Su Xiaoxiao waited nervously in the room. Yesterday, she said that the wrong words made Lu Xiang’s unhappy. Today, he left without eating breakfast with her. She personally made his favorite food. Dim sum, I hope he can get rid of it.

"Little lady, the young master left the snack." Yan Huan came in and happily told Su Xiaoxiao.

Su Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. "Really?"

"The young master and Wang Hao spoke in the study, and the slaves saw the joy and took the food box into it," said the ring.

"Wang Hao and the young master..." Su Xiao’s face changed slightly, and the mood of relaxation was tense. I don’t know if Xiang Gong would tell Wang Hao what she said yesterday. If Wang Hao is so disgusted with her, what should she do?

She really has no choice. The mother always asks her to find a way to help Su Yingying. She can’t talk to her mother about it. What is Su’s idea? She is very clear in her heart. If Su Yingying can become a queen, then she will The children are smashed out. At that time, as long as the imperial court officials support the orthodox princes, even if the Princess Mingyu is no longer pampered, it is useless.

Su family did not understand Lu Jia’s feelings for Ming Yu. For her, she also felt that Ming Yu was more important.

However, she could not stand the pleading of her mother, so she began to test with Lu Xiangzhi.

"...We are now loyal to the emperor, the emperor wants to be the one who wants to seal who is the queen. It is not who can control it. In the future, no matter who becomes the prince, Lu will never intervene, and there is no need to mention this in the future."

This is what yesterday’s Xiang Gong said, making her feel like a slap in the face.

Since ancient times, only the courtiers of Mingzhe's preservation can go long-term. The Su family is involved in the danger of an uninformed result. She already knows the mistake, but she does not know how Xianggong views her.

If he said this to Qin Wangxi, Qin Wangyi did not blame her in the future.

To the extent that the in-laws love Qin Wang, she will definitely feel that her daughter-in-law is wrong.

"Little lady, your face is so ugly, are you okay?" The ring next to it noticed that Su was a little wrong and hurriedly held her down.

"I'm fine, don't sing." Su Xiaoxiao whispered, his face is already pale.

Yan Huan said, "Little lady, slave to go to the doctor, your hand is so cold."

Su Xiaoxiao took the hand of the ring, "Give me a cup of tea, and it will be fine in a while."

"But..." He looked at Su Xiaoxiao hesitantly.

"I said nothing is all right, go help me to pour tea." She did not want to give birth to a festival at this time, so as not to cause public dissatisfaction, thinking that she was deliberately sick.

There is no way to ring the ring, so I have to pour tea to Su Xiaoxiao.

At this time, Lu Xiangzhi’s voice came from outside, and he turned around and shouted at Su Xiaoxiao’s surprise. “Little lady, the young master is back.”

Su Xiaoxiao heard a joy and patted his cheek. "What does my face look like? Come and help me make up the rouge."

The curtains were slightly moving, and Lu Xiang’s tall and straight figure appeared in her sight, and he followed Ye Hao behind him.

Su Gongxiao stood up nervously, his hands clasped together, his eyes didn't even dare to go to see Ye Hao, thinking that she was going to come to the teacher to ask sin, "Wang Hao, how come you?"

Lu Xiang's frowning looked at Su Xiaoxiao's pale face, knowing that she certainly didn't sleep well last night. "I let you come to give you the pulse. Are you always cold in your hands and feet? Let you adjust it to you."

Su Xiaoxiao barely smiled and looked at Ye Hao with a sly look. "I just didn't sleep well, I don't have to worry about Wang Hao."

"The scorpion is too polite, this has any trouble." Ye Hao said with a smile, she only knows that Su Xiaoxiao is not flat for Mingyu, but Ye Hao does not think that there is any bad, at least prove that she is concerned about Mingyu.

Some people care about her daughter, can she still mind?

"We are a family, you will see it when you say it." Lu Xiangzhi said.

Hearing that Lu Xiangzhi said this, Su Xiaoxiao naturally refused to push it again. She smiled at Ye Hao. "Then there is Lao Wang."

Ye Hao sat down for Su Xiaoxiao to take the pulse, Lu Xiangzhi was watching next, the look was a little nervous, although he was well hidden, but still can see that he is very concerned about Su Xiaoxiao.

"Brother, don't stare here." Ye Hao said with a funny voice.

"Cough, I will take a look." Lu Xiangzhi coughed, covering the uncomfortable face.

Su Xiaoxiao looked at one of Lu Xiang’s eyes and his cheeks were slightly red.

Ye Hao gave Su Xiaoxiao a careful pulse and found that her pulse was weak. This is a manifestation of her body's profit and loss. "When the nephew is pregnant, is it a fetal gas?"

"When she went back to her family, she accidentally fell." Lu Xiang said, "I have been lying in bed for half a month to stabilize."

"But it was very smooth when I was born." Su Xiaoxiao explained that at that time, he blamed himself for being careless, and went out to the garden to eat with his sister. She only hung in the heart and didn’t know when she came back, and she didn’t pay attention to her feet. of.

Ye Hao gently nodded. "The scorpion must be too worried after the birth of the child. I didn't adjust my body well, so my body is a little imaginary. I have a long time to sit dizzy and lie down for a long time. You should pay attention to relaxation."

Su Xiaoxiao laughed. "I have eaten a lot of supplements."

“Have you heard that the virtual is not to be supplemented?” Ye said. “I will prescribe a prescription. You will eat for a few days and have a good color to make up.”

"Listen to the sly." Lu Xiangzhi frowned on Su Xiao's novels.

Su Xiaoxiao never reversed the meaning of Lu Xiangzhi, she nodded, "OK."

Ye Hao saw their husband and wife's love, and my heart was happy. "Then I will go back first, and let people send medicine later."

"There are pharmacies in the house, and there are medicines in them." Su Xiaoshu said.

"Some medicines are not available at home." Ye Hao smiled, she was planning to take the elixir to adjust to Su Xiaoxiao.

Lu Xiangzhi said, "I will let people go to Qin Wangfu for medicine."

"Okay, then I will go first." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Su Xiaoxiao stood up and sent, Ye Hao said goodbye to them and went to find the goodbye.

"People are..." Su Xiaoxiao looked at Lu Xiangzhi nervously.

"Yesterday, I was too heavy to talk. Don't worry about it, but if something I don't say, I am afraid that you will be confused." Lu Xiangzhi whispered.

Su Xiaoxiao hurriedly said, "I have said these words when I see you shortly. I am wrong."

"What words did you say that your mother-in-law told you?" Lu Xiang asked in a low voice.

"Mother is just a woman, I think things are inevitable, I will go to persuade her." Su Xiao novel, afraid of Lu Xiangzhi to look at her family.

Lu Xiangzhi said, "You don't have to say this thing, or wait until I have seen Yuezhang and decide."

"You want to see me?" Su Xiaoxiao asked strangely.

"Well, I should have visited it. Let's go together tomorrow." Lu Xiang said.

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