Lei Bingfu has not dared to ask his own heart at this time, will regret it into the palace, if she chooses not to enter the palace, then it should be a broad sky outside, the days are very free.

"Would you like, when Mingxi is back, I will ask for the father, let you follow us out of the palace?" Ming Yu whispered.

Go out together...

Lei Bingfu's eyes were slightly bright, and there was a slight expectation in her heart, but soon, the silk in her eyes was annihilated, and the pretty face was calm. "Princess, I am the harem of the harem, I can't freely Palace."

"I know, so I want the father to agree." Ming Yu said with a smile.

"The emperor will not agree." Murong Yu, who is only soft to Ming Yu, has nothing to do with other people. "If the princess is free today, it is better to take a look at the play that I brought."

Ming Yu stunned, "play this?"

"Yeah, a...showgirl became the drama of the Queen Mother." Lei Bingfu said with a smile, "It's wonderful."

"I like watching the drama most, but now I have to watch the play every day." Ming Yu sighed. "Can I take it back?"

Lei Bingfu indulged for a moment, "Can the princess promise me, except for you, not let anyone see the play?"

"There is something wrong with it, I promise you." Ming Yu patted her chest. "It won't be seen by anyone, even the father will not see it."

"Good." Lei Bingfu nodded with a smile and let Lilac go to the playbook. "There are several copies of the playbook. You should take a copy to see it. After reading it, I will give you something else."

Ming Yu stood up. "Okay, but I have to go to the Heart Temple and see you tomorrow."

Lei Bingfu looked at the face of Mingyu porcelain white as jade. This kind and beautiful girl, if she becomes a female emperor in the future, should be a very good king.

However, to become a king, there are too many things to bear than others. Mingyu needs to understand his future responsibilities, otherwise her days will be very hard.

"Yeah." Lei Bingfu looked at Mingyu nodded.

Murong Yu has been waiting for Ming Yu in the Yang Xin Dian. She thought she was lazy. She was about to come to her and saw a small figure appearing at the door.

"Father of the Father." Ming Yu went to a ceremony and smiled and walked in.

"Where are you hiding from laziness?" Murong squinted and looked at Ming Yu gently.

Ming Yu said, "I am not lazy, I just went to see Lei Hui."

When it comes to Lei Bingfu, the warmth in Murong’s eyes is very cold. "Come on, you haven’t seen the scores for a few days. You have a lot of backlogs. You have a good look."

"Father of the Emperor..." Ming Yu cried a face. "How can I not finish the memorial every day? When an emperor is too tired and tired."

"You have been tired of watching a few days of playing, so what should I do?" Murong asked with a funny smile, "You have to get used to it."

Ming Yu looked at Murong Yu. "If I can't get used to it?"

"You will get used to it." Murong licked her head.

"Even if Ming Xi is not willing, but the father, I will have a younger brother and sister..." Ming Yu raised a pair of clear eyes, she has been looking forward to having a younger brother and sister, but before the harem did not even have a skeleton. Although there are flaws now, the father is still so indifferent.

Murong Yu heard the meaning of Ming Yu's words. He looked up at her. All along, his idea of ​​passing the throne to Ming Yu never concealed her. She should know what to bear in the future.

"Ming Yu, even if there are younger brothers and sisters, can not affect your position in the palace." Murong said in a deep voice.

"Father, I don't mean this. I don't worry about what my younger siblings will affect me." Ming Yu whispered, "I just don't think I am very suitable..."

They are not suitable for anything, they are clear in their hearts.

Murong Yu waved toward Ming Yu and let her go to him.

Ming Yu went to the past and sat down next to Murong.

"You don't like the position of sitting in the future?" Murong asked in a low voice.

Don't like it? Ming Yu looked at the bright yellow robes. She couldn’t say that she liked or disliked her. She felt that she should not be able to do the same with her relatives and fathers, and she could watch the game in the palace every day. The thing, for her, is really a torture.

"I just feel that I am not suitable." Ming Yu said that she really feels that she can't compare with Mingxi in any aspect. If the father has his own child and is better than her, she must Do not mind any decision of the father.

Murong smiled. "No, you are the most suitable. It is more suitable than Mingxi."

"Father Huang?" Ming Yu looked at Murong Yu confusedly.

"We are kind, strong, kind, and this world... The war will not stop. In the future, you will be able to bring a peaceful and stable life to the people of the world. This is difficult for others to do." Murong softly Said, before that, he will definitely find a way to send this world to the hands of Ming Yu.

Ming Yu looked at her head and seemed to understand Murong Yu.

"At that time, what you can do if you want to do something, because you are already the highest person in the world, no one can bully you." Murong whispered.

"Is that the case?" Ming Yu looked at Murong Yu in confusion.

Murong gave a slight smile. "Go and watch the game."

Mingyu returned to his position and sat down, holding the memorial. They were all from all over the country. The things that were played were really strange, basically everything, sometimes it was very simple. The things that have been said must be long-formed and they all want to be recovered.

"Hey, this is... the memorial sent from the sea city of Beihai, is it coming back?" Ming Yu got a memorial written by Lu Xiangzhi, and she took it in surprise. "Father, the place where the disaster was previously Are you already stable?"

"Yes, fortunately, there is your mother, after the natural disaster, I am most afraid of a plague." Murong said.

Ming Yu continued to watch the memorial, and took another one from Bohai City. "Is Shen Yue Xuan not the father of Shen Guifei?"

"Well, Shen's property is confiscated, so he will stay in Bohai City, and he will not be allowed to do business for a lifetime." Murong said faintly, this is his greatest forgiveness to Shen Yuexuan.

If he had a little understanding of Shen Yuexuan, knowing that he was tempted by the vine, he would never let him go.

"Does the father have a decision on Fujisawa and others?" Ming Yu asked.

Since knowing the rebellion of Fujisawa and others, Murong has only ordered a thorough investigation. Although it has been found out who is involved in the rebellion, there has been no judgment. Now that he has been punished for Shen Yuexuan, the others should be the same.

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