Ye Hao returned to the Qin Wangfu. Shen Shen had already sent one of the assassins. He was placed in the back hood of the front yard, surrounded by dark guards.

Yesterday, Murong Chong injected a hint of spiritual power into the assassin's forehead, stimulating the most painful place in the human body. The assassin finally stopped feeling like a dead person, but still couldn't ask useful words.

"Wang Ye, Wang Hao, they only recruited people who were hired to assassinate the princess, but when asked who they are, they would not say a word." Shen said.

"It seems that they are organized killers." Ye Hao whispered, "Let me see if I can detoxify."

Ink Murray said, "Don't touch their skin."

"I know." Ye Hao nodded gently, put a silk scarf on the assassin's wrist before he took the pulse for him, and checked other symptoms on his body, and he could not help but be shocked.

She has been practicing medicine for so many years, and has seen many medical books. Among them, there are many materials about poison. With her unforgettable skills, she is sure that she has never seen such a poisoned medical case.

There are even poisons that can cause such a situation to be unclear.

It is no wonder that the spiritual power of even Murong Chong can't let them tell the truth, the poison on them is too powerful.

Ye Hao took a porcelain bottle from her arms and poured Lingquan into the mouth of the assassin. She didn't know what poison they were, so there was no way to solve the problem. I could only try it with Lingquan.

Although Lingquan cannot completely detoxify, it can at least alleviate their suffering.

"His internal organs have been poisoned, even if there are ... medicines, it is only temporarily let them wake up." Ye Hao looked at Murong Zhan, because there is a sinking presence, she did not say that it is Lingquan.

"It will be fine to let him wake up and answer questions." Murong Cham said that people who want to hurt Mingyu will not let them live.

"Ah..." The assassin, who had been sleeping, suddenly shouted.

Shen Shen was shocked. "Is he aware?"

After catching them for so long, it was the first time that the assassin had a strong reaction.

"Who are you?" Shen Shen immediately asked as he held the assassin's shoulder.

"Pain! Kill me! Kill me!" The assassin shouted in pain, and his face was twisted and became terrible.

Suddenly, he quickly stopped his acupuncture point and wanted him to stop struggling. However, it did not work. The assassin still screamed in pain, and pushed out the sinking, and his strength was amazing.

Murong Zhan guarded Ye Hao back a few steps, and did not stop the assassin's struggle.

"I beg you, kill me!" The assassin shouted in his stomach. He had never been so painful. He felt that his body was bitten, painful and uncomfortable. He would rather die.

"Who sent you to kill the princess?" asked Shen.

The assassin called. "I don't know. I really don't know. Someone wants us to kill. We don't know who is going to kill..."

“Who is it?” Murong Zhan asked coldly, “Whose order do you listen to?”

"Wei...the main lord..." The assassin turned pale, and after just finished these three words, he fell to the ground with a convulsion.

Suddenly rushed forward to investigate, and turned back to Murong Zhan shaking his head, "Wang Ye, he is dead."

"Who is the guardian?" Ye Hao frowned and asked, is it Wei or Wei?

"Only by a surname, it is not good to judge who it is." Murong Zhan said, "Maybe the aunt will know."

Mo Rongzhan feels that this behind-the-scenes mastermind is not just a thousand Luozha people. Murong Yu has already cleaned up thousands of Luochao. It is true that there is a possibility and it is possible to kill Mingyu, which must have been solved.

This guardian is only a person who collects money and does things at best.

"Wang Ye, Wang Hao, look!" Suddenly, a sudden scream.

There was a blood hole in the assassin's body. The skin of the whole body was corroding at a speed visible to the naked eye. The blood hole was getting bigger and bigger, and the black blood was spreading under his body. The picture looked terrible.

For the first time, Ye Hao saw such a picture. She grabbed the hand of ink-filled Zhan, and there were two words in her mind.

In addition to scorpion venom, she couldn't think of any poison that could be so powerful.

"What is this?" Sinking his nose and seeing the assassin crawling out of a worm of the same size as an ant.

The worms crawl very fast, they are quickly looking for the next host, otherwise they will leave the blood and they will die immediately.

Murong Chan set up an enchantment around the assassin. The worms couldn't open the enchantment, and they were anxiously drilling on the ground. Not long after, the assassin's skin was all smothered by insects, leaving only a pile of black bones.

The group of insects could not find the next host, and they quickly moved on the ground.

"Is this... locust?" Ye Hao's face was white, and she had never seen such a locust when she was caught in the priest's house.

"He was fed, no wonder..." Shen Shen swallowed, he didn't know how Murong Chan couldn't make the bugs, but he thought that if it wasn't Wang, he might be lying there. The assassin is the same.

Murong Zhan said with a deep voice, "Go to the dark guardhouse immediately, burn the assassin and burn it. No one should be close. These insects live in the human body. When they leave the human body, they will find the next host. Without blood. Die, be careful."

I am thinking of the terrible worms. "I will go right away."

"Azhan!" Ye Hao knows that he has just set up an enchantment. "What exactly is this?"

Murong Zhan pinched her hand and whispered, "The blood worm, the blood sorcerer controls other things, the eggs in the host body, the eggs in the human body to nourish and nourish, control the host's thoughts, these worms It’s not yet fully formed, it seems that your spirit is stimulating them.”

Ye Hao has never heard of Gorefiend and blood worms before. "What if it is shaped..."

"The Gorefiend will take the eggs back, and the host will die." Murong Chong said coldly.

To put it bluntly, blood worms are tools for **** demon cultivation.

"The Gorefiend... is also from the ridiculous hell?" Ye Hao asked, thinking of such a terrible monster, her back was cold.

Murong Zhan held her hand and explained to her in a low voice. "The Gorefiend is not a monster. In the legend, the big monster once taught mortals to practice, and the mortal practiced the monster of the big monster, and later became the Gorefiend. ""

Ye Hao took a deep breath. "I don't care if they are big monsters or gorefiends. Why do they want to kill Mingyu?"

In the end, there are still many terrible big monsters hidden in the earth. The enemy is dark, how can they find out?

"The Gorefiend can't live for thousands of years. They are not big monsters. Now the Gorefiend in the human world should be just cultivated into a demon." Ink said, "The big monsters appear, the world is going to be chaotic."

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