Ye Yannan looked thoughtfully at the footprints on the drawings. This footprint is similar to the beast they saw last night. Is it the same beast? It actually went to dig the tomb of the vine...

Did he eat the vine?

"General Ye, are you... have you seen the beast?" Song Yu saw Ye Yannan's expression of the image was not surprised, as if he had seen it, could not help but guess.

"Song Daren, according to your point of view, is there a beast that digs the grave of the vine, and eats his body?" Ye Xiaonan flashed the monster that he saw last night, if he saw it with Song Wei. Similarly, that vine can really be eaten.

A monster that will dig a grave to eat a corpse will sound like a creepy!

Although Song Wei did not want to have such doubts, it seems that it is very difficult not to think like this. "I am not sure, I will come to General Ye."

"I will let people look around the wasteland city. If you find the beast that Song Daren said, it will be eradicated." Ye Yinan said.

"The beast should not be visible, and General Ye should be more cautious." Song Yi thought that the tomb of Fujisawa was dug, and there was still a linger in his heart. I don’t know what kind of beast can do such a thing. .

Ye Lannan gently beheaded, "Thank you for reminding Song Daren."

Song Wei stood up. "That... I will leave, I will return to Kyoto City to return to life."

"Good." Ye Xiaonan glanced at him and sent Song Yu to leave the camp.

"General..." Yan Xiaoliu came over and looked at Song Yu's back. He subconsciously felt that something had happened.

Ye Yinan took the portrait in his hand to Yan Xiaoliu. "The monster we saw last night, we dug the grave of the vine, and the corpse capital was eaten."

Yan Xiaoliu’s face changed, “What?”

"The monster disappeared from the direction over there last night. There is no mountain wild collar, it is all plain. It can't have a hiding place. I will find it." Ye Yinan said.

"No, you are a general. You can't have a day in the military camp. Let me go and find it." Yan Xiaoliu whispered, "The monster went to me last night, I went to find it, maybe he Will appear."

Ye Yinan said, "No, it is too dangerous."

"It is dangerous, you have to find it." Yan Xiaoliu said, "Give it to me, the general, the North Ming country is just around the corner, I am afraid that there will be movement soon, if this beast is sent by them, What if this is a plan to tune the tiger away from the mountains?"

"You bring a few more people." Ye Xiaonan said quietly.

Yan Xiao nodded at six o'clock. "Yes, general."



Like the ghosts, the corpse beasts come from ridiculous hell. They were originally the sacred beasts of the gods on the mainland, but they were abandoned and imprisoned in the ridiculous hell. Many corpses have been Dead, he does not know if he has a companion, but since he has come to the mainland, he must choose a way to live.

It is impossible to eat the corpse alone. His cultivation is checked and balanced. Even if it is more powerful than mortals, there are so many mortals. As long as they join hands, he will be killed.

The most important thing is that the sword in the man's hand last night was not on the mainland.

This shows that there are practitioners in the human world, and those practitioners will not let him go once they find him.

The only way to escape the practitioners is to win.

Fortunately, the corpse he had eaten last night had enough poison, and he now has the ability to win.

"His Royal Highness, just like running a bear in front." A voice came from afar.

"Fart, how can there be a bear in this place? You read it wrong." Someone smiled and shouted.

"I just saw it, but it is not necessarily a bear, maybe a wild boar." Another person said.

The corpse, resting on a small hill, listened in silence.

"You will know when you look at it in the past." The voice of the speaker is clear, and with the tone of command, there should be a little bit of status.

The corpse was slowly standing up, and he felt that he had found a suitable body to win.

"Look, what is that?" someone asked, pointing to the corpse.

"It seems to be a monkey!"

"Catch it."

The four people in front of the horse ran to the corpse, followed by four others.

The young man being guarded in the middle is the North Church Xuanyuan, the Prince of the North Ming State. This time he took the soldiers to the pro-insurance. It was originally to support his father. When he was able to make great contributions, he had a chance in front of the ministers. Don't worry about listening to that set of non-controversial arguments, but who would have thought that the father was actually arrested.

After confronting Jin Guo for so long, there was no movement on both sides. Today, he wants to use the head of hunting to test the situation of Jin Guo here. He actually encountered a big beast.

He has never seen such a beast.

"What is that?" The speed of the North Hall's propaganda slowed down. He found that the beast looked very strange and he had never seen it before.

"It seems that it is not a monkey." He said to the person behind the North Hall.

"His Royal Highness, be careful."

Not only was Beitang Xuanzhen discovered that something was wrong, the four people who ran in front of them all saw the appearance of the corpse, especially when they saw its fangs and red eyes, all of which slowed down, and they were afraid. too close.

"His Highness, let's go, this doesn't look like a beast." The people around me whispered.

Beitang Xuanyi nodded gently, "Let's go."

The corpse saw the person he wanted to win and turned his head away. He snorted and jumped up.

"God..." someone shouted, watching the beast kill the four people.

"His Highness, go fast."

The Beitang Xuanzhen was scared, and he could not return to God for a long time.

The corpse beast appeared in front of him, and the sharp claws were placed on the shoulders of the North Hall. "Your body, I like it very much."

They have a total of eight people. Today, except for the North Hall, only two people are alive.

" it human?" Beitang announced that the monster could actually speak and his face became more ugly.

"No." The corpse beast licked his mouth, revealing his fangs and killing the two people behind him who were preparing to attack him. "Now, there is only you left."

Beitang Xuanqi was so frightened that his mouth was shaking. "You...who are you, what do you want?"

"Your body." The corpse said, "What is your name?"

"Beitang...Beitang Xuan, I am the Prince of the North Ming Kingdom, what do you want, I can give you, as long as you don't kill me." Beitang Xuan said with a trembling voice.

The corpse beast is more satisfied with his self-reported identity. He does not need to know that there are too many things in the North Hall. When he becomes a North Hall, he will naturally know.

"Go!" He grabbed the Beitang propaganda, and several of the ups and downs have disappeared.

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