Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2158: Can't catch up

Murong was lying on the bed, his heart was inexplicably uneasy. He knew more than Ming Yu’s feelings about Yan Xiaoliu. She had already regarded Yan Xiaoliu as her own family. After learning that he was injured, actually Still so calm.

As if he said something, she believed that it was completely different from the performance at the beginning.

He sat up fiercely. I don't know why. The more he thought about it, the more he felt uncomfortable. What did Mingyu find today? Is it necessary to let Ming Xie do something?

Murong Yu put on his coat and he had to go to Fengyi Palace.

"The emperor?" Ford, who was snoring outside, heard the movement, was suddenly awakened, and hurried in.

"You don't have to be busy, go and see Mingyu, don't follow." Murong swayed and let Ford retreat. He was in a whim to see Mingyu.

Ford should have a cry, thinking that the emperor really cares about the jade, they are in the middle of the night, and they have to go to see it before they can feel at ease.

The palace in the middle of the night is very quiet. Occasionally, I can hear the sound of the patrol of the Yulin army. The land of the harem is quiet and deep. Murong squats with the lantern and walks fast. There is a Guardian army to see the lamp, and I want to come forward to check it. When I approached, I found out that it was Murong Yu, and quickly bowed down.

When Murong Yu came to Fengyi Palace, he was able to detect the dark guards in the surrounding corners. The Fengyi Palace was protected from dripping water. If someone came in and out, the secret guard would know.

"Who?" Who heard the sound in the outside, and hurriedly stood up. When he saw the person, he was scared to kneel down. "The slave has seen the emperor."

"Can the princess sleep well tonight?" Murong asked.

Condensed back, "The princess slept early and slept very well."

Murong Yu nodded and looked like it really fell asleep.

He turned and wanted to leave, but he did not know why, and his footsteps did not move.

"Get in and go see the princess." Murong whispered, quietly and silently into the hall.

In the account, the quilt on the bed was slightly arched, and Mingyu seemed to sleep well.

Murong Yu smiled and finally got peace of mind.

"Take care of the princess." Murong told the palace girl and turned and left the Fengyi Palace.

"Yes, the emperor." A condensed incense took a gift and watched Murong Yu leave the Fengyi Palace.

Condensed turned to look at the Mingyu in the account, the face smiled, the princess had such love, it was great.

I only hope that Yan Xiaoliu will come back safely, otherwise the princess will be very sad.

She picked up the account and wanted to cover Mingyu with the quilt. Hey, why didn't you see the princess? Did the princess sleep all the way inside the quilt?

When the scented quilt opened, the whole person was stunned.

What about the princess?

"Princess..." The scent called out. "Where are you, don't scare the slaves."

How could this be? After the princess fell asleep, she did not leave half a step. If there was any movement, she knew it.

"The princess is gone, the princess is gone..." The scented scented the entire sleeping hall and found that the figure of Mingyu was not found, and finally screamed out loud.

The surrounding guards heard the cry and immediately appeared in the sleeping hall.

"What's wrong?" Huang Chong asked for the fragrance.

The fragrant scent points to the bed, the quilt has been opened, there are only two pillows inside, where there is a figure of Mingyu.

"Go back to the emperor immediately!" Huang Chong called. "You, other people go to the princess with me!"

I hope that the princess just ran out of naughty, and don't do anything.

Murong Yu has not gone far, and the Fengyi Palace behind him suddenly lights up, and there is a loud noise coming.

He stopped and slammed back and looked at it. His eyes flashed a sigh of color. He immediately went back to the Fengyi Palace. After walking a few steps, he saw the rushing secret guard. "What happened?"

"The emperor, the princess is gone."

Murong’s face changed. “I immediately sent people to Qinwangfu to see if Mingxi was absent.”

"Yes." The dark guard did not dare to ask why the princess had disappeared and went to Qin Wangfu. He immediately went to death.

He did not go to Fengyi Palace again. Mingyu must have been in the palace at this time. Mingxi can quietly take Mingyu away, and certainly will not leave any clues.

"Emperor, the emperor!" Condensed flustered and ran over. "I found this on the princess's bed."

Murong took the note and saw the above content, his face was already gloomy.

"Prepare horses, 朕 go to chase!" Murong angered, it seems that Qin Wangfu does not have to go, certainly no one, Mingxi since this time to bring Mingyu out of the palace, must be left late.

In the quiet street, a snoring sounded, and some people who were not sleepy were woken up. They opened the window and saw a few flashes of shadow. They thought they were seeing ghosts and hurriedly retracted into the quilt.

Murong Yu went out of the city at the fastest speed. The official road was dark. Although there were street lights next to it, it didn't play much.

He has been chasing an hour, not even a half-person.

"The emperor..." Huang Chong whispered Murong, who has been chasing for so long, I am afraid that the princesses have already gone far.

"Will the princess still be in the city? They have a few children, it is impossible to run so fast." Someone whispered behind.

Murong Yu did not say anything. He knew that Mingxi could not stay in the city with Mingyu. He knew that if he said this, he would not be able to go tomorrow.

I don't know how long it has been chasing, and there is a white belly in the sky in the east.

The sky is slightly brighter.

Murong Yu chased the night, still did not catch up with Ming Xi.

He gradually slowed down and stopped at the trail on the hillside. The official road came to an end. To the front, there were separate paths. He could not catch up.

"The emperor..." Huang Chong looked at Murong Yu worriedly.

"Go back." Murong said indifferently, today is no need to go early.

When I returned to the city, it was already noon. The people who sent to Qinwangfu were waiting in the palace. The result was the same as Murong’s guess. Mingxi was no longer in the palace.

"The emperor, Xu Jinbei is still in the city." Song Yu said, he was called into the palace in the middle of the night, sealed Kyoto city for a long time, not letting people in and out, until the emperor came back to lift the ban.

He knows that Princess Mingyu is missing, and the emperor must be very anxious. However, the princess is following his brother and there should be no danger.

"Let Xu Jinbei enter the palace." Murong said immediately.

Ford immediately gave a cup of tea to Murong.

"Last night, did you hear anything about it?" Murong squatted and looked at Huang Chong.

Huang Chong himself was also confused. He was very vigilant last night, but he did not find Princess Ming Yu left.

"Return to the emperor, subordinates ... nothing found." Huang Chong bowed his head and said that for the disappearance of the princess, he felt that he could not blame.

Murong Yan looked at all the dark guards lying on the ground. They all stayed at the Fengyi Palace last night. For their martial arts, he has a lot of thoughts. Even if Mingxi is more powerful, it is impossible to take it silently. Ming Yu.

"You have not found it?" Murong asked in a deep voice.

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