If you don’t see Qian Danqing today, Beitangyu still has strong confidence in his power and status. Now he is not so sure, is he really able to return to Beiming, and he can still be his after he returns? The emperor?

Maybe the North Ming Kingdom has already changed.

"As long as you return to the North Ming Kingdom, you are naturally the emperor." Beitang said coldly, firmly believe that he is still prestigious in the North Ming Kingdom, not everyone wants to kill him like Qian Danqing.

He is the emperor of the North Ming Kingdom! Always will be.

Mingxi chuckled and said, "Just that person, wants to kill you, you should not forget, do you think that you have no protection from us, can you return to Beimingguo safely? Don't think too much, you are already already There is no value. Even if you want to negotiate with you, your sons will only agree to meet the conditions for the sake of face. Who does not want you to die soon?"

"The son of You is definitely not like this, you shut up!" Beitang screamed in anger and anger.

Mingxi smiled. "Then you look at it, the wilderness city will soon come to the battle report."

"Impossible!" Beitang's face changed greatly. He was still a prisoner in Jinguo. If the North Ming State launched a war, it would ignore his life and death.

"You will know in a few days." Ming Xi said.

They have already sent people to kill the North Hall, and what is impossible.

However, the North Ming Kingdom took the initiative to launch a war, as long as the North Hall is in the hands of Jin Guo, they will first have a civil war.

Between the two emperors, only one person can become the new emperor of the North Ming Kingdom, and the Qian family and the Wang family will definitely fight for you to live and die.

"Mu Mingxi, you will not let go of you in your lifetime." Beitang said coldly to Mingxi.

"That's why you can have a life." Mingxi said faintly, "Let's go, if you run away, I won't save you."

Beitang looked at Mingxi with resentment.

Mingxi did not tie him, and he went to the horse and left a bow to the North Hall.

If he flees at this time and meets Qian Danqing, then it is really a dead end.

Beitang’s clenched fist, even if it’s not Qian Danqing, don’t anyone want to kill him?

He has no choice but to go back to the Ming Dynasty with Mo Mingxi.

"Ming Xi..." The nephew sitting in front suddenly wrinkled his eyebrows. "It seems a bit wrong."

"What's wrong?" Ming Xi asked questioningly.

My nephew looked around and wanted to find out what I had just felt. I had nothing left. "It seems... just the smell of the beast, it should be too far away from us, so it disappears so fast. ""

"Wing beast?" Ming Xi smiled. "Here is the human continent, how can there be a monster, will you be mistaken?"

"It's possible." The nephew nodded, maybe she was mistaken.

Ming Xi said, "We will soon return to Kyoto City, and there are still a few days."

“Uh-huh.” The nephew laughed. “I don’t know what Mingyu is doing.”

There aren't many friends of my nephew. Apart from Mingxi, they also treat Mingyu as a friend. I haven't seen it for so long. I missed it.

"Ming Yu is an easy-to-satisfather girl." Ming Xi said that there are six uncles who protect her. She should have a good life. She just doesn't know how she gets along with the harem.

Lei Bingfu should fulfill his promise.



Shen Huan's illness is very fast. Only a few days ago, her spirit is much better. Li Yuyi said that she is too worried. She thinks that no one cares about her anymore. She can't see hope in this life. Ming Yu’s help was a redemption for her, and she saw the light of tomorrow.

"Jujube, I can't go out, you go to thank me for the princess. If it weren't for her, I am afraid that I am already dead." Shen Xiaoer said in a low voice. She was so sick after a few days, she was a lot thinner. The charming and sweet, but a little more beautiful and weak.

The jujube went away, but it didn't take long to come back.

"What does the princess say?" Shen Fantaer asked urgently, and she also hoped that she could get the emperor's forgiveness through the princess.

"The goddess, the princess is not in the Fengyi Palace, it seems to go to the palace to see Lei Huizhen." Zaoer said.

Shen Xiaoer’s face sank slightly. “The princess is good for Lei Hui.”

"Lei Huizhen has fallen ill since she was in bed. She hasn't finished yet." Zaoer carefully looked at Shen Yuner and knew that she was very mindful about Lei Hui's sleep.

"The emperor he... often visits Lei Huizhen?" Shen Xiaoer whispered.

Jujube said, "No, the emperor does not seem to pay much attention to Lei Huizhen. After Lei Hui's illness, she did not pay any attention to her."

Shen Xiaoer smiled faintly. "It seems that the emperor is the same for her."

"Anniling, you should take medicine first." Zaoer said.

"Even if it is cured, the emperor will not call me again." Shen Xiaoer said with a grin.

Jujube persuaded her, "The goddess, the body is his own, you have to take care of yourself, the emperor is only angry for a while, and soon disappeared."

When Shen Xiaoer heard this, she felt better in her heart. "I hope so."

On the other side, Ming Yu is looking at Lei Bingfu in the sleep hall of the palace.

"Do you really have a good time?" Ming Yu asked an eyebrow and looked at Lei Bingfu.

Lei Bingfu pretended to sigh with tenderness and powerlessness. "Yeah, I don't know what's going on, I can't make up my strength, I'm afraid I will be sick for a while."

"I don't think you are sick at all, it's a heart disease." Ming Yu snorted. "Look at the people who are so expensive, they are sicker than you, not two or three days."

"The body of Shen Guifei is really excellent." Lei Bingfu said with a smile, Shen Xiaoer is because no matter what is forbidden, no one knows, but she knows a little about Murong, this high emperor, he is a The unintentional person, or his heart, has already given it to others, so he was indifferent to the harem of the harem, and even called her to sleep on the day, it is estimated that it is for others to see.

Otherwise, when she saw her lying on the dragon couch, how could he be so surprised, probably did not expect to take it with her hand, took her brand.

"Do you want to wait for the father to see you, will you get better?" Ming Yu thought about it.

"Haha, what are you thinking about." Lei Bingfu laughed. "You are a child, how come you think so much, I don't want to see people when I am sick, is it so quiet and quiet?"

Ming Yu looked at her. "My brother is coming back. Don't you know Mingxi?"

"Thank you, congratulations." Lei Bingfu said with a smile, "I can go out of the house often, is it as you wish?"

"Yes, unfortunately you can't go out of the palace, or you can take you there." Ming Yu said.

Lei Bingfu looked at the blue sky outside the window. "Yeah, it’s a pity."

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