Ming Xi came to the study to find Lu Shiming, only to see one night, Lu Shiming looked very tired, it seems that a lot of old, but in a good mood.

"I am planning to let people come to you, you have already come." Lu Shiming smiled and looked at Mingxi.

"Grandfather, are you okay?" Mingxi asked.

Lu Shiming said with a smile, "Nothing, I saw the emperor in the palace yesterday, and I have said everything to the emperor."

He went to the palace last night to ask for sin. He told the emperor that he had helped Lu Shizhou. If the emperor wanted to sin, he had nothing to say. However, after Murong Yu listened to him, he got up. Dao knew that he had helped Lu Shizhou, knowing that he was blinded by ignorance.

However, in order to show the notarization, Murong Yu still punished Lu Shiming, let him think for a month.

"... Closed thinking?" Ming Xi raised his eyebrows, and Liu Shu’s punishment was appropriate.

Lu Shiming smiled bitterly. "This is already a lot of magnanimity."

"One month passed quickly." Ming Xi said with a smile.

"There is one more thing..." Lu Shiming frowned. "When I was in the palace yesterday, there was an urgent letter from the wilderness. The North Ming Kingdom had declared war on us."

Ming Xijun's beautiful face flashed a bit of a strange, "Qian Danqing declared war?"

"It is said that we have captured their princes and asked us to surrender the Beitang propaganda." Lu Shiming said.

"Do you catch the North Hall publicity?" Ming Xi asked.

Lu Shiming took a deep breath. "No, Beitang Xuanzhen is not in our hands."

That is to say, Beitang Xuanzhen disappeared, and Qian Danqing thought that Ye Yinan had arrested him, so he had to fight with Jin Guo, and they surrendered Beitang Xuan.

"Qian Danqing is for the Prince of the North Ming State, even their emperor's life is ignored." Ming Xi smiled like a smile. "It seems that Qian Danqing really wants to change the emperor."

"Did you still encounter an assassin on the road before? Who wants to kill the North Hall?" Lu Shiming asked.

Ming Xi said, "It is Qian Danqing."

Lu Shiming snorted. "That is, maybe this is an excuse for Qian Danqing to deliberately find."

With Qian Danqing, I can’t wait to kill Beitang’s thoughts. It’s really possible for him to start a war between the two countries. However, it seems that there is something wrong with it.

"There is a sigh, Qian Danqing will not easily succeed." Ming Xi said.

Lu Shiming thought of Ye Yannan's battlefield experience and his heart was quiet.

"The emperor also asked your parents about the news last night." Lu Shiming indulged for a moment, "Have your mother sent you a letter?"

"Not yet, my mother said before that she would return to Kyoto City." Ming Xi said.

Lu Shiming did not know how to openly look at Mingxi.

"External grandfather, what happened?" Ming Xi asked in confusion.

"There are a lot of rumors today..." Lu Shiming whispered, "I don't know if you heard about it."

Mingxi came back less than two days, and really did not hear any rumors. "No, I haven't heard anything yet."

Lu Shiming sighed softly. "This is the case. Now the harem is full. Although the emperor has not yet established a post, there are already many rumors in the harem. The rumors are all related to this. If you hear it, don't go to it. You, mother, they should understand, don’t misunderstand..."

What is the relationship with the palace?

"Father, is this rumor related to Mingyu?" Mingxi asked.

"It is nothing more than some people think that after the emperor has his own child, he will not be as fond of Mingyu as it is now..." Lu Shiming said.

Mingxi heard the words and laughed. "It turned out to be this thing. Let's say it to others."

Lu Shiming did not think that Mingxi would answer this question. "You can understand the best, regardless of what others say. Proverbs are rumors, and some rumors are meant to provoke dissension."

"Father, I understand." Ming Xi said with a smile.



Lei Bingfu’s mood is very bad. After Mingyu followed Mingxi’s palace, Murong’s mistaken medicine was taken, and he actually came to the Imperial Garden, and he was directed at her. He thought he would ask a few words. Will leave, how to know to go to her palace to eat.

She felt that she could not eat for at least a few days.

"Mother, the weather is good today, do you want to go to the Royal Garden?" Lica came in and asked.

Lei Bingfu looked at the outside lazily. She really wanted to go. She didn't want to meet Murong Yu there. She didn't know much about him, but she could understand what kind of person he was.

Just like he was in the palace yesterday, in the eyes of others, his meal in the palace is a privilege for her. It is her great honour. However, only her heart knows best, Murong is not to give her a favor, he Just want to disgust her.

He is skeptical about her, so he has to monitor her.

"Don't go, today's whole body is lazy, just sit in the courtyard and sit." Lei Bingfu said.

Even if you don’t meet Murong Yu in the Royal Garden, you will definitely meet other people.

Liu Wei, they all thought that she had regained Murong’s eyes. If she had not made an excuse, they would go to the palace to find out.

"The maiden, the emperor is hard to eat here, are you... should you think of ways to get rid of the emperor's heart?" Clove for Lei Leifu squatting on his shoulders, sometimes I feel that their master is too lazy.

Lei Bingfu chuckled and said, "If the emperor's heart is really here, can I use it to get close?"

"Then you will do nothing?" Lilac asked puzzledly. Some people didn't understand that Lei Bingfu didn't seem to care about whether the emperor had arrived at the palace.

"I did a lot." Lei Bingfu said lazily.

Lilac is speechless, and she really doesn't know what the girl did.

At this time, there was a small palace lady coming in, and Fu Gonggong asked for it.

Lei Bingfu frowned, how did Ford come.

"Please come in, Fu Gonggong." Lei Bingfu said faintly.

Ford smiled and walked in. "I have seen Huisiang Niangniang."

"Fu Gonggong is polite." Lei Bingfu has not been lazy, and he sits quietly in the chair of the Taishi, with a smile on him.

"Hui Fu Niangniang, the emperor mouth, please go to the Yangxin Temple for meals." Ford said with a smile.

Lei Bingfu’s face changed, “What?”

The lilac next to it is a big smile, "the maiden..."

"Fu Gonggong, the emperor has a lot of opportunities, this palace seems to be not suitable in the past." Lei Bingfu's expression is stiff, and he does not want to go to the temple.

"The niece is more worried, the emperor invites you to go, who dares to say that it is not suitable." Fu said with a smile.

Lei Bingfu clenched his fist. "Let's wait for a moment, I will pick it up a little."

"Yes, the goddess." Ford bowed his head and went outside to wait.

"Clove, comb your hair for the palace." Lei Bingfu said that he had to gnash his teeth.

What Murong Yu wants to do!

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