Wang Qu was embarrassed, he just didn't know what to do, and they hinted at him before the tower, let him explore the tone of the wind, now Wang asked this, he did not know how to answer it. .

"Wang Ye..." Wang Qu coughed a little and asked what to ask in his heart.

Mo Rong Zhan Qing’s face was indifferent and his lips were slightly sloppy. He looked at Wang Qu’s eyes. For this former subordinate, he was too aware of what the other was thinking, not only him, even if he had not seen them, he I know what kind of answers they want.

"I just said when I came back that the emperor of Jinguo was an aunt." Murong Chan said faintly, "I am just a king of Qin."

Wang Xu’s eyes flashed a bit of surprise. He heard about it, but he thought that no one was willing to let go of the status of the Nine Five Five. "The emperor, the brethren are still loyal to you."

Murong Chan raised his eyebrows faintly. "Are you not loyal to the aunt?"

"Not... the end will not mean this." Wang Qu laughed a few times.

"That's good." Ink said, "Let the towers guard the borders of the country, you guard the country and the people."

Wang Qu straightened his waist. "Wang Ye, you will understand what you mean."

Murong Zhan sighed, "I haven't eaten dinner yet, eat first."

"Oh, okay." Wang Qu touched his stomach. He was indeed hungry. When he learned that Murong Chong came back, he didn't even eat rice and went to the shelter. Now it is already dark, and his stomach is already dark. Howl.

Not long after Wang Qu left, Ye Hao came back.

"Have you drunk?" She walked into the study, there was a touch of wine in the air, and she looked at Murong Zhan in a strange way. He hadn't drunk for a long time, and he was alone, and he came to drink.

"Wang Qu drank." Murong Cham's voice was low and sweet, and his eyes looked deep and quietly at Ye Xie.

Ye Hao walked up to him and picked up his toes and smelled his lips. "You also drank, told you that you can't drink now."

Murong has a thin lip and a slight hook, and her head is blocking her lips. She **** her little tongue and kisses it. After a moment, she muttered, "I drink fruit wine."

"That is also wine." Ye Hao said.

“Going to the hospital?” Murong Zhan has transferred this topic with interest. Since his injury, she has been very nervous about his body, no matter how he explained that the sea has recovered.

It’s not so easy to fool her now.

His temperament is restored, but it is still a lot worse than the cultivation of God on the mainland. It is no wonder that she has been very nervous, and even the spiritual power does not allow him to use more.

Ye Hao was sitting on her lap by Mo Rongzhan. She whispered, "I have seen it. There are many people who burn. I have to go see it tomorrow. I have to go to the hospital frequently these days. You play on your own. Have you seen the two assassins? Are they still not recruiting?"

Murong Zhan was so cold that he said the situation of the two assassins with Ye Hao. "... Let the Shen Dynasty bring the Qin Wangfu tomorrow, let's take a look."

"I have never heard of such a poison. Is the legendary poison doctor really there?" Ye Hao asked in surprise, she has been practicing medicine for so many years, she has never seen such a powerful poison, and she has never heard of anyone. Can concoct such poison.

Ink said that "you will see people tomorrow."

"Right, the place where Ming Xi said, when will we go and see." Ye Hao asked.

"No hurry, go back in two days." Murong Zhan said.

Ye Hao Xiumei picked, "You don't want to go alone, I tell you, you must go with me."

Murong Zhan laughed softly. He really wanted to go by himself. It seems that she already knows him too much. "Yes, ma'am."

"I don't know if there really is a big monster. If it is really so powerful, what should we do?" If their cultivation is not restricted, now they are not as good as the original 30%. The fifth-order monster has been very hard, let alone the big monster.

Mo Rongzhan said, "The big monsters are sealed a few teenagers. It is not so easy to come out. It is calculated and will not harm mortals. It used to be their place. The mortal used to protect them."

Ye Hao was very surprised after listening to it. She had never heard of the previous protection of the beast as a protector. "What is the top ten monsters?"

"I only know that the first one is the dragon. Your mortal seems to be called a python." Murong Chan said.

"Ah?" Ye said a little, the python is actually a big monster, "I thought the python was only in the legend..."

"Any legend is based on a certain basis. It is only a few thousand years ago, the legend and the truth are far apart." Murong Zhan said, does the mortal not regard the other two mainlanders as gods?

Ye Hao thought of the danger facing the mainland at this time, and she was afraid in her heart. She shrank in the arms of Mo Rongzhan. "I hope that the mainland will not encounter another catastrophe."

Murong Zhan glared at her and patted her back gently. "No."



The next day, Shen Wei did not send people, Ye Hao went to Lu Jia first, the news of her return should be passed to Lu Jia, if you do not go to see the mother, you must be read for a long time.

She just arrived at the gate of Lujia, just happened to meet Lu Shiming who came back early.

"Hey!" Ye Hao came down from the carriage and looked at him with a smile.

Lu Shiming stunned, and the serious and heavy face instantly showed a smile. "Hey, when did you come?"

"I just came, I am going to see my mother, I will meet you outside the door." Ye Hao said with a smile, "Is this good for half a year?"

“Can there be anything wrong?” Lu Shiming said with a smile. “Go, go in, your mother has been reading for a long time last night. If you don’t come today, she must go to Qin’s house in person.”

Ye Hao heard a smile, "Good."

"Isn't Wang Ye come with you?" Lu Shiming asked.

"No, he still has something." Ye Hao said, "Is Brother coming back?"

Lu Shiming laughed. "He is back. He was called by the emperor to speak. He will come back later."

Great, just as she has something to ask Lu Xiangzhi.

"Hey, there is something to tell you first." Lu Shiming suddenly said to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao looked back at him and said, "Hey, what?"

"When the morning was approaching, the prime minister had a memorial, saying that he was seriously ill in the palace, and the empress should take the Queen Mother back to Kyoto." Lu Shiming said in a low voice.

"..." Ye Hao slightly stunned, she is almost forgetting the existence of the Queen Mother.

Her memory was suddenly pulled away, remembering that when she was born again into the palace, the Queen Mother loved and pampered her. At that time, the Queen Mother really loved her.

"What did the emperor say?" Ye Hao whispered.

Lu Shiming said, "The emperor has not yet agreed."

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