Murong Yu looked at Lei Bingfu thoughtfully, and thought that she was only close to Mingyu. It seems that it is not only like this. She already knew Mingxi, but she did not mention it. I don’t know what to calculate.

Lei Bingfu vaguely heard the conversation between the nephew and Ming Yu. She only had a bitter smile in her heart. She didn't care what Murong Yu had misunderstood her. Anyway, it was already like this. There is no difference in a little misunderstanding.

However, Mingxi they are back, Ming Yu is estimated to often run out of the palace.

"Ming Yu, you and your nephew are here, I have something to say to the six uncles." Ming Xi whispered to his sister.

"Good." Ming Yu took the hand of the child, "Father, then we will go to Lei Huizhen first."

Murong Yu did not like Lei Bingfu, but Ming Yu loved her very much. Now she knows that Lei Bingfu has already met Ming Xi, and he did not stop Ming Yu before he found out what happened. "Well."

Mingxi took the fire phoenix and they talked to Murong Yu to the royal study room.

"Six Uncle, Beitangyu has already let Shen Daren take him to the dark guardhouse. Qian Danqing did not kill him last time, and he will definitely send someone to kill him." Ming Xi said.

"As you said, the wilderness will be on the war in those days." Murong said faintly that he had already prepared for a battle with the Kum National Congress, but Qian Danqing would personally come to kill the North Hall. He still had some thoughts.

How much does the money family want to die in the North Hall?

Ming Xi said, "In fact, there is basically no use value in Beitang. However, if the great emperor of the North Ming Kingdom is saved, then the North Ming State will definitely be in chaos."

Murong Yan looked at Ming Xi, "Would you like to send Beitang to Beiming and hand it to Beitang?"

"When the North Hall is left in the Jin State, Qian Danqing will send troops to attack the Jin State, and then fabricate a news that the North Hall is dead. It is logical to promote the North Church to become a new emperor. The Wang family has no way to block it. If North Tang Xuanzhen saved the North Hall and went back. The position between the two emperors will be evenly matched. When the Qian family and the Wang family will fight incessantly, Mingxi said calmly.

As long as the North Ming Kingdom began civil strife, Jin Guo only managed to take advantage of the fishermen, and there was no need to waste the troops. It is better to keep the Qi and the Yuan.

He feels that although Qi has promised not to fight for ten years, who knows what will happen in the future.

Murong Yu looked at Mingxi silently. It is no wonder that Mingyu would say that she can't compare with Mingxi. The age of this nephew is only great, and the things she thinks are more comprehensive than him.

"He will let people reveal the news to Beitang Xuan, let the Wang family know that Qian Danqing wants to assassinate Beitang." Murong said.

"Six uncle, I can get back in this matter." Mingxi said with a smile.

Murong Yu said with a deep voice, "You have made great achievements in this matter, so you should reward you."

Ming Xixiao smiled. "Can you do anything?"

"What do you want?" Murong asked with a funny smile, as long as he can give it, he will be given to him.

"I haven't thought of it yet. It's better to owe it first." Ming Xi said, he doesn't have anything, but he really doesn't know what to reward.

Murong smirked and looked up at Xu Jinbei, who was standing behind Mingxi. "You are the grandson of Xu Lao, what is the name?"

Xu Jinbei did not expect Murong to ask him, and said in a busy manner, "Return to the emperor, the grass people are called Jinbei."

"I remember you used to be Mingxi's companionship." Murong looked at Xu Jinbei with a smile and smiled. He was very pleased that these teenagers were smarter and more capable than he thought. These people will be able to become the pillars of the country in the future.

"Yes." Xu Jinbei whispered back.

“Very good.” Murong Yu praised the nod. “You have done a good job.”



Mingyu is in a good mood. Although she does not often mention Mingxi, she wants them to come back soon. Now that Mingxi is back, her mother-in-law should come back soon.

Her mouth was high and she always had a sweet smile.

"Ray girl, we met again." The child had a very good impression on her because she had eaten the dried fish that Lei Bingfu sent.

"Yeah, girl, I haven't seen you for a few months, you are better." Lei Bingfu felt that he still had an old heart. He saw that the beautiful little girl felt that she wanted to pamper.

I felt very fond of seeing my nephew for the first time, let alone getting along with Mingyu for a while. Now, two little girls like flowers are in front of her eyes, and her mood is much better.

"You haven't told me about it, how did they know with Mingxi?" Ming Yu took a look at Lei Bingfu.

"We met pirates in Bailongjiang." The nephew said, "So I met the girl."

Ming Yu looked at Lei Bingfu with a strange look.

Lei Bingfu smiled and beheaded. Not only did they encounter pirates on the Bailong River, they also encountered many disasters when they came to Kyoto City all the way. Although she would protect herself from martial arts, she would not be able to be in front of those people. He sent people to protect them, she could not come to Kyoto at all.

In fact, she knew very well who wanted to obstruct her. Apart from the few people in Leijia, there would be no other people.

She is still not ready to pack them, and wait, come to Japan.

Ming Yu wants to know what Lei Bingfu has experienced, but she also knows that everyone has a story that they don't want to say. For a long time, Lei Bingfu never mentioned the previous things, and that should not be said.

"Hey, where have you and Mingxi gone, how can you catch the North Hall?" Ming Yu curiously looked at the child.

"We went to a lot of places." The children talked about the places they had been. "When we were in Bohai City, we found that the vines appeared in the Shen family. Mingxi said that they would stay and check what they are going to do. Suddenly the earthquake, Mingxi and Huoer they went to save people, half of the city was collapsed... Then we went to the Wasteland City, they used Mingxi as the young master of the party, we will count on it, only to know the Fujisawa North Hall 钰 collusion..."

Ming Yu listened to her heart and jumped. If she didn't listen to her, she didn't know that Mingxi had experienced so many dangerous things.

"Then you haven't been discovered? Mingxi is not the same as the younger family." Mingyu asked in surprise.

"We are easy to accommodate, no one recognizes it." The nephew said with a smile, "North Hall also wants to come and draw Mingxi."

Ming Yu said with envy, "You must have a good time outside."

"Yeah, do you want to play with us?" The nephew took the hand of Mingyu. "I heard that there will be a temple fair tomorrow, and there are people who play tree flowers. I have never seen what it is like to hit a tree flower. You Have you seen it?"

"Hit the tree?" Ming Yu stunned. "I haven't seen it yet. What is it?"

Lei Bingfu said with a smile, "I have seen it once, tree flowers like fireworks are blooming, like a leafy canopy, so it is called a tree flower."

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