When Ye Hao received a letter from Ming Xi, Fang Yan’s illness finally improved.

Like her previous guess, Fang Yan’s poison is a poisonous grass from the Xuantian continent, called the fantasy grass. This poisonous grass generally only grows near the high-order monster cave, which is used by the monster to confuse the enemy. If it is not because of the mainland, Fang Yanqi's situation will be more serious, and maybe there will be hysteria due to hallucinations.

"How do you feel these days?" Ye Hao whispered to Fang Yanyi, and carefully looked at his temperament, which was much better than what he saw on the first day.

Fang Yan said with a smile, "I didn't have a dream yesterday, I slept very well. I haven't slept so well for a long time."

Ye Hao took the pulse for him. "Although it is already better, it still cannot be neglected. Don't eat anything."

"Ye Dafu, these days you let me not eat anything that others have given me, just eat what you have prepared for me, is it... there are problems with those things?" Fang Yanyi whispered.

"Yeah." Ye Hao gently decapitated, put a medicinal herb in the water, and let Fang Yanfu take it after being opened. "It is poisoned."

Fang Yanzhen had already guessed the results, but he was shocked to confirm from Ye Hao’s mouth. "I can’t think of why I was poisoned."

"When did you start to have a nightmare, can't you guess?" In the past few days, Murong Zhan has been checking Fang Yunsong. Unfortunately, nothing can be found. I know that there is a problem there, but I have seen Fang Yunsong. I think he is different.

This made her and Murong Chong both confused.

"Do you doubt my grandfather?" Fang Yan's childish face showed a dignified expression, and he looked at Ye Hao with some disappointment. "I grew up with my grandfather since I was a child. The first word I wrote said. The first sentence is taught by my grandfather, how can he harm me."

"I don't doubt your grandfather." She just suspected what happened to his grandfather. "In short, heal your body first. As for the others, I think it will be easier for us to discover."

Fang Yanyi looked at Ye Hao and frowned.

At this time, the peach blossoms came in outside, and the other Yan said, "Little Master, Grandpa let you go to the house."

Ye Xie looked at Fang Yanzhen, and Fang Yunsong did not care about this baby grandson for so many days, how suddenly he would see him.

"Grandfather wants to see me?" Fang Yan stunned. In the past few days, he always wanted to ask his grandfather, but he was pushed back by an excuse. He thought he was doing the wrong thing and causing his grandfather to be angry, so he refused to see it. he.

"You are not very suitable to go out." Ye Hao frowned and said that he did not want Fang Yan to go to see Fang Yunsong, but he was poisoned again.

Azhan has not found out where there is a problem with the house, or be careful.

Fang Yanxi said, "I just went to the house to see my grandfather, and I didn't get in the way."

He said, he had already sat up and asked the peach to change his clothes.

"Fang Yanzhen, if you don't want to have a nightmare again, don't eat anything after you go to the house." Ye glared at him, she couldn't stop him from seeing Fang Yunsong, the child's other party Yun Yun's admiration Love, not for a while, can change.

Peach blossomed and turned a blind eye. "The doctor Ye is very strange. We can eat your things, how can you not eat the old man's things, you can trust more than our grandfather."

Ye Hao looked at her coldly. "I cure the illness of your young master, what about your old man?"

"You..." Peach blossomed with leafhopper. For this doctor, she was angry and helpless. She was the big ring around Fang Yanzhen. When others saw her, she was polite, and this doctor who didn’t know where to come, Actually, she was cold-spoken to her, and she was not allowed to take things to the young master, as if he was the master here.

However, he actually cured the illness of the young master. She did not have any means at all. He wanted to drive him away. The young master and the young master believed him.

Ye Hao frowned and looked at Fang Yan.

"Ye Dafu, you can rest assured that I will not have anything, that is my grandfather." Fang Yanxi said.

"Look at me, I can't easily cure you, you listen to me once." Ye Hao whispered.

Fang Yanyi nodded gently, "Okay."

Ye Hao looked at this half-large child with a slight frown. He always felt that his other Yun Song was too dependent. Even if the grandfather never looked at him these days, he still believed that Fang Yunsong was the best for him.

"Young Master, let's go." Peach Blossom Yan Yan said, must think of a way to drive away the doctor named Ye, or her young master will believe this person more and more.

Looking at Fang Yan's back, Ye Hao always has a kind of uneasy feeling.

She hurried back to find Murong Cham, but Murong Chong was not in the house, and should go to check Fang Yunsong again.

"Ye Dafu, what happened?" Fang Yanxuan saw Ye Hao standing outside the yard and moving around, and came over doubtfully.

"Oh, the young master went to the house, I am a little worried." Ye Hao whispered that she had contacted Fang Yanxuan several times and felt that he was quite reliable.

Fang Yanxuan sighed. "Grandfather wants to see his brother?"

He hasn't seen his grandfather for a long time. He saw his grandfather a few days ago. He also mentioned that his brother's illness has improved, but his grandfather does not seem to care about it. He has been surprised for a long time. If it is a weekday, My grandfather is very uncomfortable. My grandfather is very upset.

"There has been nothing to say to you." Ye Hao said, "The reason why the young master has had a nightmare before, is because of poisoning."

Fang Yanxuan rounded his eyes, "poisoning? How come! Who will poison the elder brother, he has been in the house..."

"I heard that he started to have a nightmare after returning from the house." Ye Hao did not say too well. After all, she had no evidence that Fang Yunsong wanted to harm her grandson.

"Ye Dafu!" Fang Yanxuan lowered his voice. "Do you know what you mean by this?"

"I know, I have never dared to say it." Ye Hao bowed his head. "So I am a little worried... I am not only the old man."

Fang Yanxuan saw Ye Hao for a while, thinking that Fang Yan’s body was getting better soon, and she couldn’t help but believe what she said.

"I went to the room to look at it." Fang Yanxuan said, after a few steps, he turned back. "Ye Dafu, you and I will go to the house."

"Okay." I can't ask for it. She is thinking about what to do with it.

It takes a long distance to go to the house from here. They walk very fast. When Ye Hao approaches the upper house, he feels an uncomfortable atmosphere.

This breath should not belong to the human continent.

"Master, please stay." They were stopped outside the gate of the house.

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