Ye Hao walked to Fang Yanzhen and saw that he had been scared and stiff. She gently called his name. "Hey brother, oh brother..."

Fang Yanzhao slowly moved his eyes to Ye Hao’s face. After half an hour, he murmured, “Is I dreaming?”

"I will go back with you first, and then slowly tell you." Ye Hao took his hand and took him back to the room.

"That is...the monster, he killed the peach, and the people in the room were eaten by him..." Fang Yanxi said, all the mysteries were solved at once. "Grandfather was also threatened by him... ”

Ye Hao glanced at Fang Yanyi with a pity. "It has already passed, and the monster will not appear again."

"Ye Dafu, who are you in the end?" Fang Yan asked, looking at Ye Wei.

"We are... catching the demon." Ye Hao thought for a moment and thought of an identity for himself and Murong Zhan.

Fang Yan’s round eyes, “just that... is the demon?”

He has never heard of monsters in the world before.

"Yes, but it won't appear again in the future." Ye Hao whispered, "Hey, this is only you know, you can't tell anyone, or it will cause panic."

Fang Yanyi looked up at Ye Hao, "How can the monster appear in Fangjia, then my grandfather..."

"The monster has already been collected. You can no longer confuse your grandfather. When your grandfather returns tomorrow, I will heal him." Ye Hao said, "However, I don't know if I can recover him as before."

"As long as my grandfather is fine," Fang Yanxi whispered. "But I still don't understand, how suddenly there is a monster."

Ye Hao thought for a while and found a reluctant excuse. "There are reincarnations in the world. The inexplicable appearance of natural disasters is the emergence of a big demon in the world..."

Fang Yanxi asked, "That is to say, there are other monsters in the world?"

"Oh, yes, so we will soon go to the next place." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Peach blossom, she really... died?" Fang Yanzhen remembered that the peach blossoms were torn apart by the monster, and there was no blood on his face.

Although Ye Hao doesn't like peach blossoms, she doesn't want her to die. They are a step late.

"Yeah." She gently slammed Fang Yanyi. "Tomorrow, you will declare that you will marry the peach blossoms, and don't let people know that there are monsters in the house."

Fang Yanqi understands the meaning of Ye Hao. If you let outside people know that there are monsters in Fangjia, whether it is the other party or Fang Yunsong, it is not a good thing. At that time, Fang’s college is only afraid of being greatly attacked.

"I understand..." Fang Yanyi gently nodded, except for the peach blossoms to be concealed, and the next person who went to the house was missing, must be concealed.

"You are scared tonight, rest first, I will go to give you to live in Anshen soup." Ye Hao whispered.

Fang Yan’s eyes fixedly looked at Ye Hao. “Why do you want to dress up as a man to the house?”

"Don't you say it? We are catching the demon teacher. If this is not the case, I can't enter the Fang family to catch the demon." Ye Yan said with a smile.

It seems like this! Fang Yanzhen did not doubt Ye Hao’s explanation. Under her leadership, she was already lying on the bed. She didn’t know how she did it. He seemed to smell a faint fragrance, and the chaotic thoughts quickly calmed down.

Ye Hao cooked the medicine and gave it to him. After a while, Fang Yanyu fell asleep.

"Are you sure you want him to remember these things?" Murong Chong came in from the outside and stared at Fang Yan, who was sleeping.

"I am also a little worried." Ye Hao whispered that she originally thought that what Fang Yanxi remembered might be a kind of experience for his growth, but now he is worried that it will become a shadow.

Murong Cham said, "You can let him forget for a while, and wait for him to grow up and think again."

"Yeah." Ye Hao looked down at Fang Yan's tender face, it seems that this is the best way.



On the next day, Tian Weiliang, Fang Yanyi woke up from his sleep.

"Peach blossom!" He called out, but he didn't see the familiar figure again.

Ye Hao came in from the door with a bowl of medicine in his hand.

"You are awake." She smiled and sat down in front of Fang Yanzhen. "Is it a good night last night?"

Fang Yan looked at the beautiful woman in front of her eyes. After half an hour, she remembered that she was treating Dr. Ye, "Ye Dafu..."

"This medicine can make you forget what happened last night. When you grow up, you will remember. You want to forget, or remember." Ye Hao put the medicine on the dwarf next to it, the decision will be made. Handed over to Fang Yan.

"Forget?" Fang Yan stunned. He thought about it and shook his head gently. "No, I don't forget."

Ye Hao stared at him. "Remembering things last night may be a burden for you."

"No." Fang Yanzhen took a deep breath, and what happened last night did make him afraid, but also let him know what kind of dangers exist in the world. He will grow up to protect his family.

"Well, I respect your choice." Ye Hao said, she and Fang Yanzhen have been with each other for a few days, knowing that this child is a strong-hearted person, otherwise it has long been controlled by the fantasy grass.

Fang Yanyi looked at Ye Wei and said, "What arrangement will Ye Yefu have next?"

"After waiting for your grandfather to cure the disease, we will leave Qinghe City." She did not know how many monsters ran to the mainland, and only found one way to go, she only worried, and soon the world would be chaotic.

"Grandfather!" Fang Yanzhen remembered Fang Yunsong. "I have to go to my grandfather."

Ye Hao couldn't stop him. Fang Yanyi ran out and saw that the place where the monsters killed the peach blossoms had been cleaned up yesterday. There was no blood on the ground. It seems that what happened last night was really a dream.

It should be that the man handled everything yesterday.

Fang Yanyi hesitated, how did he think that Ye Dafu and the man did not look as simple as catching the demon?

"Fang Laotai is back." Ye Hao pointed to the front door, Fang Yanxuan was holding Fang Yunsong in, followed by three middle-aged men.

I didn’t see it overnight. Fang Yunsong’s black hair had turned into silver, and it looked like a teenager.

"Grandfather!" Fang Yanxi hurried forward, "How could this be?"

Fang Yanxuan said, "My grandfather fainted when he arrived at the academy last night. He asked the doctor to read it and said that it was too tired. He didn't expect to be white all night..."

"Ye Dafu, please cure my grandfather's illness." Fang Yanyi knows that his grandfather's change must be related to the monster, and he turned to see Ye Hao.

"First, help the old man to the room." Ye Hao whispered.

Fang Yanxuan was shocked to see Ye Hao. When did Ye Dafu become a woman?

However, no one can now explain to him clearly.

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