The rich play fireworks, and the rich fight the trees.

Lei Bingfu has seen others playing tree flowers, but not this world, but in the last life.

The fire is shining in the sky, and the red star is purple.

That was the most beautiful memory in her mind. At that time, she was still a little girl who was innocent. The biggest hope was that there was meat to eat tomorrow. Later, when she entered the palace, she never saw anyone else playing trees, fireworks. Although beautiful and splendid, there is no memory in the tree to make her fall in love.

Ming Yu was uttered by Lei Bingfu, and he could not wait to see the tree flowers at once.

"Mingxi they are back." The nephew felt the arrival of Mingxi and looked up to the other side of the Royal Garden.

"I haven't seen anyone yet." Ming Yu looked at his eyes and did not see them in Mingxi.

The nephew said with a smile, "I will come when I wait."

Lei Bingfu looked up and looked at her.

Sure enough, after less than half a cup of tea, they saw Ming Xi and Huo Huang coming.

"Ming Yu, do you want to play with me for a few days?" Mingxi stood outside the gazebo, smiling at Mingyu.

"Does the father agree?" Ming Yu stood up happily. She had been boring for a long time in the palace. Of course she wanted to go out.

Ming Xi said, "I just said to the six uncles that the six uncles agreed."

“Really?” Ming Yumei opened his eyes and smiled, and his heart seemed to be in full bloom. “Great, I will get ready soon, my brother will wait for me.”

She didn't have time to talk to other people, and immediately jumped back to her house to pack things up.

Lei Bingfu still sat in the same place, but his eyes looked at Mingxi with a smile.

"You go ahead and wait for me." Mingxi said to the nephew, "I have a few words to talk to Lei Huizhen."

"Good." Xu Jinbei nodded, and they left the Royal Garden.

Ming Xi sat down in front of Lei Bingfu. "I heard that Lei Huizhen saved Ming Yu’s life, and Ming Xi thanked Lei Hui here."

"Don't be thankful, it should be, I can safely come to Kyoto City, but also have more help from Master Mingxi." Lei Bingfu said with a smile, she was saving Ming Yu, just thinking of returning Mingxi.

"Is the maiden's life in the palace still used to it?" Mingxi asked with a smile. When he cooperated with Lei Bingfu, he did not expect much from this woman. He just took a lucky attitude and later knew that she had saved Mingyu. Only then did she think that she was a person who knew the newspaper.

Perhaps he was somewhat biased towards her at first.

"They have already entered the palace, and they don't want to get used to it." Lei Bingfu smiled faintly.

Mingxi glanced at her. "It seems that I am still not used to it."

"There was such a life in the palace, and I couldn't talk about any habits. Anyway, it was like this." Lei Bingfu said with a smile, "It is the days of Master Mingxi who lived very fast."

"The days are all people coming out." Ming Xi said, "With Lei Hui's ability, what kind of days do you want?"

Lei Hui smiled and smiled. "That's right."

Ming Xi smiled. "Lei Hui and Ming Yu seem to get along very well."

"The princess is a very easy person to get along with." Lei Bingfu whispered, "I like her very much."

"I heard that you said that, then I am relieved." Ming Xi clap his hands and stand up. "If you have any help in the future, as long as I can do it, I can help you."

Lei Bingfu looked at Ming Xi, "I really have one thing I want you to help."

"You said." Ming Xidao.

"I came to Kyoto City all the way, and I encountered several disasters. This is not an accident for no reason. Some people want to put me to death, I don't want me to enter the palace, I want you to avenge me." Lei Bingfu Seriously looking at Mingxi, "The person who wants me to die is in Leijia. If the young master of Mingxi is free, I will take revenge for me."

By the way...

Ming Xi looked at Lei Bingfu. "I will check this. When you want to do it, you decide."

Lei Bingfu smiled slightly, "Thank you for the young Master Ming Xi."

"You take care." Ming Xi beheaded and turned away from the pavilion.

Ming Yu, they have been waiting for Mingxi at the palace gate. Her mood is full of joy and she is full of expectations for the palace.

Haven't waited for Ming Xi, Murong Yu has come to find her.

"Father of the Father." Ming Yu smiled at him with a smile.

"Is it so happy to be out of the palace?" Murong asked with a funny smile, knowing that it was really boring for her to be in the palace for a few months.

Ming Yu hesitated to look at Murong Yan. "Father, you can rest assured that even if I am out of the palace, my heart will think about my father."

Murong snorted and said, "If you think about the father, then don't go out."

"Ah?" Ming Yu looked at him.

"Don't go out alone, there is something to say to Mingxi." Murong said with a smile, although he will send people to follow Mingyu, but his heart is still not at ease, but there is no problem with Mingxi followed.

Ming Yu was nodded, "I will, father."

"Ming Xie is coming." Xiaoer said with a smile, looked back from the carriage and looked back.

Murong looked at Mingxi with a thoughtful look. He knew that Mingxi was talking to Lei Bingfu in the Royal Garden. He had always felt that Lei Bingfu was a deep-minded person. Close to Mingyu is purposeful. It seems that it is not the same thing.

Is Lei Bingfu arranged by Ming Xi in the palace?

If this is possible... Murong frowns and finds that he may not like this too. Although Ming Xi is his nephew, his actions are also for Ming Yu, but as an emperor, he does not like someone to arrange his harem. Anyone.

"Six uncle, I just said a few more words with Lei Huizhen." Mingxi came over and said with a smile to Murong Yu. "Before the Bailong River, the Lei family's boat almost encountered a pirate. We saved her. ”

Murong faintly said, "This matter has never been heard."

"For the sake of the Lei family's reputation, how can this kind of thing be said everywhere?" Ming Yu whispered.

"Do you know?" Murong slammed to Mingyu, didn't he know? He clearly sent someone to check it, but he did not find out about it.

Ming Yu actually knows it today. She smiled and nodded. "Lei Hui has mentioned it."

Then she is good at Ming Yu, not to approach him, but to want to repay her?

Murong felt that this answer made him somewhat unhappy.

"Six uncle, let's go first." Mingxi said with a smile.

"Take care of Mingyu, don't let her run out alone." Murong said quietly.

"Six uncle, you can rest assured." Ming Xi said with a smile, "I will protect Mingyu."

Xu Jinbei and Huohuang both nodded, and Mingyu would not have something to follow them.

Murong sighed in his heart, "Let's go."

Ming Yu grinned and waved at him. "Father, let's go first."

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