Fujisawa hangs alive in the prison of the wilderness city. The real life is better than death. He asks the doctor to let him die. He doesn't have to be tortured by his body every time, but there is no intention. No one dares to let him die, even if It is the most precious medicine, and he must keep a good breath.

He wants to see Murong, but no one cares about him.

Murong Yu had already ordered that he would not go to Kyoto City without Fujisawa. This is what he does not want to see him.

Three months later, Fujisawa finally received the imperial edict, but he was unable to stand up and take care of it. His legs were swollen and unconscious. Because the poison gas spread, there was no good skin all over the body, although every day people gave it. He was taking the medicine, but no one cleaned the ulcerated wound for him. He had been numb with pain.

The person who came to the ceremony was Song Wei.

He saw the appearance of Fujisawa, although he hated his rebellious things, but after all, he had met each other for so many years. In his mind, Fujisawa has always been a handsome man who is handsome, but now he is not like a ghost. I saw how I couldn’t be sad.

"Do you regret it?" Song Yu sat next to the bed of Fujisawa, and endured the sour smell from the vine.

"Which thing?" The vine's voice was hoarse and his lips were chapped. It was probably too long to talk, and the lips cracked as soon as they opened.

Song Wei whispered, "What the **** did you do?"

"I only regret that I didn't get rid of Lu Hao earlier..." Fujimori said, "Others, since I have already done it, there is no retreat for regret."

"You know exactly what kind of feelings the emperor had for Lu Hao. In that year, he would rather not go to the priest's house to save her." Song said with excitement, he did not understand what Fujisawa was clinging to, Murong Yu. Lu Hao was tempted and tempted, and did not affect other things at all.

Fujita closed his eyes. "Yeah, he doesn't want to die for Lu. I can't kill him for him, so I have to kill Lu Hao. She turns the aunt into another person."

"You are aunt to you..." Song Yan’s eyes flashed a shock, although he already had speculation in his heart, but he was shocked to see the feelings in Fujiko’s eyes.

"He wants me to die, or does it continue like this person is not like a human being?" Fujisawa laughed at himself.

Song Yu coveted and looked at Fujisaki, who had no hope of survival. "Do you remember when we came to the emperor? At that time, the emperor was still only a prince, and there was no position in the thousand Luosha. We looked at him. Step by step to become the owner, then I was really happy, right?"

"If there is no Lu Yan..." Fujiko's eyes flashed hatred.

"This has nothing to do with other people. It is your own problem." Song Wei whispered, "The emperor is not alone, you always impose on you with your thoughts, as long as it is not what you think, you I felt that there was a problem. In the past, at the time of the thousand sacred moments, the owner of the cabinet tolerated you to intervene. He was obsessed with the old feelings for you. He was always the owner of the house. He was the emperor and could not be led by you forever."

The vine is dark and gloomy. Everything he does is for him. He doesn't feel that he is wrong.

"The emperor died once." Song said, looking at the vine, "I was in the priest's house, I saw it with my own eyes... he didn't breathe without pulse, it was really dead..."

"What?" Fujiko's face finally changed.

Song Wei said, "It was Lu Hao who saved him. The emperor was really reborn after death."

Fujisawa laughed happily and smiled sadly. "You want to tell me, can you be born again if you die?"

"I just want to tell you that although the emperor died once for Lu Hao, Lu Hao also saved him. Lu Yan is not the person you want, and the emperor ... is no longer the owner you think. "Song sees Fujimori or is obsessed with it. He has no intention of persuading him again. He asked the emperor to personally send a trip. "This is the imperial edict of the emperor. I know that you want to see the emperor again. The emperor does not want to see you. I have been a master and servant, and you have been guilty of death. Your family is alive, but you have been sent out of Kyoto City. You can rest assured that I will look after them."

"Okay." Fujisaki closed his eyes. This is a long-awaited result. He is not surprised.

Song Wei finally looked at him and placed his imperial devotion on his side. "Then I am gone."

"What about Tang Rende?" asked Fujisawa. "They are tempted by me. How did the emperor execute them?"

"The death sin can't escape." Song said in a low voice. "If you let people kill the princess, you should think about the consequences."

Fujiko's eyes were pumped a few times, and after all, there was nothing to say.

Song Yu sighed in his heart and turned and walked out of jail.

At noon that day, Fujisawa was stopped. When the jailer went to see him the next day, he was already dead.

He was rebellious and was given a death. He should have the corpse still in the mass graves of the barren hills. Song Song still gave him a simple grave, which was the last decent to the Fuji.

In the middle of the night, the dark clouds covered the moon, the sky was without stars, the mountains were dark, and only a strange footstep walked, and it sounded like jumping.

The dark clouds slowly spread out and the moonlight illuminates.

Only a black shadow was seen on the tomb of Fujisawa, and the tomb had been cut open. The black shadow hands dug out the corpse of the vine, opened the mouth of the blood, and ate it a few times.

The shadow jumped up and went to a place outside the wilderness city.

On the following day, Song Yu prepared a dish of wine. He planned to pay tribute to the vines before he left. The death of the people was gone, and the past things were no longer considered. He just did his best.

"This is..." When Song Song saw the tomb of Fujisawa, his face changed dramatically.

The tomb has been dug up, the dead body inside has disappeared, and there is a broken finger in the weed pile. It is clearly the hand of the rattan...

What happened? Song Yu was shocked in his heart. Is there a beast? He has never heard of a beast in the wilderness city.

"Song Daren..." and the subordinates who came with Song Wei were equally white, and they were the first to see this scene.

"Can't let other people know." Song said immediately, there is a beast that will dig the grave to eat the corpse, he can't think of it, but he must not let the people know, otherwise it will cause panic, "Tell the garrison, let him send people to catch Beast."

"This... what kind of beast would this be?"

Song Yu’s eyes looked at the broken fingers on the ground in amazement, and could not even have any bones left. What kind of beast would it be? "It should be... I have never seen a beast."

"If this beast ran into the city, what should I do?"

"So we must seize it as soon as possible." Song Yu said.

"Song Daren, is this matter to tell Ye General?"

Song Hao nodded silently. "I am out of town."

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