Outside the wilderness city, Ye Yinan led the troops to camp here. Beyond the ten miles of their military camps, they were the army of the North Ming State. The two armies were squatting. No one had the first gauntlet. No matter which side, they are waiting for Kyoto. The news from the city.

In the dead of night, Ye Junnan’s military camp was silent. Except for the soldiers who watched the night, other soldiers had already slept.

A black shadow appeared in the sky, the black shadow looks a bit similar to people, but it is just similar. His mouth is very big, his eyes are **** and slender, his arms are long and strong, and his legs look short, but Very strong, if you don't look carefully, it will only be a terrible beast. If you look at it, you will find that you have never seen such a beast. You don't know what it is.

He stood at the top of the watchtower, and a pair of blood-colored eyes stared straight at the military camp. His nose moved a few times. He seemed to smell the elixir. Here is the human continent. How can there be a medicine, except for him? And others have come to the mainland?

No matter who he is, he has to eat into his stomach, otherwise his repairs are checked and balanced, and nothing can be done at all.

The black shadow silently came to the camp of Yan Xiaoliu. The spirit of the elixir is the most obvious, and there is a fresh and beautiful taste.

Yan Xiaoliu slept so sweetly that he didn't know that a monster had entered his camp.

The boy's blood is very fragrant... If you kill him and eat it in your stomach, it must be delicious.

The beast swallowed and swallowed, and the stomach that had already eaten a corpse seemed to be hungry.

Ye Yinan’s camp was next door to Yan Xiaoliu. The long sword he placed next to him suddenly made a squeaky voice, awakening him from his sleep.

what happened? Ye Yinan opened his eyes and held a long sword in one hand. This is what Ming Xi gave him. From the surface, there is nothing special about this sword, but the whole body is made of black iron, which is better than the sword he has seen before. To be sharp, the sword is a bit more than the usual sword.

Yan Xiaoliu! Ye Xiaonan felt the danger in the subconscious, and the sword seemed to have guidance in the dark. He grabbed the sword and jumped out of the camp, and he saw that there was a strange shadow in Yan’s camp.

"Who is it?" He took out his long sword and pierced the camp, just to block the monster from catching Yan Xiaoliu's hand.

Yan Xiaoliu woke up and saw a pair of blood-red eyes staring at him greedily. He was shocked and immediately took out the sword hidden under the pillow and stabbed it.

The beast snorted and jumped out of the camp.

Ye Xiaonan immediately chased him up. He was already shocked at this moment. What kind of beast is this, let alone never seen it, even in the book.

Compared with Ye Yinan's shock, at that time, the demon beast is also very unbelievable. The sword in the hands of the mortal is not a human continent. The sword has an aura and kills them.

The corpse fled quickly and disappeared into the night.

Ye Xiaonan's light work is no better than a monster, he gasps, watching the night without anything, holding a long sword and frowning.

"Ye General, what is that?" Yan Xiaoliu has already caught up. His face is a bit white, and he just saw the monster clearly, it is not an individual.

More like a monster.

The entire military camp was alarmed, and the torches flashed. Many people thought that it was not the North Ming State.

"It's just a beast, it's okay, go back first." Ye Yannan said to them.

Yan Xiaoliu knew that it was not just a beast. He looked at Ye Xiaonan and silently followed him.

Ye Yinan appeased everyone, let them be alert, don't be slammed into the barracks by the beasts, and they returned to the camp.

"General..." Yan Xiaoliu whispered Ye Yinan.

"Do you see what he looks like?" asked Ye Xiaonan, voiced low.

Yan Xiao nodded at six o'clock. "See clearly, general, that is... that is a monster."

Ye Yinan did not speak. He looked down at the long sword in his hand. This sword was given to him by Ming Xi. It was obviously the arrival of the monster, otherwise it would not be humming.

"Whatever it is, I will catch him next time." Ye Xiaonan whispered.

"Yes." Yan Xiaoliu should answer.

Ye Yinan glanced at him. "You are not hurt? Did the monster do anything to you?"

"The general appeared in time, I am fine." Yan Xiaoliu said, if it is not Ye Yinan, he does not know that there is no life to live.

"Yeah." Ye Xiaonan gently decapitated. When he entered the camp of Yan Xiaoliu, it was obvious that the monster opened his mouth. Did he want to eat Yan Xiaoliu?

Ye Xiaonan shook his head and felt creepy about his own thoughts.



There was a white belly on the horizon. Yan Xiaoliu had already patrolled around the military camp. He had decided in his mind that he must find out the trace of this monster.

Song Yu appeared outside the military camp to ask for Ye Nannan.

"Song Daren, how come I have come here?" Ye Xiaonan will sing Song Song into it. He knows what Song Zhen is doing, and knows that Fujisawa is dead. Anyway, it is already known, so he didn't go much. Q, I don’t know what this Song Yi, who has always had a relationship with him, has anything to do.

Nothing goes to the Three Treasure Hall, Song Yu will not come to him for no reason.

"Ye General, yesterday Fujisawa has been buried in the earth..." Song said in a low voice, he knew that Ye Xiaonan was a refreshing person, so he didn't say too much about the bend. "I originally wanted to get some food and drink, but I found out. His grave was dug."

"It seems that many people in the wilderness city hate him." Ye Xiaonan said faintly, he did not feel sympathy for the vines. They all searched for themselves and blamed them.

Song Wei said, "It doesn't look like it... It's not like being dug, even his body is gone, leaving only one finger."

"Song Daren, if you want to find out who dug the tomb of Fujisawa, you should go to the county magistrate, I am only responsible for fighting, not responsible for solving the case." Ye Xiaonan said faintly.

"Does Ye General not feel surprised? Even if you want to whip the body, there are still corpses, how can there be only fingers left, I have seen it around, there are no other people's footprints, only this." Song Hao took out a piece of paper There is a footprint on it that looks like a human foot, only three toes, and is much larger than a normal person.

Ye Xiaonan’s face was slightly sinking. “What does that Song’s adult mean?”

"The beast." Song said, "The wilderness city should be a beast..."

"You saw it?" Ye Xiaonan asked quietly.

Song Hao shook his head. "No, but I guessed it. I only worried that I would hurt the people in the city."

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