Mingxi does not want to bring the Mingyu wilderness, but he is very clear, if you do not take her, Mingyu must blame him in his heart.

"Ming Yu..." Mingxi still wants to persuade.

"I don't care, in short, I just want to go to Yan Xiaoliu." Ming Yu called.

"Yan Xiaoliu is so important to you?" Mingxi was puzzled, even if it was a childhood friend, Mingyu was too concerned about Yan Xiaoliu.

Ming Yu looked at him. "Yes, when you have disappeared, only Yan Xiaoliu will accompany me. He is like me to his family. He can't do anything."

"I know." Mingxi's twilight is so heavy. When he and his parents were taken to the Xuantian mainland, Mingyu was only three or four years old. It was such a small girl. Without relying on it, Yan Xiaoliu is indeed Her dependence.

"Then you want to take me to the wasteland?" Mingyu's eyes lit up.

Mingxi did not agree. "I will go back and prepare, and it will not be easy to take you out of the palace."

"Well, I am waiting for you." Ming Yu said seriously.

"You are waiting in the palace, don't go to somewhere else." Ming Xi was stunned.

Ming Yu looked up at Ming Xi, "I believe you, this time will not secretly go to the wasteland."

"No." Ming Xi smiled.

Back to the Qin Wangfu, the nephew and the fire phoenix are waiting for him.

"Ming Xi, we are almost ready, we can set off to the wasteland tonight." Fire Phoenix called.

"I have to bring another person." Ming Xi whispered, "Ming Yu wants to follow us."

The nephew looked out of the door. "How come you didn't see Mingyu?"

"Six uncles will not agree with Mingyu to go with us, to take away the jade, but also to go to the palace to bring her out first." Mingxi frowned and said, "I didn't want her to go, but... ... Ming Yu is very worried about Yan Xiaoliu."

From the palace, Ming Xi has been thinking about whether or not to bring Ming Yu to the wasteland.

It may be a good idea to leave Mingcheng with Kyoto. She will become the emperor of the Jin Dynasty in the future. She can’t even have a Kyoto city. He wants to protect Mingyu, but how can he protect Mingyu for a lifetime.

Ming Yu must learn to protect herself and let her go to the wilderness.

"It is very easy to take her out of the palace. I will go to her now." Fire Phoenix said.

"Don't look down on my uncle, I don't want to take away the jade." Mingxi shook his head. "You go to the city to wait for us. I went to the night after I went to the night."

My nephew said, "Then I will go with you. The royal palace is too purple, and your aura can't be used."

If you don't use spiritual power to hide it, taking away the jade will definitely be discovered by the six uncles.

"Good." Mingxi beheaded and said to the fire phoenix, "Then you go to the city to wait for us."

Fire Phoenix nodded, "No problem."



At night, Ming Yu accompanied Murong Yu to finish the dinner, pretending to be sleepy and going to sleep, sent away Murong Yu, she began to wait for Ming Xi to come to her.

She knows that there are secret guards around Fengyi Palace. Those people are trying to protect her. However, she is not worried. She thinks that Mingxi must have a way to take her away.

"Ming Yu..." came the voice of Mingxi outside.

"I am here!" Ming Yu immediately sat up from the bed and held a bag in his hand. "I am ready."

Ming Xi came in from the window and saw the neatly dressed jade. She saw that she had packed up all the bags, and some of them were crying and laughing. "We are leaving now, and the fire is waiting for us outside the city."

"Okay." Ming Yu said quickly, she refused to leave now.

"You follow the nephew." Ming Xi said, "She will take you out of the palace, I am behind you."

Ming Yu discovered that she was standing outside the window. She was a little surprised. Didn’t those blind guards see the nephew?

The nephew smiled at Ming Yu and waved at her. "Come on."

"Oh." Ming Yu returned to God and walked over to hold the hand of the nephew.

"Then I left with Ming Yu." The nephew said to Ming Xi, and took the hand of the nephew to fly in the air.

Mingxi looked around and saw that the dark guards had not found them. He made a little cover on Mingyu’s bed, and blew the lamp of the dormitory, leaving a piece of paper in the quilt, which left the window.

The dark guards hiding in the corner did not find their figure until the end. It was not that the martial arts of the dark guards were not good. They did not see the appearance of Ming Xi, and they were all hidden by the spiritual power of the deaf children.

Mingyu’s mood is a bit excited. This is the first time she has left Kyoto City since she remembered it, and she still sneaked away. When the father sees it tomorrow, it will definitely be furious.

However, her most exciting thing is that the original nephew will fly.

She thought that there was only a fire phoenix...

The nephew took her from the palace and flew out of the city. No one found them in the sky.


"Hey, are you and the fire phoen... are you from the same place?" Ming Yu looked at her with curiosity. She really wanted to know who her son was.

“Not really.” The nephew thought about it and said, “Our hometown is more beautiful.”

Ming Yu eyes brightly looked at the nephew.

"But I don't know where it is." The nephew laughed at Mingyu. "I never went back."

"How come, then what about your parents?" Ming Yu asked.

My nephew said, "Did I not tell you? I grew up with my grandfather and I have never seen my parents."

Ming Yu screamed, "What about your parents?"

"I don't know, but I will go to them later." He said with a smile.

"You will find it." Ming Yu comforted her and felt that her child was a strong girl. If she changed her, she might feel very sad.

The nephew took the hand of Ming Yu back to the ground. "When you arrive, will you ride a horse? If you can't ride a horse, just join me."

"I will!" Ming Yu immediately said, she could not guarantee other things, but her riding is still very good, he personally taught her for two years, saying that her riding is comparable to her mother.

"That's good, Fire Phoenix has already prepared for you, we have to step out of here." said the child.

Ming Yu discovered that under the hillside outside the city, Huo Huang took four horses waiting for them.

"Ming Xi has not come yet." Ming Yu called, worried that Ming Xi would not be discovered.

"You and your nephew go first, I am here waiting for Mingxi." Fire Phoenix said.

"In case Wan Xixi was discovered by the father..." Ming Yu was nervous. "I am still waiting here."

A figure flew from the darkness. "You don't have to wait, I am here."

"Ming Xi!" Ming Yu's face is a joy.

"Let's go, let's leave the official road before dawn." Mingxi said to them.

The four of them got on the horse and left Kyoto City as quickly as possible.

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