Fang Yanzhen should be almost ten years old, just a half-year-old boy, Ye Hao and he said a few words, I feel that this boy is calm and mature, just like Mingxi, who used to live in the palace, but Mingxi’s calm and old is the environment. Made, and he is born with a different mortal, although silent, but his eyes are bright and clear, unlike Fang Yan, it looks a bit gloomy.

"When did you start your nightmare? Except for the nightmare, is there anything uncomfortable on the body?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

Fang Yanzhen thought carefully. "Two months ago, after I came back from my grandfather, I started to sleep all night and night. Even if I fell asleep, I would have a nightmare. What I said in my dream, I didn’t I know that when I wake up the next day, I feel pain all over the body. I can’t say where it hurts or it’s uncomfortable... It’s very irritating to hear a little voice. I was not such a person before.”

“Have you ever seen your grandfather again?” Ye Hao’s heart is strange, is it after going to see Fang Yunsong? Is it irritating?

Fang Yan’s look is dark. “I have only seen it once. My grandfather has a lot to do.”

It seems that it really has a relationship with Fang Yunsong.

“When you went to see your grandfather, what have you eaten?” Ye Hao whispered. “Some people are allergic to certain foods and can cause illness.”

"Just drinking tea...that is what I usually used to drink." Fang Yanxi said, "Ye Dafu, what is my illness?"

Most of them are poisoned, and they are still poisonous from chronic attacks. It is only because the dose is low, so no one can see it.

However, Ye Hao did not tell her doubts.

"It's hard to say now, I will prescribe medicine for you first, you should serve for two days." Ye Hao said.

"You don't even know what disease our young masters are, how can they prescribe medicine?" Peach Blossom finally couldn't help but cried.

Ye Hao said faintly, "Then please ask Gao Ming."

"Ye Dafu, I believe in you." Fang Yanxi said that no doctor's medicine can make him sleep safely for half a day. Only this doctor, he feels that no one else can cure his illness except him.

"Do you believe that I am useful? Do you want to ask your opinion?" Ye Hao asked blankly.

Fang Yan smiled slyly, "No."

"That's good, first three chapters of the law." Ye Hao said faintly.

"You..." Peach's face was angry.

Ye Hao said coldly, "One, when I speak, it is best not to interject your ring."

Peach blossomed with Ye Hao, but he heard Fang Yanzhen agree, "Okay."

"Second, since you choose to believe that I can cure you, then don't eat other people's medicine. I will let you eat what you eat, including your three meals a day."

"You think who you are!" cried Taohua.

Ye Hao was silent.

"Peach blossom, you go out." Fang Yan钧 whispered.

"Little Master..." Peach Blossom looked at Fang Yanyi unbelievably.

"Three, if your illness has improved, you have to promise me one thing." Ye Hao said faintly.

Fang Yan钧 glanced at her silently. "Okay, I promise you."

Peach Blossom is incredibly looking at Fang Yanzhen. How can I agree to this condition, in case the person asks too much in the future?

"Okay, then, let me take the medicine and send it to you in person." Ye Hao said.

"Let the next person decoct the medicine." Fang Yanxi said.

Ye Hao smiled lightly. "No, I only believe in myself."

"Hey, are we all waiting for the young master to be a small letter, but not as good as an outsider," Taohua said sarcastically.

"Yes." Ye Hao nodded.

Peach blossoms have to gnash your teeth.

"You have a good rest." Ye Hao said, taking the medicine box to leave.

I met Fang Yanxuan who came to see my brother outside.

"Fang Da Shaoye." Ye Hao made a tribute, want to know what the Fang family is now, except Fang Yanzhen, can only be inquired from Fang Yanxuan.

"Ye Dafu, She Di's illness..." Fang Yanxuan frowned slightly, worried that this doctor still could not cure his brother's illness. There are already many famous doctors who started to be full of confidence, but in the end they could not find out why.

Ye Hao said, "I am still not sure, take two days to take the medicine."

Fang Yanxuan has a heavy expression. "The illness of the younger brother depends on the doctor."

"Fang Da is very polite, I just do my best." Ye Hao said.

"What is the need, Ye Dafu said despite opening." Fang Yanxuan said.

"Okay." Ye Hao nodded with a smile.

Ye Hao and Fang Yanxuan whispered a few words and turned back to the room. Murong Chan was not inside. The outside was already dark, and there was no sound around it. It was not like a famous family with a large population.

I don't know if Murong Zhan can find out what secrets come.

Ye Hao took out the medicine from the space. Fang Yan’s illness was too strange. No, it should not be a disease, but a poison.

However, Fang Yanzhen is the pride of the Fang family, and is the lifeblood of Fang Yunsong. Who will poison him?

She has to find out what poisons are among him so that she can know where it is poisoned.

Why didn’t Fang Yunsong visit Fang Yanzhen?

Ye Hao was sullen, and she chose the medicinal herbs. In fact, she didn't have to decoct herself, but she didn't believe in Fang's family. Since she had become Fang Yan's doctor, she must uphold medical ethics to cure his body.

The door opened gently and Murong Chan came in.

“Azhan!” Ye Hao’s eyes lit up and put the lid of the medicine stove. “You are back.”

"Yeah." Murong Chong nodded slightly, closed the door and walked to Ye Hao's side. "How do you want to decoct yourself?"

Ye Hao said, "I don't trust other people in Fangjia, so I took my own medicine. Did you find anything?"

"The backyard of Fangjia is a son-in-law, and the men are not there. The three sons of Fang Yunsong should be in Fangjia Academy. The younger generation, except Fang Yanzhen, is only Fang Yanxuan. The only suspicious thing is the Fangjia’s upper house." Rong Zhan frowned. "That is where Fang Yunsong lives."

The atmosphere of the upper house was very gloomy. He had a doubt in his heart, but he was not sure.

"I think Fang Yunsong should have problems." Ye Hao said her doubts. "Fang Yanzhen went to see Fang Yunsong and started to get sick. In the past few months, Fang Yunsong only saw him once. I think I heard it before. Not quite the same, Fang Yunsong should be a baby, this grandson."

"Fang Yanzhen is poisoned?" Murong Zhan raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." Ye Hao nodded. "But I haven't found out what poison he is in, but I have to check it out."

Murong Zhan looked thoughtfully at the furnace.

"Oh, the medicine is good, I sent it to Fang Yanzhen. If I pass the hands of other people, I am not at ease." Ye Hao said.

"I am going with you," said Murong Cham.

Ye Hao smiled. "No, not far, just a few steps away."

In order to facilitate the treatment of Fang Yan, they lived in the yard next to him.

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