The cold ghost came from a ridiculous land. He didn't know how there would be a gap. Although it was only a moment, he still jumped in desperately. No matter where he went, it was better than any dark and lonely hell. .

He has been blamed for being shut up in God for a few years. For a thousand years, or five hundred years, he lived the same life day after day. Even death is a luxury. He finally has a chance to leave. How is he? Will miss it.

I did not expect that it was actually on the human continent.

As long as he succeeds, he will be able to get rid of his former identity. Being a mortal in the human world, with his cultivation and ability, becoming the master of a country is not a problem, but he only wants to control the family first.

I am going to succeed soon...

As long as he kills the woman who is in the way, and then takes away Fang Yan’s body and controls Fang Yunsong, everything about Fang’s family is his.

"This is not the place you should be waiting for." Ye Hao pointed to the ground and fell to Fang Yan's side, helped him up, and looked at the ghosts coldly.

"Do not hesitate!" The cold ghost screamed violently. "No more, even you eat."

In the hands of Ye Hao, there was a whip in the day. "Then try."

Fang Yan's body is full of pain, he looked at Ye Hao strangely. This woman gave him an inexplicable familiarity, but he knew that he had never seen such a good-looking woman, otherwise he would definitely remember, " are Who?"

"I promised you, I will definitely help you." Ye Hao looked at him and smiled.

"You are... Ye Dafu?" Fang Yanzhen cried out in surprise, and Ye Dafu was actually a woman!

Ye Xiaoxiao said, "You stand by and wait for us to collect this monster."

When the cold ghost heard Ye Hao’s words, he laughed and said, “I’m not self-sufficient.”

"Ye Dafu, that is... what is it, he put the peach blossom..." Fang Yan stunned a cold, he never saw such a terrible monster, he did not look like a human, but he would speak human language, he could not imagine What the **** is this.

"I know." Ye Hao looked heavy, they still came a late step, did not expect Fang Yanyi to come to the small Buddhist temple.

The cold ghost yelled impatiently, and the huge claws pressed against the leaves.

A black sword pierced his palm, and Murong Chong appeared in midair.

"Hey!" The cold ghost yelled. He looked up and saw the ink-filled, and the green eyes turned red because of anger.

"Azhan!" Ye Hao will introduce Fang Yanzhen outside the enchantment. "You are waiting here, don't cross this line."

"Ye Dafu..." Fang Yan screamed, but only saw Ye Hao vacillating, standing side by side with the cold-faced man.

The cold ghost's palm is stinging. He wants to break the black sword. He hasn't touched the black sword yet. The black sword has left his palm, like a meteor, and returns to the hand of Murong Cham.

"Black keel sword!" The cold ghost looked at the wound, and looked up in shock and stunned Murong Zhan. "Who are you, what is your relationship with God?"

“How did you come to the mainland?” Murong Zhan took a slow step and stepped closer to the cold ghost. “There is no ghost in the mainland, where did you come from?”

It is clear that there are no ghosts on the mainland of God. It must have come from the mainland of God.

The cold ghost has a bit of vigilance and fear for Murong Zhan. "Who are you?"

"Answer my question!" Murong Zhan's eyes are cold and sharp, and the whole body exudes the tension of the monks. He has not released the pressure of the spirit, but it has already made the surrounding air seem to have a solid solidification, which adds to the pressure of suffocation. .

"Why should I answer your question!" The cold ghost angered and yelled at the ink-filled Chong Zhan.

Ye Hao looked at Murong Zhan nervously. He had been hurt before. Although he was trained on the ghost beast, she was still worried.

Murong Chan released the spirit pressure, one foot on the head of the ghost beast, the ghost beast burst, the whole body hair was erected, it was like a sword thorn, the nails of both claws also became longer, it looks More like a monster.

It fought fiercely with Murong Cham, their spiritual strength was checked and balanced, and they could not use strong big tricks, but Ye Hao also watched the heartbeat.

Compared with Ye Hao’s fear, Fang Yanyi has been watching the ink-filled ink-filled Zhan Zhan in the air. He feels like he is dreaming. This scene in front of him is more exaggerated than the drama he had seen before. How can anyone fly in the sky, how can there be such a monster.

He must be dreaming.

Even if Murong Zhan was injured, but his eyes recovered his eyesight, the checks and balances he received were not as powerful as before. He released the spiritual pressure, and the ghosts felt that Jin Dan was suffering. It was not the opponent of Mo Rongzhan.

"Where did you come from?" Murong Chong stepped on the head of the ghost beast and pressed his half body into the ground.

The cold ghost struggled, but found that it could not move completely.

"Don't let me ask for the third time, otherwise I will abolish your Golden Dan." Murong Zhan said coldly, a black and red eye reveals a cold light.

"Don't waste me Jin Dan!" The cold ghost shouted, and he gasped heavily. "The ridiculous hell! Our ghosts were driven to the ridiculous hell, I ran out of the gap."

Where is that? Ye Hao and Mo Rongzhan exchanged a look.

The ghost beast is not from the mainland of God, what is the ridiculous land?

"Apart from you, are there other monsters going through the gap?" Murong asked.

"The ridiculous **** is all the Golden Dan monsters driven by God. The gap is so big. How do I know who else is coming in?" cried the cold ghost.

Murong Zhan looked at him with courage. "The world is not the place where you should live. It hurts the lives of mortals and destroys Jindan."

"No..." The cold ghost shouted. "I just want to survive. You don't take the same mortal body."

"Ignorance." Murong Chuang said coldly, taking out a black box with a complicated pattern from the space, pointing his fingertips at the forehead of the ghost beast, forcibly taking out his golden dragon, and the ghost beast made a sharp scream. The huge body slowly shrinks and disappears into the box.

In the palm of Murong Cham, there is a golden dragon with a golden glow.

"What about ghosts?" Ye Hao asked in surprise.

"Received, wait until you return to the mainland of the gods and let go." Murong Zhan whispered, "You take Jin Dan."

Ye Hao wants to know what is ridiculous hell, but the more important thing in front of me is to clean up the mess, and the rest will be asked later.

"I have solved the enchantment. Except him, no one else has found it." Ye Hao looked at Fang Yanyi.

"You can erase his memory." Murong Zhan whispered.

"No, it will hurt him, and you have just used the power, you can no longer forcefully erase his memory with the spirit." Ye Hao said, "Let me talk to him."

Murong Zhan looked at Fang Yanyi, "Well."

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