When Lei Bingfu came to the Yangxin Temple, Murong Yu was watching the folds and heard the sound of Lei Bingfu’s salute. He didn’t even lift his head, just waved his hand and let her stand aside.

Ford sent a koi to Lei Bingfu and then bowed back.

"..." Lei Bingfu sat upright and sat next to his waist. His face was stiff and his eyes were not squinting. But his heart had already begun to belch. What did she call her here to see what he was doing?

He deliberately wants her to be here?

Lei Bingfu thought in his heart, she really didn't know what Murong Yu was going to do. The emperor she had served before was a suspicious and passionate person. As long as he got his mind, it is not difficult to guess what he wants. What to do, before entering the palace, she thought that Murong Yu should not be difficult to deal with, and now she knows that she is wrong.

She did not know what the emperor was thinking.

Lei Bingfu looked up at Murong Yu. It is true that this emperor looks very good. Not only looks handsome, but also tall and tall, it should be a rare handsome man. He heard that when he was a prince, he did not like to live in Kyoto. If the original Emperor Murong Cham was not missing, he might still be wandering outside.

A prince who used to live outside the palace suddenly became an emperor, and he also raised Mingyu as his own daughter, and even did not suffer for a few years...

She was the first to see this kind of thing.

She would like to know who the woman who really walked into Murong’s heart was.

Lei Bingfu thought with suspicion, did not find himself more curious about Murong.

"Is it enough?" A low voice sounded and thundered.

"The emperor..." Lei Bingfu coveted, not disguising that she was just looking at Murong Yu. "The emperor looks so good, and the courtiers can't see it."

Murong looked at her coldly, and this kind of ghost was also said.

Lei Bingfu still waited for Murong to say a few words. As a result, he only looked at her like a cold eye, and then he lowered his head again to see the score.

"..." What does this mean?

About half an hour later, Murong Yu put down the last set of songs and faintly looked at Lei Bingfu, who was still sitting straight on the waist.

"Use it." Murong told him.

The palace man who waited next to him went out to pass the meal.

Now that she has already had lunch time, Lei Bingfu does not feel hungry at all. If she is facing Murong, she can't eat anything.

After washing hands, Murong was drinking slowly with tea.

He has asked the Guardian to check Lei Bingfu, including what happened when she entered the palace. As she said, she was indeed saved by Mingxi.

Prior to this, she was only a slightly famous Miss Lei Jiada in Wuling. Her life was very clean, and she did not fall into any mistakes. The performance of Lei Family in the week was the same as that in her palace.

However, Murong Yu still feels that Lei Bingfu should have another side.

The palace sneaked in, with a tray in his hand, silently prepared.

"Lei Huizhen, accompany the meal," Murong said faintly, and went to the other side of the round table to sit down.

"Yes, the emperor." Lei Bingfu flowed from the good, Murong told her what to do.

Murong Yan did not look at Lei Bingfu again, nor did she call her cloth dish. After eating the meal silently, Lei Bingfu retired.

Lei Bingfu did not eat much at all, he ate a few green vegetables at random.

However, she was able to leave the Yangxin Temple, and she felt better than eating any seafood.

"The emperor, the tea is ready." Ford brought the tea in, and sent it to Murong Yu, who was leaning against the big pillow.

"Ford, do you see what kind of person is Lei Huizhen?" Murong asked in a low voice.

"The slave is dull, and the person's ability has not been learned." Ford whispered back, he could not understand Murong's attitude toward Lei Bingfu, so it would not be easy to comment.

Murong Yu put down the tea pot and rubbed the finger on his hand. "There is more intelligence, but the table is different."

Can such a person stay with Ming Yu?

"Hui Fu Niangniang likes Ming Yu Princess," Ford said.

"I really like it or have another purpose. Who knows?" Murong snorted.

Ford carefully looked at Murong's glance and followed the emperor for a few years. Although he couldn't talk much about it, he could still see some ideas.

The emperor should be testing Lei Huizhen?

With the growth of Princess Mingyu, there are many things that the Emperor cannot teach. They are handed over to the aunts in the palace, and they worry that Mingyu will be abused by slaves, and that the slaves can teach the jade is just a rule.

It is not just how to be a princess when the emperor wants to learn Ming Yu.

If you can stay with Ming Yu, it is naturally best, but she is still missing, and I don't know where it is.

Without guessing, the emperor wanted to find a person who can teach her to Princess Mingyu.

"The emperor, Du Daren asked to see." Palace people said outside.

"Come in." Murong Yu put away the guess in his heart and let Du Fu come in.

Du Fu is the deputy commander of the Darkhouse.

"Chen Chen has seen the emperor." Du Fu gave Murong a ceremonial, and said, "The emperor, the North Hall hunger for two days, want to ask to see the emperor."

"Why did he want to see him?" Murong asked faintly. He did not intend to go to see the North Hall so quickly. Even if there was a report on the wilderness, he still felt that he should dry the Beitang for a few days.

Du Fu said, "North Hall said that something is going to be discussed with you."

Murong slammed his lips and smiled. "Go back and tell him that he has no room to discuss with him, and tell him the news of Qian Danqing's declaration of war."

"Back to the emperor, Beitang said, he knows that Qian Danqing will definitely declare war, as long as you meet with him, he will be able to stop Qian Danqing." Du Fu said.

"Then let him wait and see, when is it free, naturally meet him." Murong said.

Du Fu should say, "Yes, the emperor."

"Retreat, don't be too polite to Beitang." Murong swayed his hand, he didn't like Beitang, if he didn't think about Jinguo, he didn't want to meet him.

"Beitang said that as long as we are willing to help him, he can exchange with ten cities." Du Fu said.

When Murong Yu smiled a little, it would be different. "Go and bring Beitang, let me see him."

"Yes." Du Fu shrugged his hand and turned to withdraw from the Yang Xin Dian. He also went to the dark guard to bring the North Hall.

North Hall, this is scared.

If you really let Qian Danqing support Beitang to become a new emperor, Beitang will not have to go back, and certainly will not have a good day.

However, Murong Yu and very curious, Beitang Xuanzhen where to go.

Ye Yinan did not catch the Prince of the North, but did not kill anyone. Who would it be?

Is it necessary to deliberately watch the North Ming Kingdom and the Jin State fight, and then prepare to sit in the Qi State with the benefit of the fishermen?

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