Ye Hao and Yu’s mother and daughter said a long time, if Lu Xiang’s return, I don’t know when to say it.

"I know that your brothers and sisters have something to say, I will go see the children, you talk."

Lu Xiangzhi and Ye Hao came to the study and it is more convenient to speak here.

"Big Brother, after we left, the epidemic was under control." Ye Hao asked.

"Yes, according to what you said, I quickly controlled it. After the dam was rebuilt, I went to Bohai City." Lu Xiangzhi said that after the two sat down, he and Ye Hao talked about the situation of Bohai City. "Now all the damaged areas are being rebuilt, and the imperial court has allocated a lot of silver to go down. It will return to its original state in less than two years."

Ye Hao assured, "That's good."

She is worried that the gap will be re-opened, and the consequences will be even more unimaginable.

Lu Xiangzhi whispered, "There is another thing to tell you, that is the Yuan Dynasty."

"It's related to the third brother." Ye Hao immediately understood what Lu Xiangzhi was going to say.

"The third brother is now waiting for the Yuanlin Academy. The water seems to value him very much." Lu Xiangzhi said, although Lu Tingzhi's reuse is a good thing, but he is inexplicably uneasy.

If he is in Jinguo, he does not have to worry, but there is the Yuan State.

As soon as the water clearly understood the identity of Lu Tingzhi, it was also clear that Lu Tingzhi might have been sent by him. How could he reuse Lu Tingzhi?

The status of the Hanlin Academy is very important. Generally, the emperor's cronies can be awaited, but anyone who can enter the Hanlin Academy and become awaiting will be considered a stepping stone for the cabinet minister.

Ye Hao is also surprised that he may not have doubts about the identity of Lu Tingzhi. Regardless of the measurement, he should first guard against Lu Tingzhi.

"A water is a suspicious person, the third brother is in contact with you, he must know, brother, you should not have a letter with the third brother in the future, so as not to hurt the third brother, if you want to contact the third brother, find another secret The method. "Ye Ye let Lu Tingzhi go to the Yuan Dynasty, not exactly want to use him to do things, she also hopes that he can really show his ambition, and does not want to hurt him.

"I know, so I have never written back to my third brother. I think he should know it too." Lu Xiangzhi said.

Ye Xiaomei was indulging. She couldn’t see what the water was like. For Lu Tingzhi, I don’t even know that it’s a blessing or a curse. I can only go with the flow. “What is the current situation in the Yuan Dynasty?”

Lu Xiangzhi said, "When you are not there, the Yuan Dynasty is actually he is the master. He is now enthroned. He is expected in the eyes of the court officials. However, the last time you saved so many people, many people now know the Scorpio. Already back, the folks have come up with other claims."

"Whatever the saying is good, now the water is the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, as long as he can treat the people kindly." Ye Hao whispered that she is not happy with the cruelty of the water now, but she is in the end Once a Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty, I still hope that the Yuan State will prosper under his rule.

"I heard that the water has been smashed a lot, and one of them is a girl from Ye family." Lu Xianghe hesitated and said.

Ye Hao slightly stunned, "Ye Wei?"

"Do you know?" Lu Xiang is very surprised.

"I have seen it before in the Yuan Dynasty." Ye Hao said faintly, it is not surprising that Ye Wei will enter the palace.

Lu Xiangzhi said, "Ye Wei is now a nobleman of the Yuan Dynasty. There is still something to tell you that Lu Shuanger is gone."

Ye Hao suddenly looked at Lu Xiangzhi, "What do you say?"

"The third brother told me that he wanted to see the big sister. When the water went to the cold palace to find someone, I realized that she had disappeared." Lu Xiangzhi whispered that he knew that his sister did not like Lu Shuanger, and he also disliked this selfishness. Self-interested cousin, so hesitated for a long time to say it.

"How is it possible? Who will let Lu Shuanger let go?" She locked Lu Shuanger in the harem of the Yuan Dynasty. The lock on the door was made by the cold iron. If there is no key, it needs a person with deep internal strength to open. She does not think that the harem Which palace person can open it.

Lu Xiangzhi shook his head. "The third brother doesn't know. Even the water doesn't know that Lu Shuanger is missing in the palace."

Ye Hao’s face sank, and the people who would help Lu Shuanger in the world are already dead. Who will let her go?

Seeing her sister's face ugly, Lu Xiang whispered, "Oh, the past grievances let her go, even if Lu Shuanger was let go, can she still turn the sky?"

"Some of the grudges can't go through." Ye Hao said faintly. For Lu Shuanger, she killed the dirty hands and didn't want to see her doing well, so she could only lock up and let her live in her own sins every day. .

The ability to let go of a person in the palace, except for a glimpse of water, is the embarrassment of entering the palace.

"Hey..." Lu Xiangzhi still wants to persuade her.

Ye Hao smiled. "Nothing, you are right. Lu Shuanger has no place to go now even if she leaves the Yuan Dynasty."

"You can think of it the best." Lu Xiangzhi said with a smile.

At this time, the sound of knocking on the door sounded outside, and the voice of Xiao Yan came. "Young master, little lady let the little one give you a snack."

Lu Xiangzhi’s face sank slightly, “Come in.”

"Xunzi really cares about his brother." Ye Hao saw Xiaoyan carrying a big food box and his eyes were all bent.

"Yeah." Lu Xiang's look faded Xiao Xiao.

Ye Hao saw that something was wrong. She knew that Lu Xiangzhi and Su Xiaoxiao had always had a very good relationship, not to mention that they were just young, how could it be such a face.

"You blind her..." Lu Xiang sighed. "The ear is too soft and easy to be taken away."

"The scorpion is kind, does not know how to refuse, or how to wait for you for so many years." Ye Hao laughed.

Lu Xiangzhi glanced at his sister. "I deliberately colded her for two days. I am not really angry. You don't need to say this to remind me."

After he came back, he realized that Su’s family had been talking about what he had said. He was too aware of the consequences of being a court official to intervene in the emperor’s harem. In the past, Lu’s family was still in Houfu, and then it was the best way to get a house. It is.

Not to mention that jade is still a princess in the palace, how can Lujia help the girl of Sujia to become a queen!

Su family is simply not aware of it!

"My brother has a good number in his heart. No matter what misunderstandings between husband and wife, you have to say it." Ye Hao said.

"I know." Lu Xiangzhi did not tell Su Shi's plan to tell Ye Hao. He always felt that the adult of Yue Zhang should not be so confused. He planned to go to Sujia today.

I only hope that the Su family will not be confused by others.

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