"Let's lose!" Ming Yu saw that Lei Bingfu would kick the goal and screamed. She was so tired that she sat on the ground. "Leigui, you said that you are not good at you, you two, We have won four of us. You are not good at it. What are we calling?"

Lei Bingfu smiled and wiped the sweat from his forehead. She used to be a good hand. After reborn, Lei family was strict with the girl’s education. She didn’t let her touch it. Today she is also playing for the first time. Memory is already a lot of strangers.

"I didn't play well today." Lei Bingfu said with a smile. "When I am as big as you, I still can't do anything."

“It’s as if you are a lot older than us.” Ming Yu smiled. “We don’t have a chance to practice on weekdays. Many people in the Women’s College don’t like to play.”

Lei Bingfu walked over and took Mingyu. "I am indeed older than you."

And a lot older.

"Leigui, have you used to play at home often?" Zhou Huihui asked curiously.

"No, I don't play often." Lei Bingfu said with a smile, "Occasionally play."

Ming Yu said, "We can play often in the future."

After her words were finished, she looked up and saw Murong Yu standing outside the market and watching them silently.

"Father of the Emperor..." Ming Yu waving to Murong Yu cheerfully.

Lei Bingfu only noticed the man standing not far away. She turned her head and looked at it. The man in bright yellow clothes was majestic and domineering, but her eyes gazed softly at the girl around her.

"Father, how come you?" Ming Yu ran over and smiled and stood in front of Murong.

"Playing sweaty." Murong Yan reached out and wiped the sweat from Mingyu's face. "Happy?"

Ming Yu’s eyes are sparkling, and he nodded hard. “Happy.”

Lei Bingfu and others have come over and gave Murong a ritual. "Chen Chen has seen the emperor."

"Get up." Murong's gaze turned to Lei Bingfu, and fell on her slender and tall body.

"Xie Huang Shang." Lei Bingfu got up, stood aside, his eyes clear and calm, she did not look to Murong, but just squinted and stood there slim.

Although it was already late in the spring, the weather was still cool, and Murong said to Ming Yu, "Come back and change clothes, so as not to catch cold."

"Okay." Ming Yu nodded with a smile, and they threw hands with Lei Bingfu, and they were brought back by the fragrance.

After Xie Lanyue and Murong’s salute, they also withdrew.

Lei Bingfu took a deep breath and looked at the bright yellow figure that turned and left. This man... is really stressful.

Going back to the palace, Lei Bingfu changed his clothes and the sacred decree arrived.

She became a Hui Yu because she saved the Princess of Ming Yu.

The palace is very happy. Up and down, there is only one girl in the palace, and their masters are only two. The emperor should now notice their goddess, and there may be even greater blessings in the future. Points.

"Congratulations to the goddess, He Xi Niangniang." All the ladies were laughing at Lei Bingfu.

"Today is a good day, there are rewards." Lei Bingfu holding the imperial denomination in his hand, it is not surprising that Murong will give her a promotion, although it is for his daughter, but it is also a good beginning.

A palace lady stepped forward to support Lei Bingfu's arm. "The goddess, the slave said, Shen Guifei was ordered to ban."

“Hmm?” Lei Bingfu gave a slight glimpse. “Isn’t it ordered to solve the ban?”

"The slaves also heard about it. In the morning, the person was summoned to go to the Qing Palace. When he came back, his face was very bad. Now he has been banned in the Chuxiu Palace." The palace girl whispered.

That's not unusual!

Lei Bingfu glanced at everyone with a stern look. "You can't ask anything about the Qing government, including the news of Shen Guifei. I hope that you will remember your duty. You only need to wait for this palace. Others. Things, this palace did not let you do it, it is best not to make your own claims."

"Yes, the goddess." The palace ladies who wanted to sell the beggars were shocked, and they felt that they had inquired about what should not be inquired.

"This palace knows that you are all for me, but there are ears in the wall, sometimes a word is wrong, it is enough to make you robbed, and it is the most important thing to be independent." Lei Bingfu slowed down his tone and said to everyone in a low voice. .

"I am obsessed with the teachings of the goddess."



The news that Lei Bingfu was promoted to Huiyi soon spread. This is the result that has already been expected. On that day, in the Royal Garden, many people saw Lei Bingfu saved Mingyu, but still let the palace Many people have blushed.

"I didn't expect Ray Bingfu to come out, hey, if she saved the princess, when is it her turn?" After a few days in his own house, he finally got to know the prohibition. He always likes to get together and talk. A few of them came to Liu’s residence and whispered in the courtyard.

They knew that Lei Bingfu became Huiyi last night, and after a night of dissatisfaction, they finally found the object of the conversation.

"Why isn't it, the former princess knows who she is, if we were not in the pavilion that day, we wouldn't be able to turn her out." Liu said with a grin, she spent so much thought close to Shen Fanta, that is I want to use Shen Yuner to let the princess notice her. As a result, she is in vain, but it is cheap Lei Bingfu.

"Have you heard about it? Shen Fantaer seems to be still banned." Li Wei whispered, "I don't know what was wrong."

Liu Wei’s eyes flashed. “I heard it, but I don’t know if it’s true or not. When she first entered the palace, she was out of the limelight, but still like us, she did not wait for the emperor.”

When it comes to serving the emperor, everyone’s eyes are bright.

They have been in the palace for so long, the emperor has never called them to sleep, even if the position is different at this time, but they all seem to be the same, the emperor did not put anyone in the heart.

"Being the first to serve the emperor, it must be different." Liu Wei whispered, his eyes full of determination.

Be sure to find a way to let the emperor notice her.

But the emperor simply does not like to go to the harem, even if it comes, just go to find Ming Yu princess.

"We all still have a chance." Li Yan said with a smile.

She and Liu Wei looked at each other and saw the fierce fire in each other's eyes.

"Now the best opportunity has been taken away by Lei Bingfu, she also accompanied the princess yesterday, as if the emperor also went to the market." A snoring whispered.

"In order to please the princess, she really can do anything. Is it what girls should do?" Liu Wei said with a disdain, "I am teaching the bad princess."

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