Murong Yu remembered who Lei Ming said by Ming Yu. When Ming Yu was almost assassinated, the woman was protecting Ming Yu. He was for a moment to forget what she looked like. It was just a glance at the past. Remember her appearance.

"Have she asked to find you?" Murong Yu frowned slightly. He forgot to reward Lei Bingfu. Did she want to remind him of this through Mingyu?

"No, I took the initiative to find her. Lei Guiren himself was very comfortable, and he did a lot of food himself." Ming Yu said that she has not seen any cockroaches like her.

Including Shen Fen, who is not trying to adapt to the harem life, Lei Bingfu enjoys himself, as if he has been used to such a long time, can find the fun for her.

Murong Yan raised his eyebrow slightly. "Do you want to go with her?"

"Yeah, there aren't a few women in the palace who will be jealous. It's rare for the Leigui people to marry, the father, let us go to the market." Ming Yu pleaded, "The weather is very good today."

"Let Xue Lin follow, add the guards to stay in the market." Murong frowned, the latter sentence was said to Song Yu.

Ming Yu’s eyes are bright. “Father, do you promise me to go to the market with Lei Gui?”

Murong nodded with a funny smile. "Only one time."

"Thank you, Father." Ming Yu cheered. "I am going to tell Lei Gui this good news."

Looking at Mingyu's cheerful departure, Murong sang called Ford.

"What kind of person is this Leigui?" Murong asked quietly.

A few days ago, he thought about checking this Lei Bingfu. When things were busy, he forgot. If Mingyu came to him, he forgot to give Lei Bingfu a reward.

Ford said, "Return to the emperor, Lei Guiren is from Wuling Leijia, Leigui is Miss Lei Jiada, quite famous in Wuling."

"It turned out to be Wuling." Murong faintly decapitated, "to convey the will, Lei Guiren saved the princess and contributed to the benefit."

"Yes, the emperor." Ford should be.

Song Yu looked at Murong Yu, he felt that the emperor is more and more like an emperor. This cognition, he can't say what it feels, both gratified and feel a little regret.

In the emperor's heart, it is impossible to put down Lu Hao, but for the Jin Guo, he is still acquainted with him. In the future, he will become more and more like an emperor, and he will know the emperor's trade-offs.

He can no longer take Murong as the former owner.

Especially in the case of the vine's almost rebellious, he thought that he could have a place to turn.

"The emperor, the minister went to send more people to the market." Song Wei whispered.

Murong swayed and waved, "Go."

"The emperor, are the maidens in the palace still banned?" Ford whispered.

"No need to solve the ban on the palace." Murong said that the killer in the palace has been eliminated, and it is not necessary to be detained by those who are free.

Ford led the way to do things.

Murong returned to the royal study and received a letter from the Wasteland City.

Ye Yinan and Yan Xiaoliu have already arrived in the Wasteland City. Because the North Hall is in the hands of Mingxi, the army on the border of the North Ming Kingdom is not willing to act rashly. The messengers are making representations and wanting them to surrender.

Ming Xi is returning to Kyoto City with the North Hall.

Fujisawa was seriously injured, but now he just sighed, but he was afraid that he could not be sent to Kyoto City to plead guilty.

Murong Yu went to handcuffs and told him to stay in the wilderness city. No one knows what will happen next to the North Ming Kingdom. The Wasteland City needs heavy defense.

"Ming Xi will be back, what about you?" Murong asked in a low voice.

He still doesn't know where Murong Chan is now.



Ming Yu asked Lei Bingfu to accompany her to the market. She saw Lei Bingfu wearing a rose-necked narrow-sleeved riding suit. Mingyu was surprised. "You look good in red."

"Even if you look good, you will be eclipsed by your side." Lei Bingfu is not complimenting Mingyu. She is telling the truth. Mingyu is simply a set of tender green riding suits, but it has already been obvious. To the extreme, standing in the sun, the whole person looks like Chunhua.

"That's because you haven't seen my mother." Ming Yu raised his chin. "My mother is the first beauty in the world."

Lei Bingfu laughed, she certainly knows that Lu Hao is the world's first beauty, but the beauty will be late, and now the first beauty is afraid to change hands.

"Don't you say there are other people?" Lei Bingfu said with a smile.

"Come." Ming Yu pointed to the other side of the market. Several women took the horse and went to waver with them.

Ming Yu explained, "They are all my previous companions, and now I am studying at the Women's College."

Lei Bingfu nodded. "I am younger than me. If I win, then I won't win."

"You don't look too young at them." Ming Yu looked at Lei Bingfu. "They are very good at riding, and the Warriors who won the Ryukyu last time."

"Is it? It really has to be consulted." Lei Bingfu said with a smile. "But I am not very good at the moment."

Ming Yu said, "It’s just fun, it’s not a real game."

"Princess, you are coming." The four girls who were older than Ming Yu came over and gave a gift to Ming Yu.

"This is Lei Guiren, today we are with her team." Ming Yu introduced the identity of Lei Bingfu.

The four girls who were called into the palace by Ming Yu were her previous companionships, and the other one was later met at the Women’s College. Ming Yu liked her very much and often called into the palace to play.

Lei Bingfu looked at these girls who were two or three years younger than her. I couldn’t help but smile. "It’s not easy to meet like-minded people here. If I don’t play well, you will have to forgive me."

"Lei Guiren is polite, we can only play once, and it doesn't matter how good it is." Xie Lanyue said with a smile, and she has a good impression on Lei Bingfu's straightforwardness. However, it is always good for Mingyu to like it. Where to go.

When Murong Yu came to the market, she saw a red figure in the briskly kicking, and Ming Yu and the other two girls couldn’t stop her. Her figure was agile, and she would give it back and forth. opened.

This woman... Murong Yan frowned, and several other girls were accompanied by Ming Yu. He recognized it. The woman in red clothes is Lei Bingfu.

In the sun, the woman smiled brightly and her eyes were bright as stars.

In this palace, in addition to Mingyu, he has not seen anyone who laughs so much.

"The emperor, the princess and the Leigui people have a good time." Ford whispered after Murong.

"Yeah." He did not see Mingyu playing so happy for a long time.

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