Murong Zhan thought for a while, it seems that only a quiet to describe this huge family.

"Yeah, it seems that there is no other person living here except Fang Yanzhen." Ye Hao said her doubts in her heart, she felt a little strange when she entered the Fang family.

As I said, there was a knock on the door outside. It was Fang Yanxuan who sent someone to ask Ye Hao to go over and said that Fang Yanyi had already woken up.

Ye Hao whispered to Murong Zhan, "It’s getting dark, I’ll see, you... think of a way to go in the square.”

"Good." Murong has a thin lip and a slight bend.

"Don't use spiritual power, relying on your martial arts, it is easy to hide people's eyes and ears." Ye Hao whispered, "Your sea is still hurt."

Murong Zhan smiled, "Yes, ma'am."

Ye took a look at him.



Fang Yanyi has not slept so well for a long time. When he woke up, some of them did not return to God.

"Peach blossom, do I have a nightmare?" Fang Yanyu whispered.

"No, little young master, you have been sleeping for a long time, have been very heavy, no nightmare." Peach blossom is a little excited, every time Fang Yan is asleep, she is always inseparable, I did not expect this young master to actually Sleep so safely.

Fang Yan glared at his chest. "It seems that the doctor of Ye... is quite good."

Peach Blossom doesn't like the young doctor dressed up by Ye Hao. She snorted and said, "What does it have to do with him?"

"His medicine..." Fang Yanyu whispered. "After I ate his medicine, I felt that my whole body was relaxed. Peach blossom, maybe he can cure my illness."

"Little Masters and Gigis have a natural phase, and they will be able to get better soon." Peach said.

Fang Yan’s eyes looked at the account faintly. “My grandfather has not been here for a few days?”

The peach blossom eyes flashed a bit sad, and looked at Fang Yanyi distressedly. "Without a few days, sometimes it is coming, you are sleeping, you will not wake you up."

"You will not lie, my grandfather has not been here." Fang Yan's pale and exquisite face showed a smirk, and the eyes were filled with quiet sorrow.

"Little Master, Grandpa, he...maybe just too busy." Peach Blossom struggled to find a reason to comfort Fang Yanyi.

Fang Yanzhen did not speak. Although he was young, he grew up with Fang Yunsong since he was a child. Others called him a genius. How could he, like other children, believe that his grandfather ignored him for two months because he was too busy.

The first sentence he spoke, the first sentence of handwriting was taught by his grandfather.

Grandfather must have happened.

"Little Master, Ye Dafu is coming."

"Please come in." Fang Yanyi returned to God and pressed the suspicion in his heart. He must quickly raise his body so that he can find out what happened.

He will not let anyone hurt his grandfather.

Ye Hao walked in and put the medicine box in his hand on the tabletop. His eyes looked at Fang Yanyi calmly and calmly. "Fang Shaoye, can you sleep well?"

Fang Yan’s scorpion turned and slowly looked at Ye Hao. “The doctor of Ye Dafu makes me feel sleepy. I believe that my illness, you also have a cure.”

"I am not sure." Ye Hao said faintly, "You can only do your best, but when I heal you, I hope that Fang Shaoye can know everything about it. I need to know your situation in detail to get the right medicine."

"That is natural." Fang Yanxi said.

Ye Hao was satisfied with the nod. "That's good."

Fang Yanyi looked at Ye Hao, "Ye Dafu, please, please."

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