Since he was almost assassinated by Qian Danqing, Beitang’s mood has been very violent. However, as a prisoner, he has nothing to do, and he can’t do anything at all.

"What about Du Fu?" Beitang said to the dark guard outside the door. "Is he back?"

"Noisy, I told you that Du Daren hasn't come back yet." The dark guard yelled impatiently. This North Hall was too annoying. I would have to ask a question later. I have already said that I haven't returned yet. I still ask no. stop.

Beitang glared at the door of the dark guard, resisting the urge to break the mouth, he was the tiger fell Pingyang was bullied by the dog, and now even a watchdog dare to yell at him.

"I want to see Du Fu." Beitang said coldly.

"Mom, you are bothering! I said that Du Daren has not returned yet..." Dark guard shouted loudly.

"What happened?" A cold voice interrupted the scream of the dark guard.

The dark guard looked back and looked respectful. "Du Daren, you are back."

Du Fu slowly came over and whispered, "No rudeness to the emperor of the North Ming Kingdom."

"Yes." The dark guard bowed his head.

The north hall snorted, "Murong wants to see me?"

"The emperor said, when he is free, he will come to see you naturally." Du Fu said with a blank expression.

"Don't he want to stop Qian Danqing?" Beitang asked with a grin.

Du Fu smiled slightly. "You don't seem to have any confidence in our general."

"Ye Lannan?" North Hall snorted, "If it is Murong Zhan, maybe it is possible, Ye Xiaonan... He is still a little worse."

"Then wait and see." Du Fu did not argue with Beitang, "You will wait with peace of mind."

When the North Hall saw Du Fu want to leave, he immediately stopped him. "Can't even ten cities be impressed by Murong?"

Du Fu said, "Isn't the emperor saying it? When he is free, he will come to see you naturally."

This is already seen in the ten cities.

Bei Tang’s suffocating eyes, Murong Yu is humiliating him!

"If there is nothing else, then the official will go first." Du Fu looked at the North Hall and glanced at the corner of his mouth with a mocking smile.

Even if the emperor of the North Ming State is still in the dark guardhouse, it is the captive of their kingdom, who cares where he is the emperor.

Beitang钰 thought angrily in his heart, and when he returned to Beiming, he would not let Murong Yu.

"The emperor, we have to endure!" Fang Yusheng whispered to the North Hall.

"When are you going to endure?" Beitang asked with anger, "The **** Qian Danqing, he dared to confront this."

Fang Zhensheng did not think that the money home was so bold, saying that the rebellion was rebellious, and now it is still following the name of the prince to declare war. It is clear that regardless of the safety of the emperor, this is not a rebellion.

I thought they would be able to go back soon, but now it is the safest in Kyoto.

"Qian Danqing wolf ambition, but the honor of the Prince Edward, loyalty and filial piety, will never be in harmony with Qian Danqing." Fang Yusheng spoke for the North Hall.

Beitang thinks of his son who has always loved him. He does not want to believe that his son will betray him with others. However, now that Qian Danqing declares war, is it because the prince is missing?

Whether it is really missing or false, who knows the truth.

"If you can go back, you must have a money house full of copying!" Beitang said with resentment.



Lei Bingfu walked out of the Yangxin Temple and looked up at the blue sky. She gave a soft sigh of relief, and it was still not so depressed.

Before she returned to the palace, she met Su Shi on the road.

"Lei Huizhen." Su Yingying's beautiful face with a soft smile, gave Lei Bingfu a ritual.

"Do you come out for a walk?" Lei Bingfu kept a dignified and quiet smile, and looked at Su Yingying calmly.

Su Yingying is a beautiful person who looks very comfortable. The facial features are very beautiful and beautiful. Although it is not beautiful, it is very friendly.

Just look at the face, Lei Bingfu quite like Su Yingying.

"Yeah, the wind is beautiful, it is suitable for walking, Lei Huizhen is... just coming back from the emperor?" Su Yingying looked innocent and curious.

Lei Bingfu smiled and nodded. Anyway, she was called to raise the heart of the temple is not a secret, it must be known to many people.

Su Yingying did not hide her envy of Lei Bingfu. "The emperor is really good for Lei Huizhen."

"Where, the emperor is good to everyone." Lei Bingfu smiled happily, Murong Yu is good to her, she is really grateful.

"In this harem, you can often see the emperor, and only Lei sister, other people have such an opportunity." Su Yingying whispered

Lei Bingfu smiled faintly. "Su Shi is so gentle and supple that the emperor will like it."

She really thinks that Murong will like Su Yingying, such a gentle and lovely girl, even the voice of the speech is sweet and beautiful, she will like her if she is a man.

Su Yingying's cheeks were red and shy, "I have such an honor."

"You are blessed when you look at it." Lei Bingfu said with a smile.

"It’s really fun to talk to Lei’s sister.” Su Yingying looked at Lei Bingfu sincerely.

Lei Bingfu said with a smile, "Is it? We can talk often after that."

Su Yingying heard a joy, "Is it OK? No one in the palace is willing to chat with me."

"Nature can." Lei Bingfu knows why no one is looking for Su Yingying, because she has already served, and naturally it has become the nail of others.

Just like her, it wasn’t very attractive to see from the beginning. Liu Wei’s few people haven’t been talking about her all the time. How can she smash her when she smashes her, but what about it?

In this palace, who still needs to survive by the woman's mouth.

Su Yingying gratefully looked at Lei Bingfu, "Thunder sister is so good."

"It’s just a companion chat, and it makes you so excited." Lei Bingfu said with a funny smile.

"You don't know, since I entered the palace, I haven't found anyone who can really talk. Before I went to bed, there were two people who accompanied me. Later I discovered that they didn't really come with me." Su Yingying whispered.

Lei Bingfu said with a smile, "I have done a lot of fish dry mouth recently. If I don't want to give up, I can go to sit there."

Su Yingying is not self-satisfied. "If Lei’s sister doesn’t bother me, I still can’t ask for it.”

"Let's go." Lei Bingfu said with a smile, and Su Yingying came to the palace.

Not long after they left, two women came out from the corner. "Hey, see no, Su Yingying has to go to Bajie Lei Bingfu."

"Does she think that Lei Bingfu will let her go out? Hey, who will split the emperor's favor."

"Let's wait and see the show."

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