Murong Yu will certainly not easily agree to this matter. The Queen Mother was sent to the palace by Murong Zhan himself, and the things that the Queen Mother did in the past were too much. If she returned to Kyoto, would she still be as bad as before? Lesser moths.

Ye Hao is not willing to think of the bad things of the Queen Mother, at least she has been better for herself.

When she entered the palace as a medical woman, the Queen Mother really cared for her and protected her from being bullied by Lu Shuanger.

“Is the Queen too sick?” Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

"I heard that there is dementia, I don't know what to do all day, the emperor has let the doctor go to the palace, and soon know the specific situation." Lu Shiming said, "Just... In any case, the Queen Mother has thousands of mistakes, Qin Wang in the end It is her own son, and the emperor can't even ignore her. The people in the world will definitely get sick."

Ye Xie took into account that the people of the world were unaware of why the Queen Mother was sent to the palace. Even if it was heard, after so many years, it is estimated that it has been forgotten.

Parents in the world! This sentence is enough for the literati to find various reasons to express their feelings for the Queen Mother.

What's more, Murong Yu is now in a high position. If he ignores the Queen Mother, a name that is not filial is enough to make him leave a stigma.

"What did the emperor say?" Ye Hao felt that Murong would not care if others praised him or yelled at him. Maybe he would not pick up the Queen Mother.

Lu Shiming shook his head and said, "Your Majesty feels that the palace is more suitable for sickness."

Sure enough! Ye Hao smiled bitterly. "Go back and talk to the prince, let the prince decide for himself."

"Well, this is the best." Lu Shiming nodded, the father and the daughter have already come to the Henghuamen, and there is already a ring to go back to Yu.

Just arrived in the upper house, a little boy came out from the door and shouted at Lu Shiming. "My grandfather came back, my grandfather accompanied me to play birds."

"Hey brother, don't make a fool!" Lu Shiming screamed at his face and said helplessly to Ye Hao. "This child is spoiled."

Ye Xiao smiled. "Isn't the child so funny? When you were a child, you often said that I was naughty, and my brother grew taller."

Lu Shiming looked at his daughter's face like a white jade, and some emotions, this has been so unconscious for so many years, "you still know that you were naughty when you were young."

"If a child is not naughty, sitting all day and stupidly, then you have to worry about it." Ye Hao blinked at the landing.

"What are the reasons!" Lu Shiming gave her a look.

Ye Xiao smiled and pinched the small face of Lu Xiangyu. "Next time, let Mingxi cousin take you to play."

"The last cousin took me to the hot springs, and took me to roast the pigs together." Lu Xiangying's eyes brightened, he liked his cousin too much, and surely there were new tricks every day.

"Bring the young master back." Lu Shiming reluctantly rubbed his eyebrows and said to the ring next to him.

Lu Xiangqi cried, "Grandfather, you promised to take me to the bird."

"You go to talk with your mother, I bring this little magic star to the back of the woods." Lu Shiming said.

When Ye Hao entered the room, he saw that Yu and Su Xiaoxiao were sitting in the hall and talking.

"Grandma is back!" Su Xiaoxiao first discovered Ye Hao's figure and smiled and said to Yu.

They are talking about Lu Shiming's next month's birthday. When he sees Ye Hao coming in, he smiles. "I am thinking about when you will come. If you come today, I will go to Qin Wangfu tomorrow."

"I miss my mother so much, naturally I have to come to you for the first time." Ye Hao kissed the hand of Yan, and smiled sweetly.

"Mother has been thinking of you since the early morning." Su Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

Yan’s lightly pointed to Ye’s forehead. “Where are you coming to me for the first time, why didn’t you come yesterday?”

"It was already late at night when I was free. How can I bother you?" Ye Hao smiled and turned to look at Su Xiaoxiao. "The scorpion seems to have reduced a lot."

"Since the younger one gave birth to the second child, the body is far less than before, and I have eaten a lot of tonics, or there is no use at all." Yu said, "You have time to give you a good conditioning."

Su Xiaoxiao laughed. "I am a small matter. My mother and Wang Hao haven't seen each other for a long time. I am going to prepare tea, and you can talk well."

When Su Xiaoxiao left, he took Ye Hao into the back room.

"Do you know the things about Mingyu?" The smile on Yan's face has disappeared, and his face is graceful. "How can I run to the wilderness like this? It is too dangerous. Waiting for her to come back this time. You still bring yourself there. There is no serious elder in the palace to teach her rules. Those who teach her aunts dare to say heavy words to her, let alone those who are embarrassed, clearly knowing that they are killing her. Since I know that Mingyu is missing, I can't sleep well in one night. You said what she thought of a child. For Yan Xiaoliu, she didn't care about her safety, and she didn't want to think about how much we would worry about her."

Ye Hao listened in silence, and nodded. "When Ming Yu came back, she didn't want to, I let her go to Qin Wangfu. Anyway, she didn't like me anyway. I just sang black face. she was."

When he heard it, he was even more sad. "How can it be done? Your mother and daughter have been separated for so many years. You must first ease the relationship. Hey, don't force her, and persuade her."

"Mother, in fact, this blames me. If it wasn't for me to be separated from her for so long, she wouldn't rely on Yan Xiaoliu at the beginning. Yan Xiaoliu grew up with her, and her feelings were different from ordinary people." Ye Hao said, and There is no such thing as the explanation of Jin Shanshan, and she said that she would definitely disagree with her, and it would be better to follow her.

"Yan Xiaoliu is a good boy. I am also hurt when he is injured." He said, "Hey, bring Mingyu back and talk about it."

Ye Hao said, "I am afraid that it is not so easy to bring back, there is Mingxi around her, and you don't have to worry too much."

He glanced at her. "Don't worry about Mingxi, I have to worry about my two grandchildren."

"Yes, in fact, I am also worried." Ye Hao quickly accompanied the laughter, and the interest was not at this time.

"I think your heart is very big, maybe you still think that Mingyu can go out better."

Sure enough, the female lady Mo Ruo! Ye Hao said a few laughs, "Mom, when is Big Brother coming back?"

"It should be coming back soon," said Yu. "You don't leave the topic open. I haven't finished it yet. Would you not leave soon after you come back?"

"No, this time I will stay." Ye Hao said that they still have a lot of things to solve in Kyoto City.

This is the only time that Yu has let go of Ye Hao and smile at her. "This is almost the same."

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