Ming Yuzui was eating lychee, and it was very happy to see him returning. However, she found that she was still with a woman. She immediately sat down. In front of outsiders, she always wanted to be a dignified majesty. Princess.

"I have seen Princess Royale all over the place." Mrs. Su has already done a good deed.

He said with a smile, "This is Mrs. Su, the mother of your little aunt."

"Mrs. Su is excused." Ming Yu remembered. She had seen this lady when she went to Sujia. It is no wonder that she is familiar.

"His Royal Highness Princess Xie." Mrs. Su straightened up, her eyes carefully looking at the jade.

Although she is not familiar with Mrs. Su, she is the mother of the little aunt, and she brought it in person. Mingyu also smiled a little more about her. "I heard that this lychee was sent by Mrs. Su, very delicious. We all like it."

Mrs. Su was very happy to hear, "The princess likes it."

When Ming Yu saw that Mrs. Su stood here and did not leave, she guessed that she should come to her. "Grandma, Mrs. Su, please sit down."

He said, "Ming Yu, Mrs. Su has a niece in the palace, I don't know if you have seen it."

"Who?" Ming Yu stunned. She didn't remember the people in the palace who still had Su family.

"Su Shi, Su Yingying." Mrs. Su is busy returning.

Ming Yu suddenly realized, "Oh, I remembered it. It turned out to be Su Shi. I didn't know it before. It turned out that she was the niece of Mrs. Su."

Isn't that a sister to the little sister?

In the palace, except for going to Lei Bingfu every day, there are not many intersections with other crickets. It seems that she has seen Su Shi before, but the impression is not profound.

"Although I have not seen it every day, I will occasionally meet it in the palace." Ming Yu said.

"I don't know Su Shi, she... is it good?" Mrs. Su asked excitedly.

Ming Yu looked at Mrs. Su with a puzzled look. "How could Su Shi’s life be bad? No one in the palace would bully her."

Mrs. Su smiled awkwardly. "Yes, I was wrong."

"When I go back, I will talk to Su Shi." Ming Yu said.

"Good, good." Mrs. Su gratefully nodded.

Yan smiled at her with a smile.

Mrs. Su actually has a lot of words to ask, but Ming Yu doesn't know much about Su Shi. She only knows that Su Shi has been serving her. As for the emperor, she is really not able to see it.

"Mother, I still want to tell you something, why don't we bother the princess here, go to my house." Su Xiaoxiao went to Mrs. Su and said quietly.

Yan did not take the initiative to open Mrs. Su here.

Mrs. Su smiled and nodded. "Good." She looked at Mingyu, "Princess, and I stepped back first."

"Mrs. Su is walking slowly." Ming Yu put down the lychee in his hand and smiled at Mrs. Su.



Mrs. Su and Su Xiaoxiao returned to the yard together.

"Mother, why are you coming today?" Su Xiaoxiao holding Mrs. Su's hand, could not help but whispered.

"I know that the princess is here, I am in a hurry." Mrs. Su said, "Listen to the meaning of the princess, it seems that I haven’t got along with Yingying. I don’t know how the emperor is going to be Ying Ying, can go to sleep, it should be regarded as the emperor. Eyes."

Su Xiao was helpless and anxious. "I know that you care about your sister, but you don't have to run directly to ask the princess. This makes the in-laws look at me."

"What's the matter." Mrs. Su did not agree. She did not see where the uncle was unhappy. "Are you not feeling good with the princess? It is not good for me to say this. I have to say it."

"What's the matter?" Su Xiaoxiao saw her mother did not realize that today's visit had any effect on her. She did not want to explain it anymore. Next time she will not reveal the arrival of the princess again.

Mrs. Su took Su Xiao’s hand into the house and sent the next person to serve, leaving only their mother and daughter.

"Mother, what is it?" Su Xiaoxiao asked in confusion, how is this mysterious.

"I heard that the princess walked very close to Lei Huizhen in the palace. Lei Huizhen was deliberately close to the princess, nothing more than to fight for the pet, and did not know what means to hold the princess, not as good as our Yingying, the princess to us. Sujia is the root of knowledge. She only needs to keep Yingying in the palace. If Yingying can give birth to a prince, it will be of great benefit to the princess." Mrs. Su said with a low voice.

Su Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, she did not know that the mother actually had such a mind, could not help but increase the tone, "Mother! What are you talking about?"

"I don't know what I said?" Mrs. Su glanced at her daughter. "You think about it. Now that the emperor is vacant, as long as Yingying can give birth to the emperor, the status in the palace will be different. It will be uncertain. Can you still fly to the sky, don't you want the Su family to be a leader?"

"Even if you can give birth to a prince, what is the relationship with Mingyu?" Su Xiaoxiao whispered, "Where the status of Mingyu in the palace, no one can change it."

Mrs. Su smiled. "You don't understand this. The emperor has no clear intention to seal the jade as the crown prince. People are selfish. When the emperor has his own child, his thoughts will be different. At that time, the Princess Ming Yu will not be regarded as a jewel in the palm of my hand. That is another matter."

In fact, many people outside the palace are speculating, waiting for the emperor to have his own emperor, Ming Yu's position in the palace is certainly not as good as before, maybe it will be sent out of the palace.

Who will treat their children badly, not to mention that the parents of Princess Mingyu are still a threat to the emperor.

"Mother, don't say anything like this." Su Xiaoxiao said, "Whether there is a purpose, Ming Yu is a princess, and now the only princess, what will happen in the future, is not what you and I can predict."

"So we have to plan ahead." Mrs. Su said, "If you let other women under the prince, Yingying's position in the palace is not so expensive. Are you feeling good with the princess? You try it, as long as the princess Helped us Yingying, Sujia will not forget her in the future."

Su Xiaoxiao looked at Mrs. Su silently. After a while, she said, "I will not go to Mingyu. If Mingyu likes Yingying, it will naturally go close to Yingying. As for Yingying, can she be favored? This is not what Mingyu wants to help."

"You are still not Ying Ying's sister. I am too busy to help her." Mrs. Su did not ask.

"Is Yingying let people talk to you?" Su Xiaoxiao's face changed.

Mrs. Su’s face flashed a bit stiff. “She is in the palace, where can I talk to me, it is my own thinking.”

"Mother, you don't have to say it. This is the end of the matter. I have to go to the princess. I will not leave you today. I will go home again tomorrow to plead guilty." Su Xiaoxiao sent Mrs. Su away without saying anything.

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